<%namespace name="base" file="/base/base.mako"/> <% elems = [ (_('Created on'), h.format_date(c.user.created_on), '', ''), (_('Source of Record'), c.user.extern_type, '', ''), (_('Last login'), c.user.last_login or '-', '', ''), (_('Last activity'), c.user.last_activity, '', ''), (_('Repositories'), len(c.user.repositories), '', [x.repo_name for x in c.user.repositories]), (_('Repository groups'), len(c.user.repository_groups), '', [x.group_name for x in c.user.repository_groups]), (_('User groups'), len(c.user.user_groups), '', [x.users_group_name for x in c.user.user_groups]), (_('Member of User groups'), len(c.user.group_member), '', [x.users_group.users_group_name for x in c.user.group_member]), (_('Force password change'), c.user.user_data.get('force_password_change', 'False'), '', ''), ] %>

${_('User: %s') % c.user.username}


${_('Force Password Reset')}

${h.secure_form(h.url('force_password_reset_user', user_id=c.user.user_id), method='post')}
${_("When this is enabled user will have to change they password when they next use RhodeCode system. This will also forbid vcs operations until someone makes a password change in the web interface")}

${_('Personal Repository Group')}

${h.secure_form(h.url('create_personal_repo_group', user_id=c.user.user_id), method='post')} %if c.personal_repo_group:
${_('Users personal repository group')} : ${h.link_to(c.personal_repo_group.group_name, url('repo_group_home', group_name=c.personal_repo_group.group_name))}
${_('This user currently does not have a personal repository group')}
${_('New group will be created at: `/%(path)s`') % {'path': c.personal_repo_group_name}}
%endif ${h.end_form()}

${_('Delete User')}

${h.secure_form(h.url('delete_user', user_id=c.user.user_id), method='delete')}
${ungettext('This user owns %s repository.', 'This user owns %s repositories.', len(c.user.repositories)) % len(c.user.repositories)} %if len(c.user.repositories) > 0: %endif %if len(c.user.repositories) > 0: %endif
${ungettext('This user owns %s repository group.', 'This user owns %s repository groups.', len(c.user.repository_groups)) % len(c.user.repository_groups)} %if len(c.user.repository_groups) > 0: %endif %if len(c.user.repository_groups) > 0: %endif
${ungettext('This user owns %s user group.', 'This user owns %s user groups.', len(c.user.user_groups)) % len(c.user.user_groups)} %if len(c.user.user_groups) > 0: %endif %if len(c.user.user_groups) > 0: %endif
% if c.can_delete_user_message:


% endif
%if len(c.user.repositories) > 0 or len(c.user.repository_groups) > 0 or len(c.user.user_groups) > 0:

${_("When selecting the detach option, the depending objects owned by this user will be assigned to the `%s` super admin in the system. The delete option will delete the user's repositories!") % (c.first_admin.full_name)}
