# ; ################################# ; RHODECODE VCSSERVER CONFIGURATION ; ################################# [server:main] ; COMMON HOST/IP CONFIG host = port = 9900 ; ########################### ; GUNICORN APPLICATION SERVER ; ########################### ; run with gunicorn --log-config rhodecode.ini --paste rhodecode.ini ; Module to use, this setting shouldn't be changed use = egg:gunicorn#main [app:main] ; The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the absolute path of parent directory ; of this file use = egg:rhodecode-vcsserver ; Pyramid default locales, we need this to be set pyramid.default_locale_name = en ; default locale used by VCS systems locale = en_US.UTF-8 ; path to binaries for vcsserver, it should be set by the installer ; at installation time, e.g /home/user/vcsserver-1/profile/bin ; it can also be a path to nix-build output in case of development core.binary_dir = ; Custom exception store path, defaults to TMPDIR ; This is used to store exception from RhodeCode in shared directory #exception_tracker.store_path = ; ############# ; DOGPILE CACHE ; ############# ; Default cache dir for caches. Putting this into a ramdisk can boost performance. ; eg. /tmpfs/data_ramdisk, however this directory might require large amount of space cache_dir = %(here)s/data ; *************************************** ; `repo_object` cache, default file based ; *************************************** ; `repo_object` cache settings for vcs methods for repositories rc_cache.repo_object.backend = dogpile.cache.rc.memory_lru ; cache auto-expires after N seconds ; Examples: 86400 (1Day), 604800 (7Days), 1209600 (14Days), 2592000 (30days), 7776000 (90Days) rc_cache.repo_object.expiration_time = 2592000 ; file cache store path. Defaults to `cache_dir =` value or tempdir if both values are not set #rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.filename = /tmp/vcsserver_cache.db ; *********************************************************** ; `repo_object` cache with redis backend ; recommended for larger instance, and for better performance ; *********************************************************** ; `repo_object` cache settings for vcs methods for repositories #rc_cache.repo_object.backend = dogpile.cache.rc.redis_msgpack ; cache auto-expires after N seconds ; Examples: 86400 (1Day), 604800 (7Days), 1209600 (14Days), 2592000 (30days), 7776000 (90Days) #rc_cache.repo_object.expiration_time = 2592000 ; redis_expiration_time needs to be greater then expiration_time #rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.redis_expiration_time = 3592000 #rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.host = localhost #rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.port = 6379 #rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.db = 5 #rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.socket_timeout = 30 ; more Redis options: https://dogpilecache.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/api.html#redis-backends #rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.distributed_lock = true # legacy cache regions, please don't change beaker.cache.regions = repo_object beaker.cache.repo_object.type = memorylru beaker.cache.repo_object.max_items = 100 # cache auto-expires after N seconds beaker.cache.repo_object.expire = 300 beaker.cache.repo_object.enabled = true ; ##################### ; LOGGING CONFIGURATION ; ##################### [loggers] keys = root, vcsserver [handlers] keys = console [formatters] keys = generic ; ####### ; LOGGERS ; ####### [logger_root] level = NOTSET handlers = console [logger_vcsserver] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = vcsserver propagate = 1 ; ######## ; HANDLERS ; ######## [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr, ) level = DEBUG formatter = generic ; ########## ; FORMATTERS ; ########## [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(process)d] %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S