# # About # ===== # # This file defines jobs for our CI system and the attribute "build" is used # as the input for packaging. # # # CI details # ========== # # This file defines an attribute set of derivations. Each of these attributes is # then used in our CI system as one job to run. This way we keep the # configuration for the CI jobs as well under version control. # # Run CI jobs locally # ------------------- # # Since it is all based on normal Nix derivations, the jobs can be tested # locally with a run of "nix-build" like the following example: # # nix-build release.nix -A test-api -I vcsserver=~/rhodecode-vcsserver # # Note: Replace "~/rhodecode-vcsserver" with a path where a clone of the # vcsserver resides. { pkgs ? import {} }: let inherit (pkgs) stdenv system; testing = import { inherit system; }; runInMachine = testing.runInMachine; sphinx = import ./docs/default.nix {}; mkDocs = kind: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = kind; srcs = [ (./. + (builtins.toPath "/${kind}")) (builtins.filterSource (path: type: baseNameOf path == "VERSION") ./rhodecode) ]; sourceRoot = kind; buildInputs = [ sphinx ]; configurePhase = null; buildPhase = '' make SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build html ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out mv _build/html $out/ mkdir -p $out/nix-support echo "doc manual $out/html index.html" >> \ "$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products" ''; }; enterprise = import ./default.nix { inherit pkgs; # TODO: for quick local testing doCheck = false; }; test-cfg = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "test-cfg"; unpackPhase = "true"; buildInputs = [ enterprise.src ]; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/etc cp ${enterprise.src}/test.ini $out/etc/enterprise.ini # TODO: johbo: Needed, so that the login works, this causes # probably some side effects substituteInPlace $out/etc/enterprise.ini --replace "is_test = True" "" # Gevent configuration cp $out/etc/enterprise.ini $out/etc/enterprise-gevent.ini; cat >> $out/etc/enterprise-gevent.ini < /dev/null echo "Starting rcserver" vcsserver --config ${vcsserverCfg} >vcsserver.log 2>&1 & rcserver enterprise.ini >rcserver.log 2>&1 & while ! curl -f -s http://localhost:5000 > /dev/null do echo "Waiting for server to be ready..." sleep 3 done echo "Webserver is ready." echo "Starting the test run" py.test -c example.ini -vs --maxfail=5 tests echo "Kill rcserver" kill %2 kill %1 ''; # TODO: johbo: Use the install phase again once the normal mkDerivation # can be used again. postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out cp enterprise.ini $out cp ${vcsserverCfg} $out/vcsserver.ini cp rcserver.log $out cp vcsserver.log $out mkdir -p $out/nix-support echo "report config $out enterprise.ini" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products echo "report config $out vcsserver.ini" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products echo "report rcserver $out rcserver.log" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products echo "report vcsserver $out vcsserver.log" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products ''; }; vcsserver = import { inherit pkgs; # TODO: johbo: Think of a more elegant solution to this problem pythonExternalOverrides = self: super: (enterprise.myPythonPackagesUnfix self); }; runTests = optionString: (enterprise.override (attrs: { doCheck = true; name = "test-run"; buildInputs = attrs.buildInputs ++ [ vcsserver ]; checkPhase = '' py.test ${optionString} -vv -ra ''; buildPhase = attrs.shellHook; installPhase = '' echo "Intentionally not installing anything" ''; meta.description = "Enterprise test run ${optionString}"; })); jobs = { build = enterprise; # johbo: Currently this is simply running the tests against the sources. Nicer # would be to run xdist and against the installed application, so that we also # cover the impact of installing the application. test-api = runTests "rhodecode/api"; test-functional = runTests "rhodecode/tests/functional"; test-rest = runTests "rhodecode/tests --ignore=rhodecode/tests/functional"; test-full = runTests "rhodecode"; docs = mkDocs "docs"; aggregate = pkgs.releaseTools.aggregate { name = "aggregated-jobs"; constituents = [ jobs.build jobs.test-api jobs.test-rest jobs.docs ]; }; }; in jobs