# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste # (http://pythonpaste.org) Licensed under the MIT license: # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # # For discussion of daemonizing: # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/278731 # # Code taken also from QP: http://www.mems-exchange.org/software/qp/ From # lib/site.py import atexit import errno import fnmatch import logging import optparse import os import re import subprocess32 import sys import textwrap import threading import time import traceback from logging.config import fileConfig import ConfigParser as configparser from paste.deploy import loadserver from paste.deploy import loadapp import rhodecode from rhodecode.lib.compat import kill def make_web_build_callback(filename): p = subprocess32.Popen('make web-build', shell=True, stdout=subprocess32.PIPE, stderr=subprocess32.PIPE, cwd=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stdout = ''.join(stdout) stderr = ''.join(stderr) if stdout: print stdout if stderr: print ('%s %s %s' % ('-' * 20, 'ERRORS', '-' * 20)) print stderr MAXFD = 1024 HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) SERVER_RUNNING_FILE = None # watch those extra files for changes, server gets restarted if file changes GLOBAL_EXTRA_FILES = { 'rhodecode/public/css/*.less': make_web_build_callback, 'rhodecode/public/js/src/**/*.js': make_web_build_callback, } ## HOOKS - inspired by gunicorn # def when_ready(server): """ Called just after the server is started. """ def _remove_server_running_file(): if os.path.isfile(SERVER_RUNNING_FILE): os.remove(SERVER_RUNNING_FILE) if SERVER_RUNNING_FILE: with open(SERVER_RUNNING_FILE, 'wb') as f: f.write(str(os.getpid())) # register cleanup of that file when server exits atexit.register(_remove_server_running_file) def setup_logging(config_uri, fileConfig=fileConfig, configparser=configparser): """ Set up logging via the logging module's fileConfig function with the filename specified via ``config_uri`` (a string in the form ``filename#sectionname``). ConfigParser defaults are specified for the special ``__file__`` and ``here`` variables, similar to PasteDeploy config loading. """ path, _ = _getpathsec(config_uri, None) parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.read([path]) if parser.has_section('loggers'): config_file = os.path.abspath(path) return fileConfig( config_file, {'__file__': config_file, 'here': os.path.dirname(config_file)} ) def set_rhodecode_is_test(config_uri): """If is_test is defined in the config file sets rhodecode.is_test.""" path, _ = _getpathsec(config_uri, None) parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.read(path) rhodecode.is_test = ( parser.has_option('app:main', 'is_test') and parser.getboolean('app:main', 'is_test')) def _getpathsec(config_uri, name): if '#' in config_uri: path, section = config_uri.split('#', 1) else: path, section = config_uri, 'main' if name: section = name return path, section def parse_vars(args): """ Given variables like ``['a=b', 'c=d']`` turns it into ``{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}`` """ result = {} for arg in args: if '=' not in arg: raise ValueError( 'Variable assignment %r invalid (no "=")' % arg) name, value = arg.split('=', 1) result[name] = value return result def _match_pattern(filename): for pattern in GLOBAL_EXTRA_FILES: if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern): return pattern return False def generate_extra_file_list(): extra_list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(HERE, topdown=True): for fname in files: stripped_src = os.path.join( 'rhodecode', os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, fname), HERE)) if _match_pattern(stripped_src): extra_list.append(stripped_src) return extra_list def run_callback_for_pattern(filename): pattern = _match_pattern(filename) if pattern: _file_callback = GLOBAL_EXTRA_FILES.get(pattern) if callable(_file_callback): _file_callback(filename) class DaemonizeException(Exception): pass class RcServerCommand(object): usage = '%prog config_uri [start|stop|restart|status] [var=value]' description = """\ This command serves a web application that uses a PasteDeploy configuration file for the server and application. If start/stop/restart is given, then --daemon is implied, and it will start (normal operation), stop (--stop-daemon), or do both. You can also include variable assignments like 'http_port=8080' and then use %(http_port)s in your config files. """ default_verbosity = 1 parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage, description=textwrap.dedent(description) ) parser.add_option( '-n', '--app-name', dest='app_name', metavar='NAME', help="Load the named application (default main)") parser.add_option( '-s', '--server', dest='server', metavar='SERVER_TYPE', help="Use the named server.") parser.add_option( '--server-name', dest='server_name', metavar='SECTION_NAME', help=("Use the named server as defined in the configuration file " "(default: main)")) parser.add_option( '--with-vcsserver', dest='vcs_server', action='store_true', help=("Start the vcsserver instance together with the RhodeCode server")) if hasattr(os, 'fork'): parser.add_option( '--daemon', dest="daemon", action="store_true", help="Run in daemon (background) mode") parser.add_option( '--pid-file', dest='pid_file', metavar='FILENAME', help=("Save PID to file (default to pyramid.pid if running in " "daemon mode)")) parser.add_option( '--running-file', dest='running_file', metavar='RUNNING_FILE', help="Create a running file after the server is initalized with " "stored PID of process") parser.add_option( '--log-file', dest='log_file', metavar='LOG_FILE', help="Save output to the given log file (redirects stdout)") parser.add_option( '--reload', dest='reload', action='store_true', help="Use auto-restart file monitor") parser.add_option( '--reload-interval', dest='reload_interval', default=1, help=("Seconds between checking files (low number can cause " "significant CPU usage)")) parser.add_option( '--monitor-restart', dest='monitor_restart', action='store_true', help="Auto-restart server if it dies") parser.add_option( '--status', action='store_true', dest='show_status', help="Show the status of the (presumably daemonized) server") parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', default=default_verbosity, dest='verbose', action='count', help="Set verbose level (default "+str(default_verbosity)+")") parser.add_option( '-q', '--quiet', action='store_const', const=0, dest='verbose', help="Suppress verbose output") if hasattr(os, 'setuid'): # I don't think these are available on Windows parser.add_option( '--user', dest='set_user', metavar="USERNAME", help="Set the user (usually only possible when run as root)") parser.add_option( '--group', dest='set_group', metavar="GROUP", help="Set the group (usually only possible when run as root)") parser.add_option( '--stop-daemon', dest='stop_daemon', action='store_true', help=('Stop a daemonized server (given a PID file, or default ' 'pyramid.pid file)')) _scheme_re = re.compile(r'^[a-z][a-z]+:', re.I) _reloader_environ_key = 'PYTHON_RELOADER_SHOULD_RUN' _monitor_environ_key = 'PASTE_MONITOR_SHOULD_RUN' possible_subcommands = ('start', 'stop', 'restart', 'status') def __init__(self, argv, quiet=False): self.options, self.args = self.parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if quiet: self.options.verbose = 0 def out(self, msg): # pragma: no cover if self.options.verbose > 0: print(msg) def get_options(self): if (len(self.args) > 1 and self.args[1] in self.possible_subcommands): restvars = self.args[2:] else: restvars = self.args[1:] return parse_vars(restvars) def run(self): # pragma: no cover if self.options.stop_daemon: return self.stop_daemon() if not hasattr(self.options, 'set_user'): # Windows case: self.options.set_user = self.options.set_group = None # @@: Is this the right stage to set the user at? self.change_user_group( self.options.set_user, self.options.set_group) if not self.args: self.out('Please provide configuration file as first argument, ' 'most likely it should be production.ini') return 2 app_spec = self.args[0] if (len(self.args) > 1 and self.args[1] in self.possible_subcommands): cmd = self.args[1] else: cmd = None if self.options.reload: if os.environ.get(self._reloader_environ_key): if self.options.verbose > 1: self.out('Running reloading file monitor') install_reloader(int(self.options.reload_interval), [app_spec] + generate_extra_file_list()) # if self.requires_config_file: # watch_file(self.args[0]) else: return self.restart_with_reloader() if cmd not in (None, 'start', 'stop', 'restart', 'status'): self.out( 'Error: must give start|stop|restart (not %s)' % cmd) return 2 if cmd == 'status' or self.options.show_status: return self.show_status() if cmd == 'restart' or cmd == 'stop': result = self.stop_daemon() if result: if cmd == 'restart': self.out("Could not stop daemon; aborting") else: self.out("Could not stop daemon") return result if cmd == 'stop': return result self.options.daemon = True if cmd == 'start': self.options.daemon = True app_name = self.options.app_name vars = self.get_options() if self.options.vcs_server: vars['vcs.start_server'] = 'true' if self.options.running_file: global SERVER_RUNNING_FILE SERVER_RUNNING_FILE = self.options.running_file if not self._scheme_re.search(app_spec): app_spec = 'config:' + app_spec server_name = self.options.server_name if self.options.server: server_spec = 'egg:pyramid' assert server_name is None server_name = self.options.server else: server_spec = app_spec base = os.getcwd() if getattr(self.options, 'daemon', False): if not self.options.pid_file: self.options.pid_file = 'pyramid.pid' if not self.options.log_file: self.options.log_file = 'pyramid.log' # Ensure the log file is writeable if self.options.log_file: try: writeable_log_file = open(self.options.log_file, 'a') except IOError as ioe: msg = 'Error: Unable to write to log file: %s' % ioe raise ValueError(msg) writeable_log_file.close() # Ensure the pid file is writeable if self.options.pid_file: try: writeable_pid_file = open(self.options.pid_file, 'a') except IOError as ioe: msg = 'Error: Unable to write to pid file: %s' % ioe raise ValueError(msg) writeable_pid_file.close() if getattr(self.options, 'daemon', False): try: self.daemonize() except DaemonizeException as ex: if self.options.verbose > 0: self.out(str(ex)) return 2 if (self.options.monitor_restart and not os.environ.get(self._monitor_environ_key)): return self.restart_with_monitor() if self.options.pid_file: self.record_pid(self.options.pid_file) if self.options.log_file: stdout_log = LazyWriter(self.options.log_file, 'a') sys.stdout = stdout_log sys.stderr = stdout_log logging.basicConfig(stream=stdout_log) log_fn = app_spec if log_fn.startswith('config:'): log_fn = app_spec[len('config:'):] elif log_fn.startswith('egg:'): log_fn = None if log_fn: log_fn = os.path.join(base, log_fn) setup_logging(log_fn) set_rhodecode_is_test(log_fn) server = self.loadserver(server_spec, name=server_name, relative_to=base, global_conf=vars) # starting hooks app = self.loadapp(app_spec, name=app_name, relative_to=base, global_conf=vars) if self.options.verbose > 0: if hasattr(os, 'getpid'): msg = 'Starting %s in PID %i.' % (__name__, os.getpid()) else: msg = 'Starting %s.' % (__name__,) self.out(msg) if SERVER_RUNNING_FILE: self.out('PID file written as %s' % (SERVER_RUNNING_FILE, )) elif not self.options.pid_file: self.out('No PID file written by default.') try: when_ready(server) server(app) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: if self.options.verbose > 1: raise if str(e): msg = ' ' + str(e) else: msg = '' self.out('Exiting%s (-v to see traceback)' % msg) def loadapp(self, app_spec, name, relative_to, **kw): # pragma: no cover return loadapp(app_spec, name=name, relative_to=relative_to, **kw) def loadserver(self, server_spec, name, relative_to, **kw): # pragma:no cover return loadserver( server_spec, name=name, relative_to=relative_to, **kw) def quote_first_command_arg(self, arg): # pragma: no cover """ There's a bug in Windows when running an executable that's located inside a path with a space in it. This method handles that case, or on non-Windows systems or an executable with no spaces, it just leaves well enough alone. """ if sys.platform != 'win32' or ' ' not in arg: # Problem does not apply: return arg try: import win32api except ImportError: raise ValueError( "The executable %r contains a space, and in order to " "handle this issue you must have the win32api module " "installed" % arg) arg = win32api.GetShortPathName(arg) return arg def daemonize(self): # pragma: no cover pid = live_pidfile(self.options.pid_file) if pid: raise DaemonizeException( "Daemon is already running (PID: %s from PID file %s)" % (pid, self.options.pid_file)) if self.options.verbose > 0: self.out('Entering daemon mode') pid = os.fork() if pid: # The forked process also has a handle on resources, so we # *don't* want proper termination of the process, we just # want to exit quick (which os._exit() does) os._exit(0) # Make this the session leader os.setsid() # Fork again for good measure! pid = os.fork() if pid: os._exit(0) # @@: Should we set the umask and cwd now? import resource # Resource usage information. maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1] if maxfd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY: maxfd = MAXFD # Iterate through and close all file descriptors. for fd in range(0, maxfd): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: # ERROR, fd wasn't open to begin with (ignored) pass if hasattr(os, "devnull"): REDIRECT_TO = os.devnull else: REDIRECT_TO = "/dev/null" os.open(REDIRECT_TO, os.O_RDWR) # standard input (0) # Duplicate standard input to standard output and standard error. os.dup2(0, 1) # standard output (1) os.dup2(0, 2) # standard error (2) def _remove_pid_file(self, written_pid, filename, verbosity): current_pid = os.getpid() if written_pid != current_pid: # A forked process must be exiting, not the process that # wrote the PID file return if not os.path.exists(filename): return with open(filename) as f: content = f.read().strip() try: pid_in_file = int(content) except ValueError: pass else: if pid_in_file != current_pid: msg = "PID file %s contains %s, not expected PID %s" self.out(msg % (filename, pid_in_file, current_pid)) return if verbosity > 0: self.out("Removing PID file %s" % filename) try: os.unlink(filename) return except OSError as e: # Record, but don't give traceback self.out("Cannot remove PID file: (%s)" % e) # well, at least lets not leave the invalid PID around... try: with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('') except OSError as e: self.out('Stale PID left in file: %s (%s)' % (filename, e)) else: self.out('Stale PID removed') def record_pid(self, pid_file): pid = os.getpid() if self.options.verbose > 1: self.out('Writing PID %s to %s' % (pid, pid_file)) with open(pid_file, 'w') as f: f.write(str(pid)) atexit.register(self._remove_pid_file, pid, pid_file, self.options.verbose) def stop_daemon(self): # pragma: no cover pid_file = self.options.pid_file or 'pyramid.pid' if not os.path.exists(pid_file): self.out('No PID file exists in %s' % pid_file) return 1 pid = read_pidfile(pid_file) if not pid: self.out("Not a valid PID file in %s" % pid_file) return 1 pid = live_pidfile(pid_file) if not pid: self.out("PID in %s is not valid (deleting)" % pid_file) try: os.unlink(pid_file) except (OSError, IOError) as e: self.out("Could not delete: %s" % e) return 2 return 1 for j in range(10): if not live_pidfile(pid_file): break import signal kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(1) else: self.out("failed to kill web process %s" % pid) return 3 if os.path.exists(pid_file): os.unlink(pid_file) return 0 def show_status(self): # pragma: no cover pid_file = self.options.pid_file or 'pyramid.pid' if not os.path.exists(pid_file): self.out('No PID file %s' % pid_file) return 1 pid = read_pidfile(pid_file) if not pid: self.out('No PID in file %s' % pid_file) return 1 pid = live_pidfile(pid_file) if not pid: self.out('PID %s in %s is not running' % (pid, pid_file)) return 1 self.out('Server running in PID %s' % pid) return 0 def restart_with_reloader(self): # pragma: no cover self.restart_with_monitor(reloader=True) def restart_with_monitor(self, reloader=False): # pragma: no cover if self.options.verbose > 0: if reloader: self.out('Starting subprocess with file monitor') else: self.out('Starting subprocess with monitor parent') while 1: args = [self.quote_first_command_arg(sys.executable)] + sys.argv new_environ = os.environ.copy() if reloader: new_environ[self._reloader_environ_key] = 'true' else: new_environ[self._monitor_environ_key] = 'true' proc = None try: try: _turn_sigterm_into_systemexit() proc = subprocess32.Popen(args, env=new_environ) exit_code = proc.wait() proc = None except KeyboardInterrupt: self.out('^C caught in monitor process') if self.options.verbose > 1: raise return 1 finally: if proc is not None: import signal try: kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM) except (OSError, IOError): pass if reloader: # Reloader always exits with code 3; but if we are # a monitor, any exit code will restart if exit_code != 3: return exit_code if self.options.verbose > 0: self.out('%s %s %s' % ('-' * 20, 'Restarting', '-' * 20)) def change_user_group(self, user, group): # pragma: no cover if not user and not group: return import pwd import grp uid = gid = None if group: try: gid = int(group) group = grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name except ValueError: try: entry = grp.getgrnam(group) except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Bad group: %r; no such group exists" % group) gid = entry.gr_gid try: uid = int(user) user = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name except ValueError: try: entry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Bad username: %r; no such user exists" % user) if not gid: gid = entry.pw_gid uid = entry.pw_uid if self.options.verbose > 0: self.out('Changing user to %s:%s (%s:%s)' % ( user, group or '(unknown)', uid, gid)) if gid: os.setgid(gid) if uid: os.setuid(uid) class LazyWriter(object): """ File-like object that opens a file lazily when it is first written to. """ def __init__(self, filename, mode='w'): self.filename = filename self.fileobj = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.mode = mode def open(self): if self.fileobj is None: with self.lock: self.fileobj = open(self.filename, self.mode) return self.fileobj def close(self): fileobj = self.fileobj if fileobj is not None: fileobj.close() def __del__(self): self.close() def write(self, text): fileobj = self.open() fileobj.write(text) fileobj.flush() def writelines(self, text): fileobj = self.open() fileobj.writelines(text) fileobj.flush() def flush(self): self.open().flush() def live_pidfile(pidfile): # pragma: no cover """ (pidfile:str) -> int | None Returns an int found in the named file, if there is one, and if there is a running process with that process id. Return None if no such process exists. """ pid = read_pidfile(pidfile) if pid: try: kill(int(pid), 0) return pid except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPERM: return pid return None def read_pidfile(filename): if os.path.exists(filename): try: with open(filename) as f: content = f.read() return int(content.strip()) except (ValueError, IOError): return None else: return None def ensure_port_cleanup( bound_addresses, maxtries=30, sleeptime=2): # pragma: no cover """ This makes sure any open ports are closed. Does this by connecting to them until they give connection refused. Servers should call like:: ensure_port_cleanup([80, 443]) """ atexit.register(_cleanup_ports, bound_addresses, maxtries=maxtries, sleeptime=sleeptime) def _cleanup_ports( bound_addresses, maxtries=30, sleeptime=2): # pragma: no cover # Wait for the server to bind to the port. import socket import errno for bound_address in bound_addresses: for attempt in range(maxtries): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect(bound_address) except socket.error as e: if e.args[0] != errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise break else: time.sleep(sleeptime) else: raise SystemExit('Timeout waiting for port.') sock.close() def _turn_sigterm_into_systemexit(): # pragma: no cover """ Attempts to turn a SIGTERM exception into a SystemExit exception. """ try: import signal except ImportError: return def handle_term(signo, frame): raise SystemExit signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_term) def install_reloader(poll_interval=1, extra_files=None): # pragma: no cover """ Install the reloading monitor. On some platforms server threads may not terminate when the main thread does, causing ports to remain open/locked. The ``raise_keyboard_interrupt`` option creates a unignorable signal which causes the whole application to shut-down (rudely). """ mon = Monitor(poll_interval=poll_interval) if extra_files is None: extra_files = [] mon.extra_files.extend(extra_files) t = threading.Thread(target=mon.periodic_reload) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() class classinstancemethod(object): """ Acts like a class method when called from a class, like an instance method when called by an instance. The method should take two arguments, 'self' and 'cls'; one of these will be None depending on how the method was called. """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ def __get__(self, obj, type=None): return _methodwrapper(self.func, obj=obj, type=type) class _methodwrapper(object): def __init__(self, func, obj, type): self.func = func self.obj = obj self.type = type def __call__(self, *args, **kw): assert not 'self' in kw and not 'cls' in kw, ( "You cannot use 'self' or 'cls' arguments to a " "classinstancemethod") return self.func(*((self.obj, self.type) + args), **kw) class Monitor(object): # pragma: no cover """ A file monitor and server restarter. Use this like: ..code-block:: Python install_reloader() Then make sure your server is installed with a shell script like:: err=3 while test "$err" -eq 3 ; do python server.py err="$?" done or is run from this .bat file (if you use Windows):: @echo off :repeat python server.py if %errorlevel% == 3 goto repeat or run a monitoring process in Python (``pserve --reload`` does this). Use the ``watch_file(filename)`` function to cause a reload/restart for other non-Python files (e.g., configuration files). If you have a dynamic set of files that grows over time you can use something like:: def watch_config_files(): return CONFIG_FILE_CACHE.keys() add_file_callback(watch_config_files) Then every time the reloader polls files it will call ``watch_config_files`` and check all the filenames it returns. """ instances = [] global_extra_files = [] global_file_callbacks = [] def __init__(self, poll_interval): self.module_mtimes = {} self.keep_running = True self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.extra_files = list(self.global_extra_files) self.instances.append(self) self.file_callbacks = list(self.global_file_callbacks) def _exit(self): # use os._exit() here and not sys.exit() since within a # thread sys.exit() just closes the given thread and # won't kill the process; note os._exit does not call # any atexit callbacks, nor does it do finally blocks, # flush open files, etc. In otherwords, it is rude. os._exit(3) def periodic_reload(self): while True: if not self.check_reload(): self._exit() break time.sleep(self.poll_interval) def check_reload(self): filenames = list(self.extra_files) for file_callback in self.file_callbacks: try: filenames.extend(file_callback()) except: print( "Error calling reloader callback %r:" % file_callback) traceback.print_exc() for module in list(sys.modules.values()): try: filename = module.__file__ except (AttributeError, ImportError): continue if filename is not None: filenames.append(filename) for filename in filenames: try: stat = os.stat(filename) if stat: mtime = stat.st_mtime else: mtime = 0 except (OSError, IOError): continue if filename.endswith('.pyc') and os.path.exists(filename[:-1]): mtime = max(os.stat(filename[:-1]).st_mtime, mtime) if not filename in self.module_mtimes: self.module_mtimes[filename] = mtime elif self.module_mtimes[filename] < mtime: print("%s changed; reloading..." % filename) run_callback_for_pattern(filename) return False return True def watch_file(self, cls, filename): """Watch the named file for changes""" filename = os.path.abspath(filename) if self is None: for instance in cls.instances: instance.watch_file(filename) cls.global_extra_files.append(filename) else: self.extra_files.append(filename) watch_file = classinstancemethod(watch_file) def add_file_callback(self, cls, callback): """Add a callback -- a function that takes no parameters -- that will return a list of filenames to watch for changes.""" if self is None: for instance in cls.instances: instance.add_file_callback(callback) cls.global_file_callbacks.append(callback) else: self.file_callbacks.append(callback) add_file_callback = classinstancemethod(add_file_callback) watch_file = Monitor.watch_file add_file_callback = Monitor.add_file_callback def main(argv=sys.argv, quiet=False): command = RcServerCommand(argv, quiet=quiet) return command.run() if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover sys.exit(main() or 0)