${_('Remote Sync')}

${_('Manually pull/push changes from/to external URLs.')}

%if c.rhodecode_db_repo.clone_uri or c.rhodecode_db_repo.push_uri: % if c.rhodecode_db_repo.clone_uri: % endif % if c.rhodecode_db_repo.push_uri: % endif
${_('Pull url')}

${_('Pull can be automated by such api call. Can be called periodically in crontab etc.')}
${h.api_call_example(method='pull', args={"repoid": c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_name})}

${h.secure_form(h.route_path('edit_repo_remote_pull', repo_name=c.repo_name), request=request)}
${h.submit('remote_pull_%s' % c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_name,_('Pull changes from remote location'),class_="btn btn-small",onclick="return confirm('"+_('Confirm to pull changes from remote side')+"');")}
${_('Push url')}
${_('This feature is available in RhodeCode EE edition only. Contact {sales_email} to obtain a trial license.').format(sales_email='sales@rhodecode.com')|n}
%else: ${_('This repository does not have any remote mirror url set.')} ${_('Set remote url.')}
