.. _checklist-tickets:

Ticket Checklists

Ticket Description

In general these things really matter in the description:

- Reasoning / Rationale. Explain "WHY" it makes sense and is important.

- How to reproduce. Easy to follow steps, that’s important.

  - Observation: The problem (short)

  - Expectation: How it should be (short)

- Specs: It is fine to draft them as good as it works.

  If anything is unclear, please ask for a review or help on this via the
  Community Portal or Slack channel.

Checklists for Tickets


Definition: An existing function that does not work as expected for the user.

- Problem description
- Steps needed to recreate (gherkin)
- Link to the screen in question and/or description of how to find it via 
- Explanation of what the expected outcome is
- Any hints into the source of the problem
- Information about platform/browser/db/etc. where applicable
- Examples of other similar cases which have different behaviour


Definition: Styling and user interface issues, including cosmetic improvements
or appearance and behaviour of frontend functionality.

- Screenshot/animation of existing page/behaviour
- Sketches or wireframes if available
- Link to the screen in question and/or description of how to find it via 
- Problem description
- Explanation of what the expected outcome is
- Since this may be examined by a designer; it should be written in a way that a
  non-developer can understand


Definition: A collection of tickets which together complete a larger overall

- Benefit explanation
- Clear objective - when is this complete?
- Explanations of exceptions/corner cases
- Documentation subtask
- Comprehensive wireframes and/or design subtasks
- Links to subtasks


Definition: A new function in the software which previously did not exist.

- Benefit explanation
- Clear objective
- Explanations of exceptions/corner cases
- Documentation subtask
- Comprehensive wireframes and/or design subtasks


Definition: An issue related to a customer report.

- Link to support ticket, if available
- Problem description
- Steps needed to recreate (gherkin)
- Link to the screen in question and/or description of how to find it via 
- Explanation of what the expected outcome is
- Any hints into the source of the problem
- Information about platform/browser/db/etc. where applicable
- Examples of other similar cases which have different behaviour


Definition: An improvement or step towards implementing a feature or fixing
a bug. Includes refactoring and other tech debt.

- Clear objective
- Benefit explanation
- Links to parent/related tickets

All details below.

External links:

- Avoid linking to external images; they disappear over time. Please attach any
  relevant images to the ticket itself.

- External links in general: They also disappear over time, consider copying the
  relevant bit of information into a comment or write a paragraph to sum up the
  general idea.


Change Description

It can be tricky to figure out how to change the description of a ticket. There
is a very small pencil which has to be clicked once you see the edit form of a

.. figure:: ../images/redmine-description.png
   :alt: Example of pencil to change the ticket description

   Shows an example of the pencil which lets you change the description.