README - Quickstart =================== This folder contains functional tests and the automation of specification examples. Details about testing can be found in `/docs-internal/testing/index.rst`. Setting up your Rhodecode Enterprise instance --------------------------------------------- The tests will create users and repositories as needed, so you can start with a new and empty instance. Use the following example call for the database setup of Enterprise:: paster setup-rhodecode \ --user=admin \ \ --password=secret \ --api-key=9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 \ your-enterprise-config.ini This way the username, password and auth token of the admin user will match the defaults from the test run. Usage ----- 1. Make sure your Rhodecode Enterprise instance is running at http://localhost:5000. 2. Enter `nix-shell` from the acceptance_tests folder:: cd acceptance_tests nix-shell -I ~/dev Make sure that `rcpkgs` and `rcnixpkgs` are available on the nix path. 3. Run the tests:: py.test -c example.ini -vs The parameter ``-vs`` allows you to see debugging output during the test run. Check ``py.test --help`` and the documentation at to learn all details about the test runner.