.. _backup-ref: Backup and Restore ================== *“The condition of any backup is unknown until a restore is attempted.”* `Schrödinger's Backup`_ To snapshot an instance of |RCE|, and save its settings, you need to backup the following parts of the system at the same time. * The |repos| managed by the instance. * The |RCE| database. * Any configuration files or extensions that you've configured. .. important:: Ideally you should script all of these functions so that it creates a backup snapshot of your system at a particular timestamp and then run that script regularly. Backup Details -------------- To backup the relevant parts of |RCE| required to restore your system, use the information in this section to identify what is important to you. Repository Backup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To back up your |repos|, use the API to get a list of all |repos| managed, and then clone them to your backup location. Use the ``get_repos`` method to list all your managed |repos|, and use the ``clone_uri`` information that is returned. See the :ref:`api` for more information. .. important:: This will not work for |svn| |repos|. Currently the only way to back up your |svn| |repos| is to make a copy of them. It is also important to note, that you can only restore the |svn| |repos| using the same version as they were saved with. Database Backup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The instance database contains all the |RCE| permissions settings, and user management information. To backup your database, export it using the following appropriate example, and then move it to your backup location: .. code-block:: bash # For MySQL DBs $ mysqldump -u -p db_name > mysql-db-backup # For PostgreSQL DBs $ pg_dump dbname > postgresql-db-backup # For SQLlite $ sqlite3 rhodecode.db ‘.dump’ > sqlite-db-backup The default |RCE| SQLite database location is :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.db` If running MySQL or PostgreSQL databases, you will have configured these separately, for more information see :ref:`rhodecode-database-ref` Configuration File Backup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Depending on your setup, you could have a number of configuration files that should be backed up. You may have some, or all of the configuration files listed in the :ref:`config-rce-files` section. Ideally you should back these up at the same time as the database and |repos|. Gist Backup ^^^^^^^^^^^ To backup the gists on your |RCE| instance you can use the ``get_users`` and ``get_gists`` API methods to fetch the gists for each user on the instance. Extension Backups ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You should also backup any extensions added in the :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions` directory. Full-text Search Backup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You may also have full text search set up, but the index can be rebuild from re-imported |repos| if necessary. You will most likely want to backup your :file:`mapping.ini` file if you've configured that. For more information, see the :ref:`indexing-ref` section. Restoration Steps ----------------- To restore an instance of |RCE| from its backed up components, use the following steps. 1. Install a new instance of |RCE|. 2. Once installed, configure the instance to use the backed up :file:`rhodecode.ini` file. Ensure this file points to the backed up database, see the :ref:`config-database` section. 3. Restart |RCE| and remap and rescan your |repos|, see the :ref:`remap-rescan` section. Post Restoration Steps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once you have restored your |RCE| instance to basic functionality, you can then work on restoring any specific setup changes you had made. * To recreate the |RCE| index, use the backed up :file:`mapping.ini` file if you had made changes and rerun the indexer. See the :ref:`indexing-ref` section for details. * To reconfigure any extensions, copy the backed up extensions into the :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions` and also specify any custom hooks if necessary. See the :ref:`integrations-ref` section for details. .. _Schrödinger's Backup: http://novabackup.novastor.com/blog/schrodingers-backup-good-bad-backup/