.. _config-celery: Install Celery -------------- To improve |RCM| performance you should install Celery_ as it makes asynchronous tasks work efficiently. If you install Celery you also need multi-broker support. The recommended message broker is rabbitmq_. |RCM| works in sync mode, but running Celery_ will give you a large speed improvement when managing many big repositories. If you want to run |RCM| with Celery you need to run ``celeryd`` using the ``paster`` command and the message broker. The ``paster`` command is already installed during |RCM| installation. To install and configure Celery, use the following steps: 1. Install Celery and RabbitMQ, see the documentation on the Celery website for `Celery installation`_ and `rabbitmq installation`_. 2. Enable Celery in the :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file. 3. Run the Celery daemon with the ``paster`` command, using the following example ``.rccontrol/enterprise-1/profile/bin/paster celeryd .rccontrol/enterprise-1/rhodecode.ini`` .. code-block:: ini # Set this section of the ini file to match your Celery installation #################################### ### CELERY CONFIG #### #################################### ## Set to true use_celery = false broker.host = localhost broker.vhost = rabbitmqhost broker.port = 5672 broker.user = rabbitmq broker.password = qweqwe celery.imports = rhodecode.lib.celerylib.tasks celery.result.backend = amqp celery.result.dburi = amqp:// celery.result.serialier = json #celery.send.task.error.emails = true #celery.amqp.task.result.expires = 18000 celeryd.concurrency = 2 #celeryd.log.file = celeryd.log celeryd.log.level = debug celeryd.max.tasks.per.child = 1 ## tasks will never be sent to the queue, but executed locally instead. celery.always.eager = false .. code-block:: bash # Once the above is configured and saved # Run celery with the paster command and specify the ini file .rccontrol/enterprise-1/profile/bin/paster celeryd .rccontrol/enterprise-1/rhodecode.ini .. _python: http://www.python.org/ .. _mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/ .. _celery: http://celeryproject.org/ .. _rabbitmq: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ .. _rabbitmq installation: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/brokers/rabbitmq.html .. _Celery installation: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/introduction.html#bundles .. _virtualenv: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/