%namespace name="base" file="/base/base.mako"/>
${_('Authentication tokens can be used to interact with the API, or VCS-over-http. ' 'Each token can have a role. Token with a role can be used only in given context, ' 'e.g. VCS tokens can be used together with the authtoken auth plugin for git/hg/svn operations only.')}
${_('Token')} | ${_('Description')} | ${_('Role')} | ${_('Repository Scope')} | ${_('Expiration')} | ${_('Action')} |
${auth_token.description} | ${auth_token.role_humanized} | ${auth_token.scope_humanized} | %if auth_token.expires == -1: ${_('never')} %else: %if auth_token.expired: ${h.age_component(h.time_to_utcdatetime(auth_token.expires))} %else: ${h.age_component(h.time_to_utcdatetime(auth_token.expires))} %endif %endif | ${h.secure_form(h.route_path('edit_user_auth_tokens_delete', user_id=c.user.user_id), request=request)} ${h.end_form()} |
${_('No additional auth tokens specified')} |
${_('Repository scope works only with tokens with VCS type.')}