% if c.missing_requirements:
${_('Missing requirements:')}
${_('These commits cannot be displayed, because this repository uses the Mercurial largefiles extension, which was not enabled.')}
% elif c.missing_commits:
${_('Missing commits')}:
${_('This pull request cannot be displayed, because one or more commits no longer exist in the source repository.')}
${_('Please update this pull request, push the commits back into the source repository, or consider closing this pull request.')}
${_('Consider doing a {force_refresh_url} in case you think this is an error.').format(force_refresh_url=h.link_to('force refresh', h.current_route_path(request, force_refresh='1')))|n}
% elif c.pr_merge_source_commit.changed and not c.pull_request.is_closed():
${_('There are new changes for `{}:{}` in source repository, please consider updating this pull request.').format(c.pr_merge_source_commit.ref_spec.type, c.pr_merge_source_commit.ref_spec.name)}
% endif
% if not c.compare_mode:
% if c.at_version_pos:
${_('Showing changes at v%d, commenting is disabled.') % c.at_version_pos}
% endif
% endif
% if not c.missing_commits:
% if c.compare_mode:
% if c.at_version:
${_('Commits and changes between v{ver_from} and {ver_to} of this pull request, commenting is disabled').format(ver_from=c.from_version_pos, ver_to=c.at_version_pos if c.at_version_pos else 'latest')}:
${_('commits added: {}, removed: {}').format(len(c.commit_changes_summary.added), len(c.commit_changes_summary.removed))}
${_('Time')} |
${_('Author')} |
${_('Commit')} |
${_('Description')} |
% for c_type, commit in c.commit_changes:
% if c_type in ['a', 'r']:
if c_type == 'a':
cc_title = _('Commit added in displayed changes')
elif c_type == 'r':
cc_title = _('Commit removed in displayed changes')
cc_title = ''
${base.gravatar_with_user(commit.author, 16, tooltip=True)}
${h.hidden('revisions', commit.raw_id)}
${h.urlify_commit_message(commit.message, c.repo_name)}
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% else:
<%include file="/compare/compare_commits.mako" />
% endif
<%namespace name="cbdiffs" file="/codeblocks/diffs.mako"/>
% if c.at_version:
<% c.inline_cnt = len(c.inline_versions[c.at_version_num]['display']) %>
<% c.comments = c.comment_versions[c.at_version_num]['display'] %>
% else:
<% c.inline_cnt = len(c.inline_versions[c.at_version_num]['until']) %>
<% c.comments = c.comment_versions[c.at_version_num]['until'] %>
% endif
pr_menu_data = {
'outdated_comm_count_ver': outdated_comm_count_ver
${cbdiffs.render_diffset_menu(c.diffset, range_diff_on=c.range_diff_on)}
% if c.range_diff_on:
% for commit in c.commit_ranges:
commit=commit, use_comments=True,
pull_request_menu=pr_menu_data, show_todos=False)}
% endfor
% else:
c.diffset, use_comments=True,
disable_new_comments=not c.allowed_to_comment,
pull_request_menu=pr_menu_data, show_todos=False)}
% endif
% else:
## skipping commits we need to clear the view for missing commits
% endif
${h.chop_at_smart(todo_comment.text, '\n', suffix_if_chopped='...')}