# Copyright (C) 2016-2023 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import os import mock import pytest from rhodecode.apps.ssh_support.lib.backends.git import GitServer from rhodecode.apps.ssh_support.tests.conftest import plain_dummy_env, plain_dummy_user from rhodecode.lib.ext_json import json class GitServerCreator(object): root = '/tmp/repo/path/' git_path = '/usr/local/bin/git' config_data = { 'app:main': { 'ssh.executable.git': git_path, 'vcs.hooks.protocol.v2': 'celery', 'app.service_api.host': 'http://localhost', 'app.service_api.token': 'secret4', 'rhodecode.api.url': '/_admin/api', } } repo_name = 'test_git' repo_mode = 'receive-pack' user = plain_dummy_user() def __init__(self, service_api_url, ini_file): self.service_api_url = service_api_url self.ini_file = ini_file def create(self, **kwargs): self.config_data['app:main']['app.service_api.host'] = self.service_api_url parameters = { 'store': self.root, 'ini_path': self.ini_file, 'user': self.user, 'repo_name': self.repo_name, 'repo_mode': self.repo_mode, 'user_permissions': { self.repo_name: 'repository.admin' }, 'settings': self.config_data['app:main'], 'env': plain_dummy_env() } parameters.update(kwargs) server = GitServer(**parameters) return server @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def git_server(request, module_app, rhodecode_factory, available_port_factory): ini_file = module_app._pyramid_settings['__file__'] vcsserver_host = module_app._pyramid_settings['vcs.server'] store_dir = os.path.dirname(ini_file) # start rhodecode for service API rc = rhodecode_factory( request, store_dir=store_dir, port=available_port_factory(), overrides=( {'handler_console': {'level': 'DEBUG'}}, {'app:main': {'vcs.server': vcsserver_host}}, {'app:main': {'repo_store.path': store_dir}} )) service_api_url = f'http://{rc.bind_addr}' return GitServerCreator(service_api_url, ini_file) class TestGitServer: def test_command(self, git_server): server = git_server.create() expected_command = ( 'cd {root}; {git_path} {repo_mode} \'{root}{repo_name}\''.format( root=git_server.root, git_path=git_server.git_path, repo_mode=git_server.repo_mode, repo_name=git_server.repo_name) ) assert expected_command == server.tunnel.command() @pytest.mark.parametrize('permissions, action, code', [ ({}, 'pull', -2), ({'test_git': 'repository.read'}, 'pull', 0), ({'test_git': 'repository.read'}, 'push', -2), ({'test_git': 'repository.write'}, 'push', 0), ({'test_git': 'repository.admin'}, 'push', 0), ]) def test_permission_checks(self, git_server, permissions, action, code): server = git_server.create(user_permissions=permissions) result = server._check_permissions(action) assert result is code @pytest.mark.parametrize('permissions, value', [ ({}, False), ({'test_git': 'repository.read'}, False), ({'test_git': 'repository.write'}, True), ({'test_git': 'repository.admin'}, True), ]) def test_has_write_permissions(self, git_server, permissions, value): server = git_server.create(user_permissions=permissions) result = server.has_write_perm() assert result is value def test_run_returns_executes_command(self, git_server): from rhodecode.apps.ssh_support.lib.backends.git import GitTunnelWrapper server = git_server.create() os.environ['SSH_CLIENT'] = '' with mock.patch.object(GitTunnelWrapper, 'create_hooks_env') as _patch: _patch.return_value = 0 with mock.patch.object(GitTunnelWrapper, 'command', return_value='date'): exit_code = server.run(tunnel_extras={'config': server.ini_path}) assert exit_code == (0, False) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'repo_mode, action', [ ['receive-pack', 'push'], ['upload-pack', 'pull'] ]) def test_update_environment(self, git_server, repo_mode, action): server = git_server.create(repo_mode=repo_mode) store = server.store with mock.patch('os.environ', {'SSH_CLIENT': ' b'}): with mock.patch('os.putenv') as putenv_mock: server.update_environment(action) expected_data = { 'username': git_server.user.username, 'user_id': git_server.user.user_id, 'scm': 'git', 'repository': git_server.repo_name, 'make_lock': None, 'action': action, 'ip': '', 'locked_by': [None, None], 'config': git_server.ini_file, 'repo_store': store, 'server_url': None, 'hooks': ['push', 'pull'], 'is_shadow_repo': False, 'hooks_module': 'rhodecode.lib.hook_daemon.hook_module', 'check_branch_perms': False, 'detect_force_push': False, 'user_agent': u'git/ssh-user-agent', 'SSH': True, 'SSH_PERMISSIONS': 'repository.admin', } args, kwargs = putenv_mock.call_args assert json.loads(args[1]) == expected_data