${h.secure_form(h.route_path('edit_repo_advanced_fork', repo_name=c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_name), request=request)}
% if c.rhodecode_db_repo.fork:
${h.literal(_('This repository is a fork of %(repo_link)s') % {'repo_link': h.link_to_if(c.has_origin_repo_read_perm,c.rhodecode_db_repo.fork.repo_name, h.route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=c.rhodecode_db_repo.fork.repo_name))})}
${_('Force repository locking. This only works when anonymous access is disabled. Pulling from the repository locks the repository to that user until the same user pushes to that repository again.')}
${_('Archiving the repository will make it entirely read-only. The repository cannot be committed to.'
'It is hidden from the search results and dashboard. ')}
${_ungettext('This repository has %s fork.', 'This repository has %s forks.', c.rhodecode_db_repo.forks.count()) % c.rhodecode_db_repo.forks.count()}
%if c.rhodecode_db_repo.forks.count():
%if c.rhodecode_db_repo.forks.count():
<% attached_prs = len(c.rhodecode_db_repo.pull_requests_source + c.rhodecode_db_repo.pull_requests_target) %>
% if c.rhodecode_db_repo.pull_requests_source or c.rhodecode_db_repo.pull_requests_target:
${_ungettext('This repository has %s attached pull request.', 'This repository has %s attached pull requests.', attached_prs) % attached_prs}
${_('Consider to archive this repository instead.')}
% endif
${_('This repository will be renamed in a special way in order to make it inaccessible to RhodeCode Enterprise and its VCS systems. If you need to fully delete it from the file system, please do it manually, or with rhodecode-cleanup-repos command available in rhodecode-tools.')}