# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2010-2020 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import json import platform import socket import random import pytest from rhodecode.lib.pyramid_utils import get_app_config from rhodecode.tests.fixture import TestINI from rhodecode.tests.server_utils import RcVCSServer def _parse_json(value): return json.loads(value) if value else None def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( '--test-loglevel', dest='test_loglevel', help="Set default Logging level for tests, critical(default), error, warn , info, debug") group = parser.getgroup('pylons') group.addoption( '--with-pylons', dest='pyramid_config', help="Set up a Pylons environment with the specified config file.") group.addoption( '--ini-config-override', action='store', type=_parse_json, default=None, dest='pyramid_config_override', help=( "Overrides the .ini file settings. Should be specified in JSON" " format, e.g. '{\"section\": {\"parameter\": \"value\", ...}}'" ) ) parser.addini( 'pyramid_config', "Set up a Pyramid environment with the specified config file.") vcsgroup = parser.getgroup('vcs') vcsgroup.addoption( '--without-vcsserver', dest='with_vcsserver', action='store_false', help="Do not start the VCSServer in a background process.") vcsgroup.addoption( '--with-vcsserver-http', dest='vcsserver_config_http', help="Start the HTTP VCSServer with the specified config file.") vcsgroup.addoption( '--vcsserver-protocol', dest='vcsserver_protocol', help="Start the VCSServer with HTTP protocol support.") vcsgroup.addoption( '--vcsserver-config-override', action='store', type=_parse_json, default=None, dest='vcsserver_config_override', help=( "Overrides the .ini file settings for the VCSServer. " "Should be specified in JSON " "format, e.g. '{\"section\": {\"parameter\": \"value\", ...}}'" ) ) vcsgroup.addoption( '--vcsserver-port', action='store', type=int, default=None, help=( "Allows to set the port of the vcsserver. Useful when testing " "against an already running server and random ports cause " "trouble.")) parser.addini( 'vcsserver_config_http', "Start the HTTP VCSServer with the specified config file.") parser.addini( 'vcsserver_protocol', "Start the VCSServer with HTTP protocol support.") @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def vcsserver(request, vcsserver_port, vcsserver_factory): """ Session scope VCSServer. Tests wich need the VCSServer have to rely on this fixture in order to ensure it will be running. For specific needs, the fixture vcsserver_factory can be used. It allows to adjust the configuration file for the test run. Command line args: --without-vcsserver: Allows to switch this fixture off. You have to manually start the server. --vcsserver-port: Will expect the VCSServer to listen on this port. """ if not request.config.getoption('with_vcsserver'): return None return vcsserver_factory( request, vcsserver_port=vcsserver_port) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def vcsserver_factory(tmpdir_factory): """ Use this if you need a running vcsserver with a special configuration. """ def factory(request, overrides=(), vcsserver_port=None, log_file=None): if vcsserver_port is None: vcsserver_port = get_available_port() overrides = list(overrides) overrides.append({'server:main': {'port': vcsserver_port}}) option_name = 'vcsserver_config_http' override_option_name = 'vcsserver_config_override' config_file = get_config( request.config, option_name=option_name, override_option_name=override_option_name, overrides=overrides, basetemp=tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp().strpath, prefix='test_vcs_') server = RcVCSServer(config_file, log_file) server.start() @request.addfinalizer def cleanup(): server.shutdown() server.wait_until_ready() return server return factory def is_cygwin(): return 'cygwin' in platform.system().lower() def _use_log_level(config): level = config.getoption('test_loglevel') or 'critical' return level.upper() @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def ini_config(request, tmpdir_factory, rcserver_port, vcsserver_port): option_name = 'pyramid_config' log_level = _use_log_level(request.config) overrides = [ {'server:main': {'port': rcserver_port}}, {'app:main': { 'vcs.server': 'localhost:%s' % vcsserver_port, # johbo: We will always start the VCSServer on our own based on the # fixtures of the test cases. For the test run it must always be # off in the INI file. 'vcs.start_server': 'false', 'vcs.server.protocol': 'http', 'vcs.scm_app_implementation': 'http', 'vcs.hooks.protocol': 'http', 'vcs.hooks.host': '', }}, {'handler_console': { 'class ': 'StreamHandler', 'args ': '(sys.stderr,)', 'level': log_level, }}, ] filename = get_config( request.config, option_name=option_name, override_option_name='{}_override'.format(option_name), overrides=overrides, basetemp=tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp().strpath, prefix='test_rce_') return filename @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def ini_settings(ini_config): ini_path = ini_config return get_app_config(ini_path) def get_available_port(min_port=40000, max_port=55555): from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import get_available_port as _get_port return _get_port(min_port, max_port) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def rcserver_port(request): port = get_available_port() print('Using rcserver port {}'.format(port)) return port @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def vcsserver_port(request): port = request.config.getoption('--vcsserver-port') if port is None: port = get_available_port() print('Using vcsserver port {}'.format(port)) return port @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def available_port_factory(): """ Returns a callable which returns free port numbers. """ return get_available_port @pytest.fixture() def available_port(available_port_factory): """ Gives you one free port for the current test. Uses "available_port_factory" to retrieve the port. """ return available_port_factory() @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def testini_factory(tmpdir_factory, ini_config): """ Factory to create an INI file based on TestINI. It will make sure to place the INI file in the correct directory. """ basetemp = tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp().strpath return TestIniFactory(basetemp, ini_config) class TestIniFactory(object): def __init__(self, basetemp, template_ini): self._basetemp = basetemp self._template_ini = template_ini def __call__(self, ini_params, new_file_prefix='test'): ini_file = TestINI( self._template_ini, ini_params=ini_params, new_file_prefix=new_file_prefix, dir=self._basetemp) result = ini_file.create() return result def get_config( config, option_name, override_option_name, overrides=None, basetemp=None, prefix='test'): """ Find a configuration file and apply overrides for the given `prefix`. """ config_file = ( config.getoption(option_name) or config.getini(option_name)) if not config_file: pytest.exit( "Configuration error, could not extract {}.".format(option_name)) overrides = overrides or [] config_override = config.getoption(override_option_name) if config_override: overrides.append(config_override) temp_ini_file = TestINI( config_file, ini_params=overrides, new_file_prefix=prefix, dir=basetemp) return temp_ini_file.create()