.. _store-methods-ref: store methods ============= file_store_add (EE only) ------------------------ .. py:function:: file_store_add(apiuser, filename, content, description=) Upload API for the file_store Example usage from CLI:: rhodecode-api --instance-name=enterprise-1 upload_file "{"content": "$(cat image.jpg | base64)", "filename":"image.jpg"}" This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param filename: name of the file uploaded :type filename: str :param description: Optional description for added file :type description: str :param content: base64 encoded content of the uploaded file :type content: str Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "access_path": "/_file_store/download/84d156f7-8323-4ad3-9fce-4a8e88e1deaf-0.jpg", "access_path_fqn": "http://server.domain.com/_file_store/download/84d156f7-8323-4ad3-9fce-4a8e88e1deaf-0.jpg", "store_fid": "84d156f7-8323-4ad3-9fce-4a8e88e1deaf-0.jpg" } error : null file_store_add_with_acl (EE only) --------------------------------- .. py:function:: file_store_add_with_acl(apiuser, filename, content, description=, scope_user_id=, scope_repo_id=, scope_repo_group_id=) Upload API for the file_store Example usage from CLI:: rhodecode-api --instance-name=enterprise-1 upload_file "{"content": "$(cat image.jpg | base64)", "filename":"image.jpg", "scope_repo_id":101}" This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param filename: name of the file uploaded :type filename: str :param description: Optional description for added file :type description: str :param content: base64 encoded content of the uploaded file :type content: str :param scope_user_id: Optionally bind this file to user. This will check ACL in such way only this user can access the file. :type scope_user_id: int :param scope_repo_id: Optionally bind this file to repository. This will check ACL in such way only user with proper access to such repository can access the file. :type scope_repo_id: int :param scope_repo_group_id: Optionally bind this file to repository group. This will check ACL in such way only user with proper access to such repository group can access the file. :type scope_repo_group_id: int Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "access_path": "/_file_store/download/84d156f7-8323-4ad3-9fce-4a8e88e1deaf-0.jpg", "access_path_fqn": "http://server.domain.com/_file_store/download/84d156f7-8323-4ad3-9fce-4a8e88e1deaf-0.jpg", "store_fid": "84d156f7-8323-4ad3-9fce-4a8e88e1deaf-0.jpg" } error : null file_store_get_info (EE only) ----------------------------- .. py:function:: file_store_get_info(apiuser, store_fid) Get artifact data. Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "artifact": { "access_path_fqn": "https://rhodecode.example.com/_file_store/download/0-031c2aa0-0d56-49a7-9ba3-b570bdd342ab.jpg", "created_on": "2019-10-15T16:25:35.491", "description": "my upload", "downloaded_times": 1, "file_uid": "0-031c2aa0-0d56-49a7-9ba3-b570bdd342ab.jpg", "filename": "example.jpg", "filename_org": "0-031c2aa0-0d56-49a7-9ba3-b570bdd342ab.jpg", "hidden": false, "metadata": [ { "artifact": "0-031c2aa0-0d56-49a7-9ba3-b570bdd342ab.jpg", "key": "yellow", "section": "tags", "value": "bar" } ], "sha256": "818dff0f44574dfb6814d38e6bf3c60c5943d1d13653398ecddaedf2f6a5b04d", "size": 18599, "uploaded_by": { "email": "admin@rhodecode.com", "emails": [ "admin@rhodecode.com" ], "firstname": "Admin", "lastname": "LastName", "user_id": 2, "username": "admin" } } } error : null file_store_add_metadata (EE only) --------------------------------- .. py:function:: file_store_add_metadata(apiuser, store_fid, section, key, value, value_type=) Add metadata into artifact. The metadata consist of section, key, value. eg. section='tags', 'key'='tag_name', value='1' :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param store_fid: file uid, e.g 0-d054cb71-91ab-44e2-9e4b-23fe14b4d74a.mp4 :type store_fid: str :param section: Section name to add metadata :type section: str :param key: Key to add as metadata :type key: str :param value: Value to add as metadata :type value: str :param value_type: Optional type, default is 'unicode' other types are: int, list, bool, unicode, str :type value_type: str Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : result: { "metadata": [ { "artifact": "0-d054cb71-91ab-44e2-9e4b-23fe14b4d74a.mp4", "key": "secret", "section": "tags", "value": "1" }, { "artifact": "0-d054cb71-91ab-44e2-9e4b-23fe14b4d74a.mp4", "key": "video", "section": "tags", "value": "1" } ] } error : null