<%inherit file="/base/base.mako"/> <%namespace name="dt" file="/data_table/_dt_elements.mako"/> <%def name="title()"> ${c.repo_name} ${_('New pull request')} <%def name="breadcrumbs_links()"> <%def name="menu_bar_nav()"> ${self.menu_items(active='repositories')} <%def name="menu_bar_subnav()"> ${self.repo_menu(active='showpullrequest')} <%def name="main()">
${h.secure_form(h.route_path('pullrequest_create', repo_name=c.repo_name, _query=request.GET.mixed()), id='pull_request_form', request=request)}
${_('New pull request')}
${h.text('pullrequest_title', c.default_title, class_="medium autogenerated-title")}

Start the title with WIP: to prevent accidental merge of Work In Progress pull request before it's ready.

## TODO: johbo: Abusing the "content" class here to get the ## desired effect. Should be replaced by a proper solution. ##ORG
${_('Source repository')}: ${c.rhodecode_db_repo.description}
${h.hidden('source_repo')} ${h.hidden('source_ref')}
##OTHER, most Probably the PARENT OF THIS FORK
## filled with JS
${h.hidden('target_repo')} ${h.hidden('target_ref')}
${_('Author of this pull request')}
  • ${self.gravatar_with_user(c.rhodecode_user.email, 16, tooltip=True)}
${_('Pull request reviewers')} - ${_('loading...')}
## members goes here, filled via JS based on initial selection !
    ${h.text('user', class_='ac-input', placeholder=_('Add reviewer or reviewer group'))}
    ## overview pulled by ajax