.. _api-ex:

API Example Usage

Use the following example uses of the |RCE| API to carry out work on your
instances, or |repo| maintanence on the server. For the complete API
documentation, see the :ref:`api` section.

.. _api-strip:

Stripping Commits

The strip command is useful for removing commits on the server, allowing
you to push changes without using force. To strip commits on the server, use
the following steps:

1. Install |RCT|, as explained in the :ref:`install-tools` section.
2. Configure the :file:`~/.rhoderc` file with the API connection details, as
   explained in the :ref:`config-rhoderc` section.
3. Check the |RCE| changelog and see from which revision onwards you wish to
   strip commits. This will also strip all descendants.

.. image:: ../images/pre-strip.png

4. Enter your |RCT| virtual environment, using the following example:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ . venv/bin/activate

5. Use the API to strip a commit, or number of commits from a |repo|. In this
   example I am stripping the top two commits from ``ad1e0523a4ab`` onwards.

.. note::

   Repositories in |repo| groups require the |repo| group to be passed as
   part of the ``repoid``.

.. code-block:: bash

    # Run the Strip API call
    $ rhodecode-api --instance-name=instance-id strip \
        repoid:repo-group/repo-name revision:ad1e0523a4ab branch:stable

    # Check the JSON-RPC verification

.. code-block:: javascript

      "error": null,
      "id": 5960,
      "result": {
        "msg": "Stripped commit ad1e0523a4ab from repo `repo-group/repo-name`",
        "repository": "repo-group/repo-name"

6. Once the commits are stripped, you can verify that they are
   stripped on the web interface.

.. image:: ../images/post-strip.png