## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%namespace name="base" file="/base/base.mako"/> %if c.repo_commits: ## to speed up lookups cache some functions before the loop <% active_patterns = h.get_active_pattern_entries(c.repo_name) urlify_commit_message = h.partial(h.urlify_commit_message, active_pattern_entries=active_patterns) %> %for cnt,cs in enumerate(c.repo_commits): %endfor
${_('Commit')} ${_('Commit message')} ${_('Age')} ${_('Author')} ${_('Refs')}
%if c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id):
%if c.statuses.get(cs.raw_id)[2]:
${urlify_commit_message(cs.message, c.repo_name)}
${h.age_component(cs.date)} ${base.gravatar_with_user(cs.author)}
%if h.is_hg(c.rhodecode_repo): %for book in cs.bookmarks: ${h.shorter(book)} %endfor %endif ## tags %for tag in cs.tags: ${h.shorter(tag)} %endfor ## branch %if cs.branch: ${h.shorter(cs.branch)} %endif
<% cs_comments = c.comments.get(cs.raw_id,[]) %> % if cs_comments: ${len(cs_comments)} % else: ${len(cs_comments)} % endif
${c.repo_commits.pager('$link_previous ~2~ $link_next')}
%else: %if h.HasRepoPermissionAny('repository.write','repository.admin')(c.repo_name):

${_('Add or upload files directly via RhodeCode:')}

%if not h.is_svn(c.rhodecode_repo):

${_('Push new repo:')}

${c.rhodecode_repo.alias} clone ${c.clone_repo_url}
${c.rhodecode_repo.alias} add README # add first file
${c.rhodecode_repo.alias} commit -m "Initial" # commit with message
${c.rhodecode_repo.alias} push ${'origin master' if h.is_git(c.rhodecode_repo) else ''} # push changes back

${_('Existing repository?')}

      %if h.is_git(c.rhodecode_repo):
git remote add origin ${c.clone_repo_url}
git push -u origin master
hg push ${c.clone_repo_url}