.. _code-best-practices-ref:

Code Review - Best Practices

The following is a list of best practices for reviewing code gathered from
various sources:

* **Implement a Core Review standard**, because the yield of the Code Review
  phase is 50 to 80% better than that of the Test phase.
* Review between **100 and 300 lines of code** at a time and spend 30-60 minutes
  doing it for best results.
* **Avoid code review meetings**, because meetings contributed only 4% of the
  defects found in the code inspections.
* Slow down to a comfortable pace, as reviewers **slower than 400 lines per
  hour are above average** in their ability to uncover defects. But when faster
  than 450 lines/hour the defect density is below average in 87% of the cases.
* Take a time-out, because defects are found at relatively constant rates
  through the first **60 minutes of inspection**. At that point the
  checklist-style review levels off sharply; the other review styles level
  off slightly later. In no case is a defect discovered after 90 minutes.