${_('Settings for Repository: %s') % c.repo_info.repo_name}

${h.secure_form(url('repo', repo_name=c.repo_info.repo_name),method='put')}

${_('Non-changeable id')}: `_${c.repo_info.repo_id}` ${_('what is that ?')}

% if c.repo_info.repo_type != 'svn':
%if c.repo_info.clone_uri:
${c.repo_info.clone_uri_hidden} ${_('edit')}
%else: ## not set yet, display form to set it ${h.text('clone_uri',class_="medium")} ${h.hidden('clone_uri_change', 'NEW')} %endif

${_('http[s] url where from repository was imported, also used for doing remote pulls.')}

% else: ${h.hidden('clone_uri', '')} % endif
${h.select('repo_group','',c.repo_groups,class_="medium")} %if c.personal_repo_group: ${_('Select my personal group (%(repo_group_name)s)') % {'repo_group_name': c.personal_repo_group.group_name}} %endif

${_('Optional select a group to put this repository into.')}


${_('Default commit for files page, downloads, whoosh and readme')}

${h.text('user', class_="medium", autocomplete="off")}

${_('Change owner of this repository.')}

${h.textarea('repo_description', )}

${_('Keep it short and to the point. Use a README file for longer descriptions.')}

${h.checkbox('repo_private',value="True")} ${_('Private repositories are only visible to people explicitly added as collaborators.')}
${h.checkbox('repo_enable_statistics',value="True")} ${_('Enable statistics window on summary page.')}
${h.checkbox('repo_enable_downloads',value="True")} ${_('Enable download menu on summary page.')}
${h.checkbox('repo_enable_locking',value="True")} ${_('Enable automatic locking on repository. Pulling from this repository creates a lock that can be released by pushing back by the same user')}
%if c.visual.repository_fields: ## EXTRA FIELDS %for field in c.repo_fields:
${h.text(field.field_key_prefixed, field.field_value, class_='medium')} %if field.field_desc: ${field.field_desc} %endif
%endfor %endif
${h.submit('save',_('Save'),class_="btn")} ${h.reset('reset',_('Reset'),class_="btn")}