""" Oracle database specific implementations of changeset classes. """ import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.databases import oracle as sa_base from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate import exceptions from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate.changeset import ansisql OracleSchemaGenerator = sa_base.OracleDDLCompiler class OracleColumnGenerator(OracleSchemaGenerator, ansisql.ANSIColumnGenerator): pass class OracleColumnDropper(ansisql.ANSIColumnDropper): pass class OracleSchemaChanger(OracleSchemaGenerator, ansisql.ANSISchemaChanger): def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs): # Ignore the NOT NULL generated override_nullable = kwargs.pop('override_nullable', None) if override_nullable: orig = column.nullable column.nullable = True ret = super(OracleSchemaChanger, self).get_column_specification( column, **kwargs) if override_nullable: column.nullable = orig return ret def visit_column(self, delta): keys = list(delta.keys()) if 'name' in keys: self._run_subvisit(delta, self._visit_column_name, start_alter=False) if len(set(('type', 'nullable', 'server_default')).intersection(keys)): self._run_subvisit(delta, self._visit_column_change, start_alter=False) def _visit_column_change(self, table, column, delta): # Oracle cannot drop a default once created, but it can set it # to null. We'll do that if default=None # http://forums.oracle.com/forums/message.jspa?messageID=1273234#1273234 dropdefault_hack = (column.server_default is None \ and 'server_default' in list(delta.keys())) # Oracle apparently doesn't like it when we say "not null" if # the column's already not null. Fudge it, so we don't need a # new function notnull_hack = ((not column.nullable) \ and ('nullable' not in list(delta.keys()))) # We need to specify NULL if we're removing a NOT NULL # constraint null_hack = (column.nullable and ('nullable' in list(delta.keys()))) if dropdefault_hack: column.server_default = sa.PassiveDefault(sa.sql.null()) if notnull_hack: column.nullable = True colspec = self.get_column_specification(column, override_nullable=null_hack) if null_hack: colspec += ' NULL' if notnull_hack: column.nullable = False if dropdefault_hack: column.server_default = None self.start_alter_table(table) self.append("MODIFY (") self.append(colspec) self.append(")") class OracleConstraintCommon(object): def get_constraint_name(self, cons): # Oracle constraints can't guess their name like other DBs if not cons.name: raise exceptions.NotSupportedError( "Oracle constraint names must be explicitly stated") return cons.name class OracleConstraintGenerator(OracleConstraintCommon, ansisql.ANSIConstraintGenerator): pass class OracleConstraintDropper(OracleConstraintCommon, ansisql.ANSIConstraintDropper): pass class OracleDialect(ansisql.ANSIDialect): columngenerator = OracleColumnGenerator columndropper = OracleColumnDropper schemachanger = OracleSchemaChanger constraintgenerator = OracleConstraintGenerator constraintdropper = OracleConstraintDropper