|RCE| 4.14.0 |RNS| ------------------ Release Date ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - 2018-11-02 New Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Diffs: expose range diff inside the PR view. It's now possible to show commit-per-commit view of changes in pull request. - Diffs: new sticky context bar. When browsing diffs we show file path of the current diff so users are aware all the time what file they are reviewing. - Diffs: added quick file selector in diffs views. Now it's possible to select a file in large diffs from the sticky header for quicker access to certain interesting files in diffs. - Diffs: introducing diff menu for whitespace toggle and context changes. It's now possible to show/hide whitespace changes and toggle the file context in all diff places including pull requests. - Comments: allow commenting on empty files without content. - Repositories: added option to archive repositories instead of deleting them. Archived repositories are useful for future auditing, but they are read-only. - rcextensions: new rcextensions. We're introducing new `rcextensions` that will be base for future low-level integrations. It's now possible to expose nice messages back to the users when using `rcextensions`. - Summary page: slightly re-organize summary page for better user experience. General ^^^^^^^ - Mailing: switched from custom library to pyramid_mailer with python3 compatibility. - Frontend: Switched to Polymer 3.0. - Frontend: fixed problems with IE11 and brought back support for that browser. - Git: use a fetch_sync based creation of remote repositories. This fixes problems with importing from Bitbucket. - Comments: update comments email templates. - Packaging: only wrap external dependency scripts. This makes execution of scripts roughly 5x faster due to much smaller PATH tree. - HTTP: use application wide detection of invalid bytes sent via URL/GET/POST data. - Fonts/UI: use consistent fonts across the whole application. Few places had non-standard custom fonts. - Google: updated google auth plugin with latest API changes. - Core: handle edge case requesting matched routes but with hg/svn/git or api context. - Dependencies: bumped rhodecode-tools to 1.0.0 release using Apache2 license. - Dependencies: atomicwrites==1.2.1 - Dependencies: attrs==18.2.0 - Dependencies: dogpile.cache==0.6.7 - Dependencies: psutil==5.4.7 - Dependencies: pathlib2==2.3.2 - Dependencies: subprocess32==3.5.2 - Dependencies: gevent==1.3.6 - Dependencies: greenlet==0.4.15 - Dependencies: pytest==3.8.2 - Dependencies: py==1.6.0 - Dependencies: pytest-cov==2.6.0 - Dependencies: pytest-timeout==1.3.2 - Dependencies: coverage==4.5.1 - Dependencies: psycopg2==2.7.5 Security ^^^^^^^^ - RST: improve Javascript RST sandbox. - Jupyter: sanitize markdown cells similar as we do for our own markdown cleanup. Performance ^^^^^^^^^^^ - SSH: improved SSH wrapper execution speed by using optimized binary script wrapping. - Core: reduced font and JavaScript load times. Fixes ^^^^^ - Comments: ensure we always display unmatched comments. - Branch Permissions: fixed changing rule order for branch permissions. - Users: ensure get_first_superadmin actually gets the 1st created super-admin. - Users: when deleting users ensure we also clear personal flag. This fixes some problems with multiple personal groups. - Diffs: disable the error border on highlight errors. - Integrations: implement retry to HTTP[S] calls for integrations. Web parts will do a 3x retry call in case service is not reachable or responds with 5XX codes. - Git: fixed pull-request updates in case branch names are the same as the file names. - Supervisor: add patch for older kernel support. - Compare: fixed file after/before links in compare view for cross repo compare. - Emails: improve fonts and rendering of email HTML. - Permissions: flush members of user groups permissions to clear caches. - Repository: add check preventing of removal of repo with attached pull requests. Users should use the new archive repo function instead. Upgrade notes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - In this release, we're shipping a new `rcextensions`. The changes made are backward incompatible. An update of `rcextensions` is required prior to using them again. Please check the new `rcextensions.tmpl` directory located in `etc/rcextensions.tmpl` in your instance installation path. Old code should be 100% portable by just copy&paste to the right function. - Mailing: We introduced a new mailing library. The older options should be compatible and generally, old configuration doesn't need any changes in order to send emails. We, however, encourage users to re-check mailing setup in case of some more sophisticated email setups. There's a possibility to send a test email from admin > settings > email section.