// # Copyright (C) 2010-2019 RhodeCode GmbH // # // # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 // # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. // # // # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // # GNU General Public License for more details. // # // # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // # along with this program. If not, see . // # // # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the // # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, // # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ /** * Search file list */ var NodeFilter = {}; var fileBrowserListeners = function (node_list_url, url_base) { var $filterInput = $('#node_filter'); var n_filter = $filterInput.get(0); NodeFilter.filterTimeout = null; var nodes = null; NodeFilter.focus = function () { $filterInput.focus() }; NodeFilter.fetchNodes = function (callback) { $.ajax( {url: node_list_url, headers: {'X-PARTIAL-XHR': true}}) .done(function (data) { nodes = data.nodes; if (callback) { callback(); } }) .fail(function (data) { console.log('failed to load'); }); }; NodeFilter.initFilter = function (e) { if ($filterInput.hasClass('loading')) { return } // in case we are already loaded, do nothing if (!$filterInput.hasClass('init')) { return NodeFilter.handleKey(e); } var org = $('.files-filter-box-path .tag').html(); $('.files-filter-box-path .tag').html('loading...'); $filterInput.addClass('loading'); var callback = function (org) { return function () { if ($filterInput.hasClass('init')) { $filterInput.removeClass('init'); $filterInput.removeClass('loading'); } $('.files-filter-box-path .tag').html(org); // auto re-filter if we filled in the input if (n_filter.value !== "") { NodeFilter.updateFilter(n_filter, e)() } } }; // load node data NodeFilter.fetchNodes(callback(org)); }; NodeFilter.resetFilter = function () { $('#tbody').show(); $('#tbody_filtered').hide(); $filterInput.val(''); }; NodeFilter.handleKey = function (e) { var scrollDown = function (element) { var elementBottom = element.offset().top + $(element).outerHeight(); var windowBottom = window.innerHeight + $(window).scrollTop(); if (elementBottom > windowBottom) { var offset = elementBottom - window.innerHeight; $('html,body').scrollTop(offset); return false; } return true; }; var scrollUp = function (element) { if (element.offset().top < $(window).scrollTop()) { $('html,body').scrollTop(element.offset().top); return false; } return true; }; var $hlElem = $('.browser-highlight'); if (e.keyCode === 40) { // Down if ($hlElem.length === 0) { $('.browser-result').first().addClass('browser-highlight'); } else { var next = $hlElem.next(); if (next.length !== 0) { $hlElem.removeClass('browser-highlight'); next.addClass('browser-highlight'); } } if ($hlElem.get(0) !== undefined){ scrollDown($hlElem); } } if (e.keyCode === 38) { // Up e.preventDefault(); if ($hlElem.length !== 0) { var next = $hlElem.prev(); if (next.length !== 0) { $('.browser-highlight').removeClass('browser-highlight'); next.addClass('browser-highlight'); } } if ($hlElem.get(0) !== undefined){ scrollUp($hlElem); } } if (e.keyCode === 13) { // Enter if ($('.browser-highlight').length !== 0) { var url = $('.browser-highlight').find('.match-link').attr('href'); window.location = url; } } if (e.keyCode === 27) { // Esc NodeFilter.resetFilter(); $('html,body').scrollTop(0); } var capture_keys = [ 40, // ArrowDown 38, // ArrowUp 39, // ArrowRight 37, // ArrowLeft 13, // Enter 27 // Esc ]; if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, capture_keys) === -1) { clearTimeout(NodeFilter.filterTimeout); NodeFilter.filterTimeout = setTimeout(NodeFilter.updateFilter(n_filter, e), 200); } }; NodeFilter.fuzzy_match = function (filepath, query) { var highlight = []; var order = 0; for (var i = 0; i < query.length; i++) { var match_position = filepath.indexOf(query[i]); if (match_position !== -1) { var prev_match_position = highlight[highlight.length - 1]; if (prev_match_position === undefined) { highlight.push(match_position); } else { var current_match_position = prev_match_position + match_position + 1; highlight.push(current_match_position); order = order + current_match_position - prev_match_position; } filepath = filepath.substring(match_position + 1); } else { return false; } } return { 'order': order, 'highlight': highlight }; }; NodeFilter.sortPredicate = function (a, b) { if (a.order < b.order) return -1; if (a.order > b.order) return 1; if (a.filepath < b.filepath) return -1; if (a.filepath > b.filepath) return 1; return 0; }; NodeFilter.updateFilter = function (elem, e) { return function () { // Reset timeout NodeFilter.filterTimeout = null; var query = elem.value.toLowerCase(); var match = []; var matches_max = 20; if (query !== "") { var results = []; for (var k = 0; k < nodes.length; k++) { var result = NodeFilter.fuzzy_match( nodes[k].name.toLowerCase(), query); if (result) { result.type = nodes[k].type; result.filepath = nodes[k].name; results.push(result); } } results = results.sort(NodeFilter.sortPredicate); var limit = matches_max; if (results.length < matches_max) { limit = results.length; } for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) { if (query && results.length > 0) { var n = results[i].filepath; var t = results[i].type; var n_hl = n.split(""); var pos = results[i].highlight; for (var j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) { n_hl[pos[j]] = "" + n_hl[pos[j]] + ""; } n_hl = n_hl.join(""); var new_url = url_base.replace('__FPATH__', n); var typeObj = { dir: 'icon-directory browser-dir', file: 'icon-file-text browser-file' }; var typeIcon = ''.format(typeObj[t]); match.push('{1}{2}'.format(new_url, typeIcon, n_hl)); } } if (results.length > limit) { var truncated_count = results.length - matches_max; if (truncated_count === 1) { match.push('{0} {1}'.format(truncated_count, _gettext('truncated result'))); } else { match.push('{0} {1}'.format(truncated_count, _gettext('truncated results'))); } } } if (query !== "") { $('#tbody').hide(); $('#tbody_filtered').show(); if (match.length === 0) { match.push('{0}'.format(_gettext('No matching files'))); } $('#tbody_filtered').html(match.join("")); } else { $('#tbody').show(); $('#tbody_filtered').hide(); } }; }; }; var getIdentNode = function(n){ // iterate through nodes until matched interesting node if (typeof n === 'undefined'){ return -1; } if(typeof n.id !== "undefined" && n.id.match('L[0-9]+')){ return n; } else{ return getIdentNode(n.parentNode); } }; var getSelectionLink = function(e) { // get selection from start/to nodes if (typeof window.getSelection !== "undefined") { s = window.getSelection(); from = getIdentNode(s.anchorNode); till = getIdentNode(s.focusNode); f_int = parseInt(from.id.replace('L','')); t_int = parseInt(till.id.replace('L','')); if (f_int > t_int){ // highlight from bottom offset = -35; ranges = [t_int,f_int]; } else{ // highligth from top offset = 35; ranges = [f_int,t_int]; } // if we select more than 2 lines if (ranges[0] !== ranges[1]){ if($('#linktt').length === 0){ hl_div = document.createElement('div'); hl_div.id = 'linktt'; } hl_div.innerHTML = ''; anchor = '#L'+ranges[0]+'-'+ranges[1]; var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = location.href.substring(0,location.href.indexOf('#'))+anchor; link.innerHTML = _gettext('Selection link'); hl_div.appendChild(link); $('#codeblock').append(hl_div); var xy = $(till).offset(); $('#linktt').addClass('hl-tip-box tip-box'); $('#linktt').offset({top: xy.top + offset, left: xy.left}); $('#linktt').css('visibility','visible'); } else{ $('#linktt').css('visibility','hidden'); } } };