

``RhodeCode`` is a fast and powerful source code management tool for
Mercurial_, GIT_ and Subversion_. It's main features are:

- built in push/pull server
- SSH with key management support
- full text search.
- plugable authentication.
- pull requests and powerful code-review system.
- advanced permission system with IP restrictions, permission inheritation, and user-groups.
- rich set of authentication plugins including LDAP, ActiveDirectory, SAML 2.0,
  Atlassian Crowd, Http-Headers, Pam, Token-Auth, OAuth.
- live code-review chat, and reviewer rules.
- full web based file editing.
- unified multi vcs support.
- snippets (gist) system.
- artfacts store for binaries.
- integration framework for Slack, CI systems, Webhooks, Jira, Redmine etc.
- integration with all 3rd party issue trackers.

RhodeCode also provides rich API, and multiple event hooks so it's easy
integrable with existing external systems.

RhodeCode is similar in some respects to gitlab_, github_ or bitbucket_,
however RhodeCode can be run as standalone hosted application on your own server.
RhodeCode can be installed on \*nix or Windows systems.

RhodeCode uses `PEP386 versioning <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0386/>`_

Please visit https://docs.rhodecode.com/RhodeCode-Control/tasks/install-cli.html
for more details

Source code

The latest sources can be obtained from official RhodeCode instance


RhodeCode is open-source; contributions are welcome!

Please see the contribution documentation inside of the docs folder, which is
also available at

For additional information about collaboration tools, our issue tracker,
licensing, and contribution credit, visit https://rhodecode.com/open-source 

RhodeCode Features

Check out all features of RhodeCode at https://rhodecode.com/features


``RhodeCode`` is dual-licensed with AGPLv3 and commercial license.
Please see LICENSE.txt file for details.

Getting help

Listed bellow are various support resources that should help.

.. note::

   Please try to read the documentation before posting any issues, especially
   the **troubleshooting section**

- Official issue tracker `RhodeCode Issue tracker <https://issues.rhodecode.com>`_

- Official Slack Community Channel `RhodeCode Slack <https://rhodecode.com/join>`_

- Search our community portal `Community portal <https://community.rhodecode.com>`_

- You can also follow RhodeCode on twitter **@RhodeCode** where we often post
  news and other interesting stuff about RhodeCode.

Online documentation

Online documentation for the current version of RhodeCode is available at
 - http://rhodecode.com/docs

You may also build the documentation for yourself - go into ``docs/`` and run::

    nix-build default.nix -o result && make clean html

(You need to have sphinx_ installed to build the documentation. If you don't
have sphinx_ installed you can install it via the command:
``pip install sphinx``)

.. _virtualenv: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
.. _python: http://www.python.org/
.. _sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/
.. _mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/
.. _bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/
.. _github: http://github.com/
.. _gitlab: http://gitlab.com/
.. _subversion: http://subversion.tigris.org/
.. _git: http://git-scm.com/
.. _celery: http://celeryproject.org/
.. _vcs: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/vcs