## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="/debug_style/index.html"/> <%def name="breadcrumbs_links()"> ${h.link_to(_('Style'), h.route_path('debug_style_home'))} » ${c.active} </%def> <%def name="real_main()"> <div class="box"> <div class="title"> ${self.breadcrumbs()} </div> <div class='sidebar-col-wrapper'> ${self.sidebar()} <div class="main-content"> <h2>Gravatars</h2> <p>Usernames are always centered on an avatar to the left. Avatars are 16px square. For user settings/login, some exceptions may use a larger avatar. Use base.gravatar for a gravatar only, and base.gravatar_with_user for a gravatar with a username. Use the format below: </p> <div class="bs-example template-example"> <div class="gravatar_with_user"> <img class="gravatar" alt="gravatar" src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/72706ebd30734451af9ff3fb59f05ff1?d=identicon&s=16"> <span title="Lolek Santos <lolek@rhodecode.com>" class="user">Lolek</span> </div> </div> <div class="bs-example template-example"> <xmp>$</xmp><xmp>{base.gravatar_with_user(c.rhodecode_user.email, 16)}</xmp> </div> <div class="bs-example template-example"> <div class="gravatar_with_user"> <img class="gravatar gravatar-large" alt="gravatar" src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/72706ebd30734451af9ff3fb59f05ff1?d=identicon&s=30"> <span title="Lolek Santos <lolek@rhodecode.com>" class="user">Lolek</span> </div> </div> <div class="bs-example template-example"> <xmp>$</xmp><xmp>{base.gravatar_with_user(c.rhodecode_user.email, 30)}</xmp> </div> <p class="help-block">Note: Actual template variables may be different.</p> <h2>Icon List</h2> <table id="icons-list"> <% import os import string with open(os.path.abspath('./rhodecode/public/css/rcicons.less')) as f: source = f.read() start = source.find('// -- ICON CLASSES -- //') end = source.find('// -- END ICON CLASSES -- //') source = source[start:end] ico_data = [] for line in source.splitlines(): line = line.split(':before') line = map(string.strip, line) if len(line) in [2, 3]: if len(line) == 2: ico_cls, ico_code = line else: ico_cls, ico_code, rest = line ico_code = ico_code[:ico_code.find('/*')] ico_data.append([ico_cls, ico_code]) %> % for ico_cls, ico_code in ico_data: <tr class="row"> <td title="Code: ${ico_code}" class="the-icons span3"><i class="${ico_cls[1:]}"></i><td/> <td><span class="i-name">${ico_cls}</span></td> <td><span class="i-code">${ico_code}</span></td> </tr> % endfor </table> </div> </div> </div> </%def>