# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012-2016 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ from __future__ import unicode_literals import deform import re import logging import requests import colander import textwrap from celery.task import task from mako.template import Template from rhodecode import events from rhodecode.translation import _ from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h from rhodecode.lib.celerylib import run_task from rhodecode.lib.colander_utils import strip_whitespace from rhodecode.integrations.types.base import IntegrationTypeBase log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HipchatSettingsSchema(colander.Schema): color_choices = [ ('yellow', _('Yellow')), ('red', _('Red')), ('green', _('Green')), ('purple', _('Purple')), ('gray', _('Gray')), ] server_url = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Hipchat server URL'), description=_('Hipchat integration url.'), default='', preparer=strip_whitespace, validator=colander.url, widget=deform.widget.TextInputWidget( placeholder='https://?.hipchat.com/v2/room/?/notification?auth_token=?', ), ) notify = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Bool(), title=_('Notify'), description=_('Make a notification to the users in room.'), missing=False, default=False, ) color = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Color'), description=_('Background color of message.'), missing='', validator=colander.OneOf([x[0] for x in color_choices]), widget=deform.widget.Select2Widget( values=color_choices, ), ) repo_push_template = Template(''' ${data['actor']['username']} pushed to %if data['push']['branches']: ${len(data['push']['branches']) > 1 and 'branches' or 'branch'} ${', '.join('%s' % (branch['url'], branch['name']) for branch in data['push']['branches'])} %else: unknown branch %endif in ${data['repo']['repo_name']}
''') class HipchatIntegrationType(IntegrationTypeBase): key = 'hipchat' display_name = _('Hipchat') description = _('Send events such as repo pushes and pull requests to ' 'your hipchat channel.') icon = '''''' valid_events = [ events.PullRequestCloseEvent, events.PullRequestMergeEvent, events.PullRequestUpdateEvent, events.PullRequestCommentEvent, events.PullRequestReviewEvent, events.PullRequestCreateEvent, events.RepoPushEvent, events.RepoCreateEvent, ] def send_event(self, event): if event.__class__ not in self.valid_events: log.debug('event not valid: %r' % event) return if event.name not in self.settings['events']: log.debug('event ignored: %r' % event) return data = event.as_dict() text = '%s caused a %s event' % ( data['actor']['username'], event.name) log.debug('handling hipchat event for %s' % event.name) if isinstance(event, events.PullRequestCommentEvent): text = self.format_pull_request_comment_event(event, data) elif isinstance(event, events.PullRequestReviewEvent): text = self.format_pull_request_review_event(event, data) elif isinstance(event, events.PullRequestEvent): text = self.format_pull_request_event(event, data) elif isinstance(event, events.RepoPushEvent): text = self.format_repo_push_event(data) elif isinstance(event, events.RepoCreateEvent): text = self.format_repo_create_event(data) else: log.error('unhandled event type: %r' % event) run_task(post_text_to_hipchat, self.settings, text) def settings_schema(self): schema = HipchatSettingsSchema() schema.add(colander.SchemaNode( colander.Set(), widget=deform.widget.CheckboxChoiceWidget( values=sorted( [(e.name, e.display_name) for e in self.valid_events] ) ), description="Events activated for this integration", name='events' )) return schema def format_pull_request_comment_event(self, event, data): comment_text = data['comment']['text'] if len(comment_text) > 200: comment_text = '{comment_text}...'.format( comment_text=comment_text[:200], comment_url=data['comment']['url'], ) comment_status = '' if data['comment']['status']: comment_status = '[{}]: '.format(data['comment']['status']) return (textwrap.dedent( ''' {user} commented on pull request {number} - {pr_title}: >>> {comment_status}{comment_text} ''').format( comment_status=comment_status, user=data['actor']['username'], number=data['pullrequest']['pull_request_id'], pr_url=data['pullrequest']['url'], pr_status=data['pullrequest']['status'], pr_title=data['pullrequest']['title'], comment_text=comment_text ) ) def format_pull_request_review_event(self, event, data): return (textwrap.dedent( ''' Status changed to {pr_status} for pull request #{number} - {pr_title} ''').format( user=data['actor']['username'], number=data['pullrequest']['pull_request_id'], pr_url=data['pullrequest']['url'], pr_status=data['pullrequest']['status'], pr_title=data['pullrequest']['title'], ) ) def format_pull_request_event(self, event, data): action = { events.PullRequestCloseEvent: 'closed', events.PullRequestMergeEvent: 'merged', events.PullRequestUpdateEvent: 'updated', events.PullRequestCreateEvent: 'created', }.get(event.__class__, str(event.__class__)) return ('Pull request #{number} - {title} ' '{action} by {user}').format( user=data['actor']['username'], number=data['pullrequest']['pull_request_id'], url=data['pullrequest']['url'], title=data['pullrequest']['title'], action=action ) def format_repo_push_event(self, data): result = repo_push_template.render( data=data, ) return result def format_repo_create_event(self, data): return '{} ({}) repository created by {}'.format( data['repo']['url'], data['repo']['repo_name'], data['repo']['repo_type'], data['actor']['username'], ) @task(ignore_result=True) def post_text_to_hipchat(settings, text): log.debug('sending %s to hipchat %s' % (text, settings['server_url'])) resp = requests.post(settings['server_url'], json={ "message": text, "color": settings.get('color', 'yellow'), "notify": settings.get('notify', False), }) resp.raise_for_status() # raise exception on a failed request