<%inherit file="base/root.mako"/> <%def name="title()"> ${_('Setup authenticator app')} %if c.rhodecode_name: · ${h.branding(c.rhodecode_name)} %endif

Setup the authenticator app

Authenticator apps like Google Authenticator, etc. generate one-time passwords that are used as a second factor to verify you identity.

Use an authenticator app to scan.

${_('Unable to scan?')} ${_('Click here')}

${h.secure_form(h.route_path('setup_2fa'), request=request, id='totp_form')}

${h.text('totp', class_='form-control', style='width: 40%;')}
%if 'totp' in errors: ${errors.get('totp')}
${h.submit('save',_('Verify'),class_="btn btn-primary", style='width: 40%;', disabled=not codes_viewed)}