.. _rc-ext: |RCX| ----- |RCX| add additional functionality for push/pull/create/delete |repo| hooks. These hooks can be used to send signals to build-bots such as `Jenkins`_. It also adds built in plugin and extension support. Once installed, you will see a :file:`rcextensions` folder in the instance directory, for example: :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions` Built-in Plugins ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * A number of `Jira`_ plugins, enabling you to integrate with that issue tracker: ``extract_jira_issues.py``, ``jira_pr_flow.py``, ``jira_smart_commits.py`` * A number of `Redmine`_ plugins, enabling you to integrate with that issue tracker: ``extract_redmine_issues.py``, ``redmine_pr_flow.py``, ``redmine_smart_commits.py``. * ``hipchat.py`` and ``hipchat_push.py`` enable you to integrate with `HipChat`_ and set channel or user notifications. * ``slack.py``, ``slack_message.py``, and ``slack_push_notify.py`` enable you to integrate with `Slack`_ and set channel or user notifications. Built-in Extensions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``commit_parser.py``: Enables you to parse commit messages, and set a list of users to get notifications about change sets. * ``default_reviewers.py``: Enables you to add default reviewers to a |pr|. * ``extra_fields.py``: Returns a list of extra fields added to a |repo|. * ``http_notify``: Enables you to send data over a web hook. * ``mail.py`` : This extension uses the |RCE| mail configuration from the instance :file:`rhodecode.ini` file to send email. * ``push_post.py``: Enables you to set up push based actions such as automated Jenkins builds. Event Listeners ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To enable the extensions to listen to the different events that they are configured for, you need to also set up an event listener (hook). Event listeners are configured in the :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions/__init.__.py` file. For more details, see the example hook in :ref:`event-listener`. .. _Jenkins: http://jenkins-ci.org/ .. _HipChat: https://www.hipchat.com/ .. _Slack: https://slack.com/ .. _Redmine: http://www.redmine.org/ .. _Jira: https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira