""" Abstract Classes for Providers ------------------------------ Abstract base classes for implementation of protocol specific providers. .. note:: Attributes prefixed with ``_x_`` serve the purpose of unification of differences across providers. .. autosummary:: login_decorator BaseProvider AuthorizationProvider AuthenticationProvider """ import abc import base64 import hashlib import logging import random import sys import traceback import uuid import authomatic.core from authomatic.exceptions import ( ConfigError, FetchError, CredentialsError, ) from authomatic import six from authomatic.six.moves import urllib_parse as parse from authomatic.six.moves import http_client from authomatic.exceptions import CancellationError __all__ = [ 'BaseProvider', 'AuthorizationProvider', 'AuthenticationProvider', 'login_decorator'] def _error_traceback_html(exc_info, traceback_): """ Generates error traceback HTML. :param tuple exc_info: Output of :func:`sys.exc_info` function. :param traceback: Output of :func:`traceback.format_exc` function. """ html = """ ERROR: {error}

The Authomatic library encountered an error!


""" return html.format(error=exc_info[1], traceback=traceback_) def login_decorator(func): """ Decorate the :meth:`.BaseProvider.login` implementations with this decorator. Provides mechanism for error reporting and returning result which makes the :meth:`.BaseProvider.login` implementation cleaner. """ def wrap(provider, *args, **kwargs): error = None result = authomatic.core.LoginResult(provider) try: func(provider, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except if provider.settings.report_errors: error = e if not isinstance(error, CancellationError): provider._log( logging.ERROR, u'Reported suppressed exception: {0}!'.format( repr(error)), exc_info=1) else: if provider.settings.debug: # TODO: Check whether it actually works without middleware provider.write( _error_traceback_html( sys.exc_info(), traceback.format_exc())) raise # If there is user or error the login procedure has finished if provider.user or error: result = authomatic.core.LoginResult(provider) # Add error to result result.error = error # delete session cookie if isinstance(provider.session, authomatic.core.Session): provider.session.delete() provider._log(logging.INFO, u'Procedure finished.') if provider.callback: provider.callback(result) return result else: # Save session provider.save_session() return wrap class BaseProvider(object): """ Abstract base class for all providers. """ PROVIDER_TYPE_ID = 0 _repr_ignore = ('user',) __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta supported_user_attributes = authomatic.core.SupportedUserAttributes() def __init__(self, settings, adapter, provider_name, session=None, session_saver=None, callback=None, js_callback=None, prefix='authomatic', **kwargs): self.settings = settings self.adapter = adapter self.session = session self.save_session = session_saver #: :class:`str` The provider name as specified in the :doc:`config`. self.name = provider_name #: :class:`callable` An optional callback called when the login #: procedure is finished with :class:`.core.LoginResult` passed as #: argument. self.callback = callback #: :class:`str` Name of an optional javascript callback. self.js_callback = js_callback #: :class:`.core.User`. self.user = None #: :class:`bool` If ``True``, the #: :attr:`.BaseProvider.user_authorization_url` will be displayed #: in a *popup mode*, if the **provider** supports it. self.popup = self._kwarg(kwargs, 'popup') @property def url(self): return self.adapter.url @property def params(self): return self.adapter.params def write(self, value): self.adapter.write(value) def set_header(self, key, value): self.adapter.set_header(key, value) def set_status(self, status): self.adapter.set_status(status) def redirect(self, url): self.set_status('302 Found') self.set_header('Location', url) # ======================================================================== # Abstract methods # ======================================================================== @abc.abstractmethod def login(self): """ Launches the *login procedure* to get **user's credentials** from **provider**. Should be decorated with :func:`.login_decorator`. The *login procedure* is considered finished when the :attr:`.user` attribute is not empty when the method runs out of it's flow or when there are errors. """ # ======================================================================== # Exposed methods # ======================================================================== def to_dict(self): """ Converts the provider instance to a :class:`dict`. :returns: :class:`dict` """ return dict(name=self.name, id=getattr(self, 'id', None), type_id=self.type_id, type=self.get_type(), scope=getattr(self, 'scope', None), user=self.user.id if self.user else None) @classmethod def get_type(cls): """ Returns the provider type. :returns: :class:`str` The full dotted path to base class e.g. :literal:`"authomatic.providers.oauth2.OAuth2"`. """ return cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__bases__[0].__name__ def update_user(self): """ Updates and returns :attr:`.user`. :returns: :class:`.User` """ # ======================================================================== # Internal methods # ======================================================================== @property def type_id(self): pass def _kwarg(self, kwargs, kwname, default=None): """ Resolves keyword arguments from constructor or :doc:`config`. .. note:: The keyword arguments take this order of precedence: 1. Arguments passed to constructor through the :func:`authomatic.login`. 2. Provider specific arguments from :doc:`config`. 3. Arguments from :doc:`config` set in the ``__defaults__`` key. 2. The value from :data:`default` argument. :param dict kwargs: Keyword arguments dictionary. :param str kwname: Name of the desired keyword argument. """ return kwargs.get(kwname) or \ self.settings.config.get(self.name, {}).get(kwname) or \ self.settings.config.get('__defaults__', {}).get(kwname) or \ default def _session_key(self, key): """ Generates session key string. :param str key: e.g. ``"authomatic:facebook:key"`` """ return '{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(self.settings.prefix, self.name, key) def _session_set(self, key, value): """ Saves a value to session. """ self.session[self._session_key(key)] = value def _session_get(self, key): """ Retrieves a value from session. """ return self.session.get(self._session_key(key)) @staticmethod def csrf_generator(secret): """ Generates CSRF token. Inspired by this article: http://blog.ptsecurity.com/2012/10/random-number-security-in-python.html :returns: :class:`str` Random unguessable string. """ # Create hash from random string plus salt. hashed = hashlib.md5(uuid.uuid4().bytes + six.b(secret)).hexdigest() # Each time return random portion of the hash. span = 5 shift = random.randint(0, span) return hashed[shift:shift - span - 1] @classmethod def _log(cls, level, msg, **kwargs): """ Logs a message with pre-formatted prefix. :param int level: Logging level as specified in the `login module `_ of Python standard library. :param str msg: The actual message. """ logger = getattr(cls, '_logger', None) or authomatic.core._logger logger.log( level, ': '.join( ('authomatic', cls.__name__, msg)), **kwargs) def _fetch(self, url, method='GET', params=None, headers=None, body='', max_redirects=5, content_parser=None): """ Fetches a URL. :param str url: The URL to fetch. :param str method: HTTP method of the request. :param dict params: Dictionary of request parameters. :param dict headers: HTTP headers of the request. :param str body: Body of ``POST``, ``PUT`` and ``PATCH`` requests. :param int max_redirects: Number of maximum HTTP redirects to follow. :param function content_parser: A callable to be used to parse the :attr:`.Response.data` from :attr:`.Response.content`. """ # 'magic' using _kwarg method # pylint:disable=no-member params = params or {} params.update(self.access_params) headers = headers or {} headers.update(self.access_headers) scheme, host, path, query, fragment = parse.urlsplit(url) query = parse.urlencode(params) if method in ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'): if not body: # Put querystring to body body = query query = '' headers.update( {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) request_path = parse.urlunsplit(('', '', path or '', query or '', '')) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 host: {0}'.format(host)) self._log( logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 path: {0}'.format(request_path)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 method: {0}'.format(method)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 body: {0}'.format(body)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 params: {0}'.format(params)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u2514\u2500 headers: {0}'.format(headers)) # Connect if scheme.lower() == 'https': connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection(host) else: connection = http_client.HTTPConnection(host) try: connection.request(method, request_path, body, headers) except Exception as e: raise FetchError('Fetching URL failed', original_message=str(e), url=request_path) response = connection.getresponse() location = response.getheader('Location') if response.status in (300, 301, 302, 303, 307) and location: if location == url: raise FetchError('Url redirects to itself!', url=location, status=response.status) elif max_redirects > 0: remaining_redirects = max_redirects - 1 self._log(logging.DEBUG, u'Redirecting to {0}'.format(url)) self._log(logging.DEBUG, u'Remaining redirects: {0}' .format(remaining_redirects)) # Call this method again. response = self._fetch(url=location, params=params, method=method, headers=headers, max_redirects=remaining_redirects) else: raise FetchError('Max redirects reached!', url=location, status=response.status) else: self._log(logging.DEBUG, u'Got response:') self._log(logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 url: {0}'.format(url)) self._log( logging.DEBUG, u' \u251C\u2500 status: {0}'.format( response.status)) self._log( logging.DEBUG, u' \u2514\u2500 headers: {0}'.format( response.getheaders())) return authomatic.core.Response(response, content_parser) def _update_or_create_user(self, data, credentials=None, content=None): """ Updates or creates :attr:`.user`. :returns: :class:`.User` """ if not self.user: self.user = authomatic.core.User(self, credentials=credentials) self.user.content = content self.user.data = data # Update. for key in self.user.__dict__: # Exclude data. if key not in ('data', 'content'): # Extract every data item whose key matches the user # property name, but only if it has a value. value = data.get(key) if value: setattr(self.user, key, value) # Handle different structure of data by different providers. self.user = self._x_user_parser(self.user, data) if self.user.id: self.user.id = str(self.user.id) # TODO: Move to User # If there is no user.name, if not self.user.name: if self.user.first_name and self.user.last_name: # Create it from first name and last name if available. self.user.name = ' '.join((self.user.first_name, self.user.last_name)) else: # Or use one of these. self.user.name = (self.user.username or self.user.nickname or self.user.first_name or self.user.last_name) if not self.user.location: if self.user.city and self.user.country: self.user.location = '{0}, {1}'.format(self.user.city, self.user.country) else: self.user.location = self.user.city or self.user.country return self.user @staticmethod def _x_user_parser(user, data): """ Handles different structure of user info data by different providers. :param user: :class:`.User` :param dict data: User info data returned by provider. """ return user @staticmethod def _http_status_in_category(status, category): """ Checks whether a HTTP status code is in the category denoted by the hundreds digit. """ assert category < 10, 'HTTP status category must be a one-digit int!' cat = category * 100 return status >= cat and status < cat + 100 class AuthorizationProvider(BaseProvider): """ Base provider for *authorization protocols* i.e. protocols which allow a **provider** to authorize a **consumer** to access **protected resources** of a **user**. e.g. `OAuth 2.0 `_ or `OAuth 1.0a `_. """ USER_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_TYPE = 2 ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE = 3 PROTECTED_RESOURCE_REQUEST_TYPE = 4 REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUEST_TYPE = 5 BEARER = 'Bearer' _x_term_dict = {} #: If ``True`` the provider doesn't support Cross-site HTTP requests. same_origin = True #: :class:`bool` Whether the provider supports JSONP requests. supports_jsonp = False # Whether to use the HTTP Authorization header. _x_use_authorization_header = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Accepts additional keyword arguments: :arg str consumer_key: The *key* assigned to our application (**consumer**) by the **provider**. :arg str consumer_secret: The *secret* assigned to our application (**consumer**) by the **provider**. :arg int id: A unique numeric ID used to serialize :class:`.Credentials`. :arg dict user_authorization_params: A dictionary of additional request parameters for **user authorization request**. :arg dict access_token_params: A dictionary of additional request parameters for **access_with_credentials token request**. :arg dict access_headers: A dictionary of default HTTP headers that will be used when accessing **user's** protected resources. Applied by :meth:`.access()`, :meth:`.update_user()` and :meth:`.User.update()` :arg dict access_params: A dictionary of default query string parameters that will be used when accessing **user's** protected resources. Applied by :meth:`.access()`, :meth:`.update_user()` and :meth:`.User.update()` """ super(AuthorizationProvider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.consumer_key = self._kwarg(kwargs, 'consumer_key') self.consumer_secret = self._kwarg(kwargs, 'consumer_secret') self.user_authorization_params = self._kwarg( kwargs, 'user_authorization_params', {}) self.access_token_headers = self._kwarg( kwargs, 'user_authorization_headers', {}) self.access_token_params = self._kwarg( kwargs, 'access_token_params', {}) self.id = self._kwarg(kwargs, 'id') self.access_headers = self._kwarg(kwargs, 'access_headers', {}) self.access_params = self._kwarg(kwargs, 'access_params', {}) #: :class:`.Credentials` to access **user's protected resources**. self.credentials = authomatic.core.Credentials( self.settings.config, provider=self) #: Response of the *access token request*. self.access_token_response = None # ======================================================================== # Abstract properties # ======================================================================== @abc.abstractproperty def user_authorization_url(self): """ :class:`str` URL to which we redirect the **user** to grant our app i.e. the **consumer** an **authorization** to access his **protected resources**. See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1.1 and http://oauth.net/core/1.0a/#auth_step2. """ @abc.abstractproperty def access_token_url(self): """ :class:`str` URL where we can get the *access token* to access **protected resources** of a **user**. See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1.3 and http://oauth.net/core/1.0a/#auth_step3. """ @abc.abstractproperty def user_info_url(self): """ :class:`str` URL where we can get the **user** info. see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-7 and http://oauth.net/core/1.0a/#anchor12. """ # ======================================================================== # Abstract methods # ======================================================================== @abc.abstractmethod def to_tuple(self, credentials): """ Must convert :data:`credentials` to a :class:`tuple` to be used by :meth:`.Credentials.serialize`. .. warning:: |classmethod| :param credentials: :class:`.Credentials` :returns: :class:`tuple` """ @abc.abstractmethod def reconstruct(self, deserialized_tuple, credentials, cfg): """ Must convert the :data:`deserialized_tuple` back to :class:`.Credentials`. .. warning:: |classmethod| :param tuple deserialized_tuple: A tuple whose first index is the :attr:`.id` and the rest are all the items of the :class:`tuple` created by :meth:`.to_tuple`. :param credentials: A :class:`.Credentials` instance. :param dict cfg: Provider configuration from :doc:`config`. """ @abc.abstractmethod def create_request_elements(self, request_type, credentials, url, method='GET', params=None, headers=None, body=''): """ Must return :class:`.RequestElements`. .. warning:: |classmethod| :param int request_type: Type of the request specified by one of the class's constants. :param credentials: :class:`.Credentials` of the **user** whose **protected resource** we want to access. :param str url: URL of the request. :param str method: HTTP method of the request. :param dict params: Dictionary of request parameters. :param dict headers: Dictionary of request headers. :param str body: Body of ``POST``, ``PUT`` and ``PATCH`` requests. :returns: :class:`.RequestElements` """ # ======================================================================== # Exposed methods # ======================================================================== @property def type_id(self): """ A short string representing the provider implementation id used for serialization of :class:`.Credentials` and to identify the type of provider in JavaScript. The part before hyphen denotes the type of the provider, the part after hyphen denotes the class id e.g. ``oauth2.Facebook.type_id = '2-5'``, ``oauth1.Twitter.type_id = '1-5'``. """ cls = self.__class__ mod = sys.modules.get(cls.__module__) return str(self.PROVIDER_TYPE_ID) + '-' + \ str(mod.PROVIDER_ID_MAP.index(cls)) def access(self, url, params=None, method='GET', headers=None, body='', max_redirects=5, content_parser=None): """ Fetches the **protected resource** of an authenticated **user**. :param credentials: The **user's** :class:`.Credentials` (serialized or normal). :param str url: The URL of the **protected resource**. :param str method: HTTP method of the request. :param dict headers: HTTP headers of the request. :param str body: Body of ``POST``, ``PUT`` and ``PATCH`` requests. :param int max_redirects: Maximum number of HTTP redirects to follow. :param function content_parser: A function to be used to parse the :attr:`.Response.data` from :attr:`.Response.content`. :returns: :class:`.Response` """ if not self.user and not self.credentials: raise CredentialsError(u'There is no authenticated user!') headers = headers or {} self._log( logging.INFO, u'Accessing protected resource {0}.'.format(url)) request_elements = self.create_request_elements( request_type=self.PROTECTED_RESOURCE_REQUEST_TYPE, credentials=self.credentials, url=url, body=body, params=params, headers=headers, method=method ) response = self._fetch(*request_elements, max_redirects=max_redirects, content_parser=content_parser) self._log( logging.INFO, u'Got response. HTTP status = {0}.'.format( response.status)) return response def async_access(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Same as :meth:`.access` but runs asynchronously in a separate thread. .. warning:: |async| :returns: :class:`.Future` instance representing the separate thread. """ return authomatic.core.Future(self.access, *args, **kwargs) def update_user(self): """ Updates the :attr:`.BaseProvider.user`. .. warning:: Fetches the :attr:`.user_info_url`! :returns: :class:`.UserInfoResponse` """ if self.user_info_url: response = self._access_user_info() self.user = self._update_or_create_user(response.data, content=response.content) return authomatic.core.UserInfoResponse(self.user, response.httplib_response) # ======================================================================== # Internal methods # ======================================================================== @classmethod def _authorization_header(cls, credentials): """ Creates authorization headers if the provider supports it. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication. :param credentials: :class:`.Credentials` :returns: Headers as :class:`dict`. """ if cls._x_use_authorization_header: res = ':'.join( (credentials.consumer_key, credentials.consumer_secret)) res = base64.b64encode(six.b(res)).decode() return {'Authorization': 'Basic {0}'.format(res)} else: return {} def _check_consumer(self): """ Validates the :attr:`.consumer`. """ # 'magic' using _kwarg method # pylint:disable=no-member if not self.consumer.key: raise ConfigError( 'Consumer key not specified for provider {0}!'.format( self.name)) if not self.consumer.secret: raise ConfigError( 'Consumer secret not specified for provider {0}!'.format( self.name)) @staticmethod def _split_url(url): """ Splits given url to url base and params converted to list of tuples. """ split = parse.urlsplit(url) base = parse.urlunsplit((split.scheme, split.netloc, split.path, 0, 0)) params = parse.parse_qsl(split.query, True) return base, params @classmethod def _x_request_elements_filter( cls, request_type, request_elements, credentials): """ Override this to handle special request requirements of zealous providers. .. warning:: |classmethod| :param int request_type: Type of request. :param request_elements: :class:`.RequestElements` :param credentials: :class:`.Credentials` :returns: :class:`.RequestElements` """ return request_elements @staticmethod def _x_credentials_parser(credentials, data): """ Override this to handle differences in naming conventions across providers. :param credentials: :class:`.Credentials` :param dict data: Response data dictionary. :returns: :class:`.Credentials` """ return credentials def _access_user_info(self): """ Accesses the :attr:`.user_info_url`. :returns: :class:`.UserInfoResponse` """ url = self.user_info_url.format(**self.user.__dict__) return self.access(url) class AuthenticationProvider(BaseProvider): """ Base provider for *authentication protocols* i.e. protocols which allow a **provider** to authenticate a *claimed identity* of a **user**. e.g. `OpenID `_. """ #: Indicates whether the **provider** supports access_with_credentials to #: **user's** protected resources. # TODO: Useless has_protected_resources = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AuthenticationProvider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Lookup default identifier, if available in provider default_identifier = getattr(self, 'identifier', None) # Allow for custom name for the "id" querystring parameter. self.identifier_param = kwargs.get('identifier_param', 'id') # Get the identifier from request params, or use default as fallback. self.identifier = self.params.get( self.identifier_param, default_identifier) PROVIDER_ID_MAP = [ AuthenticationProvider, AuthorizationProvider, BaseProvider, ]