# required for pushd to work.. SHELL = /bin/bash # set by: PATH_TO_OUTDATED_PACKAGES=/some/path/outdated_packages.py OUTDATED_PACKAGES = ${PATH_TO_OUTDATED_PACKAGES} .PHONY: clean ## Cleanup compiled and cache py files clean: make test-clean find . -type f \( -iname '*.c' -o -iname '*.pyc' -o -iname '*.so' -o -iname '*.orig' \) -exec rm '{}' ';' find . -type d -name "build" -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' .PHONY: test ## run test-clean and tests test: make test-clean make test-only .PHONY: test-clean ## run test-clean and tests test-clean: rm -rf coverage.xml htmlcov junit.xml pylint.log result find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' find . -type f \( -iname '.coverage.*' \) -exec rm '{}' ';' .PHONY: test-only ## Run tests only without cleanup test-only: PYTHONHASHSEED=random \ py.test -x -vv -r xw -p no:sugar \ --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=html \ --cov=rhodecode rhodecode .PHONY: test-only-mysql ## run tests against mysql test-only-mysql: PYTHONHASHSEED=random \ py.test -x -vv -r xw -p no:sugar \ --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=html \ --ini-config-override='{"app:main": {"sqlalchemy.db1.url": "mysql://root:qweqwe@localhost/rhodecode_test?charset=utf8"}}' \ --cov=rhodecode rhodecode .PHONY: test-only-postgres ## run tests against postgres test-only-postgres: PYTHONHASHSEED=random \ py.test -x -vv -r xw -p no:sugar \ --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=html \ --ini-config-override='{"app:main": {"sqlalchemy.db1.url": "postgresql://postgres:qweqwe@localhost/rhodecode_test"}}' \ --cov=rhodecode rhodecode .PHONY: ruff-check ## run a ruff analysis ruff-check: ruff check --ignore F401 --ignore I001 --ignore E402 --ignore E501 --ignore F841 --exclude rhodecode/lib/dbmigrate --exclude .eggs --exclude .dev . .PHONY: docs ## build docs docs: (cd docs; docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/project --workdir=/project/docs sphinx-doc-build-rc make clean html) .PHONY: docs-clean ## Cleanup docs docs-clean: (cd docs; docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/project --workdir=/project/docs sphinx-doc-build-rc make clean) .PHONY: docs-cleanup ## Cleanup docs docs-cleanup: (cd docs; docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/project --workdir=/project/docs sphinx-doc-build-rc make cleanup) .PHONY: web-build ## Build JS packages static/js web-build: docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/project --workdir=/project rhodecode/static-files-build:16 -c "npm install && /project/node_modules/.bin/grunt" # run static file check ./rhodecode/tests/scripts/static-file-check.sh rhodecode/public/ rm -rf node_modules .PHONY: pip-packages ## Show outdated packages pip-packages: python ${OUTDATED_PACKAGES} .PHONY: build ## Build sdist/egg build: python -m build .PHONY: dev-sh ## make dev-sh dev-sh: sudo echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.fury.io/rsteube/ /" | sudo tee -a "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/fury.list" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y zsh carapace-bin rm -rf /home/rhodecode/.oh-my-zsh curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh | sh @echo "source <(carapace _carapace)" > /home/rhodecode/.zsrc @echo "${RC_DEV_CMD_HELP}" @PROMPT='%(?.%F{green}√.%F{red}?%?)%f %B%F{240}%1~%f%b %# ' zsh .PHONY: dev-cleanup ## Cleanup: pip freeze | grep -v "^-e" | grep -v "@" | xargs pip uninstall -y dev-cleanup: pip freeze | grep -v "^-e" | grep -v "@" | xargs pip uninstall -y rm -rf /tmp/* .PHONY: dev-env ## make dev-env based on the requirements files and install develop of packages dev-env: sudo -u root chown rhodecode:rhodecode /home/rhodecode/.cache/pip/ pip install build virtualenv pushd ../rhodecode-vcsserver/ && make dev-env && popd pip wheel --wheel-dir=/home/rhodecode/.cache/pip/wheels -r requirements.txt -r requirements_rc_tools.txt -r requirements_test.txt -r requirements_debug.txt pip install --no-index --find-links=/home/rhodecode/.cache/pip/wheels -r requirements.txt -r requirements_rc_tools.txt -r requirements_test.txt -r requirements_debug.txt pip install -e . .PHONY: sh ## shortcut for make dev-sh dev-env sh: make dev-env make dev-sh .PHONY: dev-srv ## run develop server instance, docker exec -it $(docker ps -q --filter 'name=dev-enterprise-ce') /bin/bash dev-srv: pserve --reload .dev/dev.ini ## Allows changes of workers e.g make dev-srv-g workers=2 workers?=1 .PHONY: dev-srv-g ## run gunicorn multi process workers dev-srv-g: gunicorn --paste=.dev/dev.ini --bind= --config=.dev/gunicorn_config.py --timeout=120 --reload --workers=$(workers) # Default command on calling make .DEFAULT_GOAL := show-help .PHONY: show-help show-help: @echo "$$(tput bold)Available rules:$$(tput sgr0)" @echo @sed -n -e "/^## / { \ h; \ s/.*//; \ :doc" \ -e "H; \ n; \ s/^## //; \ t doc" \ -e "s/:.*//; \ G; \ s/\\n## /---/; \ s/\\n/ /g; \ p; \ }" ${MAKEFILE_LIST} \ | LC_ALL='C' sort --ignore-case \ | awk -F '---' \ -v ncol=$$(tput cols) \ -v indent=19 \ -v col_on="$$(tput setaf 6)" \ -v col_off="$$(tput sgr0)" \ '{ \ printf "%s%*s%s ", col_on, -indent, $$1, col_off; \ n = split($$2, words, " "); \ line_length = ncol - indent; \ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { \ line_length -= length(words[i]) + 1; \ if (line_length <= 0) { \ line_length = ncol - indent - length(words[i]) - 1; \ printf "\n%*s ", -indent, " "; \ } \ printf "%s ", words[i]; \ } \ printf "\n"; \ }'