.. _server-methods-ref: server methods ============== cleanup_sessions ---------------- .. py:function:: cleanup_sessions(apiuser, older_then=<Optional:60>) Triggers a session cleanup action. If the ``older_then`` option is set, only sessions that hasn't been accessed in the given number of days will be removed. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to the specified repository. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param older_then: Deletes session that hasn't been accessed in given number of days. :type older_then: Optional(int) Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "backend": "<type of backend>", "sessions_removed": <number_of_removed_sessions> } error : null Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> result : null error : { 'Error occurred during session cleanup' } get_ip ------ .. py:function:: get_ip(apiuser, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>) Displays the IP Address as seen from the |RCE| server. * This command displays the IP Address, as well as all the defined IP addresses for the specified user. If the ``userid`` is not set, the data returned is for the user calling the method. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to the specified repository. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param userid: Sets the userid for which associated IP Address data is returned. :type userid: Optional(str or int) Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> result : { "server_ip_addr": "<ip_from_clien>", "user_ips": [ { "ip_addr": "<ip_with_mask>", "ip_range": ["<start_ip>", "<end_ip>"], }, ... ] } get_method ---------- .. py:function:: get_method(apiuser, pattern=<Optional:'*'>) Returns list of all available API methods. By default match pattern os "*" but any other pattern can be specified. eg *comment* will return all methods with comment inside them. If just single method is matched returned data will also include method specification This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to the specified repository. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param pattern: pattern to match method names against :type older_then: Optional("*") Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> "result": [ "changeset_comment", "comment_pull_request", "comment_commit" ] error : null .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> "result": [ "comment_commit", { "apiuser": "<RequiredType>", "comment_type": "<Optional:u'note'>", "commit_id": "<RequiredType>", "message": "<RequiredType>", "repoid": "<RequiredType>", "request": "<RequiredType>", "resolves_comment_id": "<Optional:None>", "status": "<Optional:None>", "userid": "<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>" } ] error : null get_server_info --------------- .. py:function:: get_server_info(apiuser) Returns the |RCE| server information. This includes the running version of |RCE| and all installed packages. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> result : { 'modules': [<module name>,...] 'py_version': <python version>, 'platform': <platform type>, 'rhodecode_version': <rhodecode version> } error : null rescan_repos ------------ .. py:function:: rescan_repos(apiuser, remove_obsolete=<Optional:False>) Triggers a rescan of the specified repositories. * If the ``remove_obsolete`` option is set, it also deletes repositories that are found in the database but not on the file system, so called "clean zombies". This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to the specified repository. This command takes the following options: :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param remove_obsolete: Deletes repositories from the database that are not found on the filesystem. :type remove_obsolete: Optional(``True`` | ``False``) Example output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> result : { 'added': [<added repository name>,...] 'removed': [<removed repository name>,...] } error : null Example error output: .. code-block:: bash id : <id_given_in_input> result : null error : { 'Error occurred during rescan repositories action' }