# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import pylons import deform import logging import colander import peppercorn import webhelpers.paginate from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound, HTTPForbidden, HTTPBadRequest from pyramid.renderers import render from pyramid.response import Response from rhodecode.apps.admin.navigation import navigation_list from rhodecode.lib import auth from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, HasPermissionAllDecorator from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import safe_int from rhodecode.lib.helpers import Page from rhodecode.model.db import Repository, RepoGroup, Session, Integration from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel from rhodecode.model.integration import IntegrationModel from rhodecode.translation import _ from rhodecode.integrations import integration_type_registry from rhodecode.model.validation_schema.schemas.integration_schema import ( make_integration_schema, IntegrationScopeType) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IntegrationSettingsViewBase(object): """ Base Integration settings view used by both repo / global settings """ def __init__(self, context, request): self.context = context self.request = request self._load_general_context() if not self.perm_check(request.user): raise HTTPForbidden() def _load_general_context(self): """ This avoids boilerplate for repo/global+list/edit+views/templates by doing all possible contexts at the same time however it should be split up into separate functions once more "contexts" exist """ self.IntegrationType = None self.repo = None self.repo_group = None self.integration = None self.integrations = {} request = self.request if 'repo_name' in request.matchdict: # in repo settings context repo_name = request.matchdict['repo_name'] self.repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name) if 'repo_group_name' in request.matchdict: # in group settings context repo_group_name = request.matchdict['repo_group_name'] self.repo_group = RepoGroup.get_by_group_name(repo_group_name) if 'integration' in request.matchdict: # integration type context integration_type = request.matchdict['integration'] self.IntegrationType = integration_type_registry[integration_type] if 'integration_id' in request.matchdict: # single integration context integration_id = request.matchdict['integration_id'] self.integration = Integration.get(integration_id) # extra perms check just in case if not self._has_perms_for_integration(self.integration): raise HTTPForbidden() self.settings = self.integration and self.integration.settings or {} self.admin_view = not (self.repo or self.repo_group) def _has_perms_for_integration(self, integration): perms = self.request.user.permissions if 'hg.admin' in perms['global']: return True if integration.repo: return perms['repositories'].get( integration.repo.repo_name) == 'repository.admin' if integration.repo_group: return perms['repositories_groups'].get( integration.repo_group.group_name) == 'group.admin' return False def _template_c_context(self): # TODO: dan: this is a stopgap in order to inherit from current pylons # based admin/repo settings templates - this should be removed entirely # after port to pyramid c = pylons.tmpl_context c.active = 'integrations' c.rhodecode_user = self.request.user c.repo = self.repo c.repo_group = self.repo_group c.repo_name = self.repo and self.repo.repo_name or None c.repo_group_name = self.repo_group and self.repo_group.group_name or None if self.repo: c.repo_info = self.repo c.rhodecode_db_repo = self.repo c.repository_pull_requests = ScmModel().get_pull_requests(self.repo) else: c.navlist = navigation_list(self.request) return c def _form_schema(self): schema = make_integration_schema(IntegrationType=self.IntegrationType, settings=self.settings) # returns a clone, important if mutating the schema later return schema.bind( permissions=self.request.user.permissions, no_scope=not self.admin_view) def _form_defaults(self): defaults = {} if self.integration: defaults['settings'] = self.integration.settings or {} defaults['options'] = { 'name': self.integration.name, 'enabled': self.integration.enabled, 'scope': { 'repo': self.integration.repo, 'repo_group': self.integration.repo_group, 'child_repos_only': self.integration.child_repos_only, }, } else: if self.repo: scope = _('{repo_name} repository').format( repo_name=self.repo.repo_name) elif self.repo_group: scope = _('{repo_group_name} repo group').format( repo_group_name=self.repo_group.group_name) else: scope = _('Global') defaults['options'] = { 'enabled': True, 'name': _('{name} integration').format( name=self.IntegrationType.display_name), } defaults['options']['scope'] = { 'repo': self.repo, 'repo_group': self.repo_group, } return defaults def _delete_integration(self, integration): Session().delete(self.integration) Session().commit() self.request.session.flash( _('Integration {integration_name} deleted successfully.').format( integration_name=self.integration.name), queue='success') if self.repo: redirect_to = self.request.route_url( 'repo_integrations_home', repo_name=self.repo.repo_name) elif self.repo_group: redirect_to = self.request.route_url( 'repo_group_integrations_home', repo_group_name=self.repo_group.group_name) else: redirect_to = self.request.route_url('global_integrations_home') raise HTTPFound(redirect_to) def settings_get(self, defaults=None, form=None): """ View that displays the integration settings as a form. """ defaults = defaults or self._form_defaults() schema = self._form_schema() if self.integration: buttons = ('submit', 'delete') else: buttons = ('submit',) form = form or deform.Form(schema, appstruct=defaults, buttons=buttons) template_context = { 'form': form, 'current_IntegrationType': self.IntegrationType, 'integration': self.integration, 'c': self._template_c_context(), } return template_context @auth.CSRFRequired() def settings_post(self): """ View that validates and stores the integration settings. """ controls = self.request.POST.items() pstruct = peppercorn.parse(controls) if self.integration and pstruct.get('delete'): return self._delete_integration(self.integration) schema = self._form_schema() skip_settings_validation = False if self.integration and 'enabled' not in pstruct.get('options', {}): skip_settings_validation = True schema['settings'].validator = None for field in schema['settings'].children: field.validator = None field.missing = '' if self.integration: buttons = ('submit', 'delete') else: buttons = ('submit',) form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=buttons) if not self.admin_view: # scope is read only field in these cases, and has to be added options = pstruct.setdefault('options', {}) if 'scope' not in options: options['scope'] = IntegrationScopeType().serialize(None, { 'repo': self.repo, 'repo_group': self.repo_group, }) try: valid_data = form.validate_pstruct(pstruct) except deform.ValidationFailure as e: self.request.session.flash( _('Errors exist when saving integration settings. ' 'Please check the form inputs.'), queue='error') return self.settings_get(form=e) if not self.integration: self.integration = Integration() self.integration.integration_type = self.IntegrationType.key Session().add(self.integration) scope = valid_data['options']['scope'] IntegrationModel().update_integration(self.integration, name=valid_data['options']['name'], enabled=valid_data['options']['enabled'], settings=valid_data['settings'], repo=scope['repo'], repo_group=scope['repo_group'], child_repos_only=scope['child_repos_only'], ) self.integration.settings = valid_data['settings'] Session().commit() # Display success message and redirect. self.request.session.flash( _('Integration {integration_name} updated successfully.').format( integration_name=self.IntegrationType.display_name), queue='success') # if integration scope changes, we must redirect to the right place # keeping in mind if the original view was for /repo/ or /_admin/ admin_view = not (self.repo or self.repo_group) if self.integration.repo and not admin_view: redirect_to = self.request.route_path( 'repo_integrations_edit', repo_name=self.integration.repo.repo_name, integration=self.integration.integration_type, integration_id=self.integration.integration_id) elif self.integration.repo_group and not admin_view: redirect_to = self.request.route_path( 'repo_group_integrations_edit', repo_group_name=self.integration.repo_group.group_name, integration=self.integration.integration_type, integration_id=self.integration.integration_id) else: redirect_to = self.request.route_path( 'global_integrations_edit', integration=self.integration.integration_type, integration_id=self.integration.integration_id) return HTTPFound(redirect_to) def index(self): """ List integrations """ if self.repo: scope = self.repo elif self.repo_group: scope = self.repo_group else: scope = 'all' integrations = [] for IntType, integration in IntegrationModel().get_integrations( scope=scope, IntegrationType=self.IntegrationType): # extra permissions check *just in case* if not self._has_perms_for_integration(integration): continue integrations.append((IntType, integration)) sort_arg = self.request.GET.get('sort', 'name:asc') if ':' in sort_arg: sort_field, sort_dir = sort_arg.split(':') else: sort_field = sort_arg, 'asc' assert sort_field in ('name', 'integration_type', 'enabled', 'scope') integrations.sort( key=lambda x: getattr(x[1], sort_field), reverse=(sort_dir == 'desc')) page_url = webhelpers.paginate.PageURL( self.request.path, self.request.GET) page = safe_int(self.request.GET.get('page', 1), 1) integrations = Page(integrations, page=page, items_per_page=10, url=page_url) template_context = { 'sort_field': sort_field, 'rev_sort_dir': sort_dir != 'desc' and 'desc' or 'asc', 'current_IntegrationType': self.IntegrationType, 'integrations_list': integrations, 'available_integrations': integration_type_registry, 'c': self._template_c_context(), 'request': self.request, } return template_context def new_integration(self): template_context = { 'available_integrations': integration_type_registry, 'c': self._template_c_context(), } return template_context class GlobalIntegrationsView(IntegrationSettingsViewBase): def perm_check(self, user): return auth.HasPermissionAll('hg.admin').check_permissions(user=user) class RepoIntegrationsView(IntegrationSettingsViewBase): def perm_check(self, user): return auth.HasRepoPermissionAll('repository.admin')( repo_name=self.repo.repo_name, user=user) class RepoGroupIntegrationsView(IntegrationSettingsViewBase): def perm_check(self, user): return auth.HasRepoGroupPermissionAll('group.admin')( group_name=self.repo_group.group_name, user=user)