|RCE| 1.7.2 |RNS| ----------------- General ^^^^^^^ * released 2013-07-18 News ^^^^ * Added handling of copied files in diffs. * Implemented issue #387 side-by-side diffs view. * Added option to specify other than official bugtracker url to post issues with RhodeCode. * Markdown renderer now uses github flavored syntax with a better newline handling * Added User pre-create, create and delete hooks for rcextensions. * Branch selectors: show closed branches too for Mercurial. * Updated codemirror to latest version and added syntax coloring dropdown for various languages CodeMirror supports. * Added --no-public-access / --public-access flags into setup-rhodecode command to enable setup without public access. * Various small updates to pull requests. * Bumped Mercurial version to latest. * Diffs view doesn't show content of delete files anymore. Fixes ^^^^^ * Added missing __get_cs_or_redirect method for file history. Fixes issue with displaying a history of file that is not present at tip. * Pull request: urlify description and fix javascript injection. * Fixed some missing IP extraction for action logger. * Fixed bug with log_delete hook didn't properly store user who triggered delete action. * Fixed show as raw link for private gists. * Fixes issue #860. IMC web commits poisoned caches when they failed with commit. * Fixes issue #856 file upload >1000 bytes on windows throws exception.