// # Copyright (C) 2010-2019 RhodeCode GmbH // # // # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 // # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. // # // # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // # GNU General Public License for more details. // # // # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // # // # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the // # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, // # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ /** RhodeCode JS Files **/ if (typeof console == "undefined" || typeof console.log == "undefined"){ console = { log: function() {} } } // TODO: move the following function to submodules /** * show more */ var show_more_event = function(){ $('table .show_more').click(function(e) { var cid = e.target.id.substring(1); var button = $(this); if (button.hasClass('open')) { $('#'+cid).hide(); button.removeClass('open'); } else { $('#'+cid).show(); button.addClass('open one'); } }); }; var compare_radio_buttons = function(repo_name, compare_ref_type){ $('#compare_action').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var source = $('input[name=compare_source]:checked').val(); var target = $('input[name=compare_target]:checked').val(); if(source && target){ var url_data = { repo_name: repo_name, source_ref: source, source_ref_type: compare_ref_type, target_ref: target, target_ref_type: compare_ref_type, merge: 1 }; window.location = pyroutes.url('repo_compare', url_data); } }); $('.compare-radio-button').on('click', function(e){ var source = $('input[name=compare_source]:checked').val(); var target = $('input[name=compare_target]:checked').val(); if(source && target){ $('#compare_action').removeAttr("disabled"); $('#compare_action').removeClass("disabled"); } }) }; var showRepoSize = function(target, repo_name, commit_id, callback) { var container = $('#' + target); var url = pyroutes.url('repo_stats', {"repo_name": repo_name, "commit_id": commit_id}); container.show(); if (!container.hasClass('loaded')) { $.ajax({url: url}) .complete(function (data) { var responseJSON = data.responseJSON; container.addClass('loaded'); container.html(responseJSON.size); callback(responseJSON.code_stats) }) .fail(function (data) { console.log('failed to load repo stats'); }); } }; var showRepoStats = function(target, data){ var container = $('#' + target); if (container.hasClass('loaded')) { return } var total = 0; var no_data = true; var tbl = document.createElement('table'); tbl.setAttribute('class', 'trending_language_tbl'); $.each(data, function(key, val){ total += val.count; }); var sortedStats = []; for (var obj in data){ sortedStats.push([obj, data[obj]]) } var sortedData = sortedStats.sort(function (a, b) { return b[1].count - a[1].count }); var cnt = 0; $.each(sortedData, function(idx, val){ cnt += 1; no_data = false; var hide = cnt > 2; var tr = document.createElement('tr'); if (hide) { tr.setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); tr.setAttribute('class', 'stats_hidden'); } var key = val[0]; var obj = {"desc": val[1].desc, "count": val[1].count}; var percentage = Math.round((obj.count / total * 100), 2); var td1 = document.createElement('td'); td1.width = 300; var trending_language_label = document.createElement('div'); trending_language_label.innerHTML = obj.desc + " (.{0})".format(key); td1.appendChild(trending_language_label); var td2 = document.createElement('td'); var trending_language = document.createElement('div'); var nr_files = obj.count +" "+ _ngettext('file', 'files', obj.count); trending_language.title = key + " " + nr_files; trending_language.innerHTML = "<span>" + percentage + "% " + nr_files + "</span><b>" + percentage + "% " + nr_files + "</b>"; trending_language.setAttribute("class", 'trending_language'); $('b', trending_language)[0].style.width = percentage + "%"; td2.appendChild(trending_language); tr.appendChild(td1); tr.appendChild(td2); tbl.appendChild(tr); if (cnt == 3) { var show_more = document.createElement('tr'); var td = document.createElement('td'); lnk = document.createElement('a'); lnk.href = '#'; lnk.innerHTML = _gettext('Show more'); lnk.id = 'code_stats_show_more'; td.appendChild(lnk); show_more.appendChild(td); show_more.appendChild(document.createElement('td')); tbl.appendChild(show_more); } }); $(container).html(tbl); $(container).addClass('loaded'); $('#code_stats_show_more').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.stats_hidden').each(function (idx) { $(this).css("display", ""); }); $('#code_stats_show_more').hide(); }); }; // returns a node from given html; var fromHTML = function(html){ var _html = document.createElement('element'); _html.innerHTML = html; return _html; }; // Toggle Collapsable Content function collapsableContent() { $('.collapsable-content').not('.no-hide').hide(); $('.btn-collapse').unbind(); //in case we've been here before $('.btn-collapse').click(function() { var button = $(this); var togglename = $(this).data("toggle"); $('.collapsable-content[data-toggle='+togglename+']').toggle(); if ($(this).html()=="Show Less") $(this).html("Show More"); else $(this).html("Show Less"); }); }; var timeagoActivate = function() { $("time.timeago").timeago(); }; var clipboardActivate = function() { /* * * <i class="tooltip icon-plus clipboard-action" data-clipboard-text="${commit.raw_id}" title="${_('Copy the full commit id')}"></i> * */ var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.clipboard-action'); clipboard.on('success', function(e) { var callback = function () { $(e.trigger).animate({'opacity': 1.00}, 200) }; $(e.trigger).animate({'opacity': 0.15}, 200, callback); e.clearSelection(); }); }; // Formatting values in a Select2 dropdown of commit references var formatSelect2SelectionRefs = function(commit_ref){ var tmpl = ''; if (!commit_ref.text || commit_ref.type === 'sha'){ return commit_ref.text; } if (commit_ref.type === 'branch'){ tmpl = tmpl.concat('<i class="icon-branch"></i> '); } else if (commit_ref.type === 'tag'){ tmpl = tmpl.concat('<i class="icon-tag"></i> '); } else if (commit_ref.type === 'book'){ tmpl = tmpl.concat('<i class="icon-bookmark"></i> '); } return tmpl.concat(escapeHtml(commit_ref.text)); }; // takes a given html element and scrolls it down offset pixels function offsetScroll(element, offset) { setTimeout(function() { var location = element.offset().top; // some browsers use body, some use html $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: (location - offset) }); }, 100); } // scroll an element `percent`% from the top of page in `time` ms function scrollToElement(element, percent, time) { percent = (percent === undefined ? 25 : percent); time = (time === undefined ? 100 : time); var $element = $(element); if ($element.length == 0) { throw('Cannot scroll to {0}'.format(element)) } var elOffset = $element.offset().top; var elHeight = $element.height(); var windowHeight = $(window).height(); var offset = elOffset; if (elHeight < windowHeight) { offset = elOffset - ((windowHeight / (100 / percent)) - (elHeight / 2)); } setTimeout(function() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: offset}); }, time); } /** * global hooks after DOM is loaded */ $(document).ready(function() { firefoxAnchorFix(); $('.navigation a.menulink').on('click', function(e){ var menuitem = $(this).parent('li'); if (menuitem.hasClass('open')) { menuitem.removeClass('open'); } else { menuitem.addClass('open'); $(document).on('click', function(event) { if (!$(event.target).closest(menuitem).length) { menuitem.removeClass('open'); } }); } }); $('body').on('click', '.cb-lineno a', function(event) { function sortNumber(a,b) { return a - b; } var lineNo = $(this).data('lineNo'); var lineName = $(this).attr('name'); if (lineNo) { var prevLine = $('.cb-line-selected a').data('lineNo'); // on shift, we do a range selection, if we got previous line if (event.shiftKey && prevLine !== undefined) { var prevLine = parseInt(prevLine); var nextLine = parseInt(lineNo); var pos = [prevLine, nextLine].sort(sortNumber); var anchor = '#L{0}-{1}'.format(pos[0], pos[1]); // single click } else { var nextLine = parseInt(lineNo); var pos = [nextLine, nextLine]; var anchor = '#L{0}'.format(pos[0]); } // highlight var range = []; for (var i = pos[0]; i <= pos[1]; i++) { range.push(i); } // clear old selected lines $('.cb-line-selected').removeClass('cb-line-selected'); $.each(range, function (i, lineNo) { var line_td = $('td.cb-lineno#L' + lineNo); if (line_td.length) { line_td.addClass('cb-line-selected'); // line number td line_td.prev().addClass('cb-line-selected'); // line data line_td.next().addClass('cb-line-selected'); // line content } }); } else if (lineName !== undefined) { // lineName only occurs in diffs // clear old selected lines $('td.cb-line-selected').removeClass('cb-line-selected'); var anchor = '#{0}'.format(lineName); var diffmode = templateContext.session_attrs.diffmode || "sideside"; if (diffmode === "unified") { $(this).closest('tr').find('td').addClass('cb-line-selected'); } else { var activeTd = $(this).closest('td'); activeTd.addClass('cb-line-selected'); activeTd.next('td').addClass('cb-line-selected'); } } // Replace URL without jumping to it if browser supports. // Default otherwise if (history.pushState && anchor !== undefined) { var new_location = location.href.rstrip('#'); if (location.hash) { // location without hash new_location = new_location.replace(location.hash, ""); } // Make new anchor url new_location = new_location + anchor; history.pushState(true, document.title, new_location); return false; } }); $('.collapse_file').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if ($(e.target).is('a')) { return; } var node = $(e.delegateTarget).first(); var icon = $($(node.children().first()).children().first()); var id = node.attr('fid'); var target = $('#'+id); var tr = $('#tr_'+id); var diff = $('#diff_'+id); if(node.hasClass('expand_file')){ node.removeClass('expand_file'); icon.removeClass('expand_file_icon'); node.addClass('collapse_file'); icon.addClass('collapse_file_icon'); diff.show(); tr.show(); target.show(); } else { node.removeClass('collapse_file'); icon.removeClass('collapse_file_icon'); node.addClass('expand_file'); icon.addClass('expand_file_icon'); diff.hide(); tr.hide(); target.hide(); } }); $('#expand_all_files').click(function() { $('.expand_file').each(function() { var node = $(this); var icon = $($(node.children().first()).children().first()); var id = $(this).attr('fid'); var target = $('#'+id); var tr = $('#tr_'+id); var diff = $('#diff_'+id); node.removeClass('expand_file'); icon.removeClass('expand_file_icon'); node.addClass('collapse_file'); icon.addClass('collapse_file_icon'); diff.show(); tr.show(); target.show(); }); }); $('#collapse_all_files').click(function() { $('.collapse_file').each(function() { var node = $(this); var icon = $($(node.children().first()).children().first()); var id = $(this).attr('fid'); var target = $('#'+id); var tr = $('#tr_'+id); var diff = $('#diff_'+id); node.removeClass('collapse_file'); icon.removeClass('collapse_file_icon'); node.addClass('expand_file'); icon.addClass('expand_file_icon'); diff.hide(); tr.hide(); target.hide(); }); }); // Mouse over behavior for comments and line selection // Select the line that comes from the url anchor // At the time of development, Chrome didn't seem to support jquery's :target // element, so I had to scroll manually if (location.hash) { var result = splitDelimitedHash(location.hash); var loc = result.loc; if (loc.length > 1) { var highlightable_line_tds = []; // source code line format var page_highlights = loc.substring( loc.indexOf('#') + 1).split('L'); if (page_highlights.length > 1) { var highlight_ranges = page_highlights[1].split(","); var h_lines = []; for (var pos in highlight_ranges) { var _range = highlight_ranges[pos].split('-'); if (_range.length === 2) { var start = parseInt(_range[0]); var end = parseInt(_range[1]); if (start < end) { for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { h_lines.push(i); } } } else { h_lines.push(parseInt(highlight_ranges[pos])); } } for (pos in h_lines) { var line_td = $('td.cb-lineno#L' + h_lines[pos]); if (line_td.length) { highlightable_line_tds.push(line_td); } } } // now check a direct id reference (diff page) if ($(loc).length && $(loc).hasClass('cb-lineno')) { highlightable_line_tds.push($(loc)); } $.each(highlightable_line_tds, function (i, $td) { $td.addClass('cb-line-selected'); // line number td $td.prev().addClass('cb-line-selected'); // line data $td.next().addClass('cb-line-selected'); // line content }); if (highlightable_line_tds.length) { var $first_line_td = highlightable_line_tds[0]; scrollToElement($first_line_td); $.Topic('/ui/plugins/code/anchor_focus').prepareOrPublish({ td: $first_line_td, remainder: result.remainder }); } } } collapsableContent(); }); var feedLifetimeOptions = function(query, initialData){ var data = {results: []}; var isQuery = typeof query.term !== 'undefined'; var section = _gettext('Lifetime'); var children = []; //filter results $.each(initialData.results, function(idx, value) { if (!isQuery || query.term.length === 0 || value.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(query.term.toUpperCase()) >= 0) { children.push({ 'id': this.id, 'text': this.text }) } }); data.results.push({ 'text': section, 'children': children }); if (isQuery) { var now = moment.utc(); var parseQuery = function(entry, now){ var fmt = 'DD/MM/YYYY H:mm'; var parsed = moment.utc(entry, fmt); var diffInMin = parsed.diff(now, 'minutes'); if (diffInMin > 0){ return { id: diffInMin, text: parsed.format(fmt) } } else { return { id: undefined, text: parsed.format('DD/MM/YYYY') + ' ' + _gettext('date not in future') } } }; data.results.push({ 'text': _gettext('Specified expiration date'), 'children': [{ 'id': parseQuery(query.term, now).id, 'text': parseQuery(query.term, now).text }] }); } query.callback(data); }; var storeUserSessionAttr = function (key, val) { var postData = { 'key': key, 'val': val, 'csrf_token': CSRF_TOKEN }; var success = function(o) { return true }; ajaxPOST(pyroutes.url('store_user_session_value'), postData, success); return false; };