<%namespace name="base" file="/base/base.mako"/> <%doc> Please note the content of this file is cached, so changes here might not be reflected when editing. add ?no-cache=true into the file url to disable caches. e.g http://docker-dev:10020/ipython/files/master/IPython/frontend/html/notebook/static?no-cache=1 <% at_ref = request.GET.get('at') if at_ref: query={'at': at_ref} default_landing_ref = at_ref or c.rhodecode_db_repo.landing_ref_name else: query=None default_landing_ref = c.commit.raw_id %>
<% has_files = False %> % if not c.file.is_submodule(): % for cnt, node in enumerate(c.file): <% has_files = True %> %if node.is_file(): %else: %endif % endfor % endif % if not has_files: % endif
${_('Name')} ${_('Size')} ${_('Modified')} ${_('Last Commit')} ${_('Author')}
${h.files_breadcrumbs(c.repo_name, c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_type, c.commit.raw_id, c.file.path, c.rhodecode_db_repo.landing_ref_name, request.GET.get('at'), limit_items=True)}
% if node.is_submodule(): % if node.url.startswith('http://') or node.url.startswith('https://'): ${node.name} % else: ${node.name} % endif % else: ${node.name} % endif % if c.full_load: ${h.format_byte_size_binary(node.size)} % else: ${_('Loading ...')} % endif % if c.full_load: ${h.age_component(node.last_commit.date)} % endif % if c.full_load:
% endif
% if c.full_load: ${h.gravatar_with_user(request, node.last_commit.author, tooltip=True)|n} % endif
##empty-dir mostly SVN ## submodule if we somehow endup % if c.file.is_submodule(): Submodule Node