.. _api-ex: API Example Usage ================= Use the following example uses of the |RCE| API to carry out work on your instances, or |repo| maintanence on the server. For the complete API documentation, see the :ref:`api` section. .. _api-strip: Stripping Commits ----------------- The strip command is useful for removing commits on the server, allowing you to push changes without using force. To strip commits on the server, use the following steps: 1. Install |RCT|, as explained in the :ref:`install-tools` section. 2. Configure the :file:`~/.rhoderc` file with the API connection details, as explained in the :ref:`config-rhoderc` section. 3. Check the |RCE| changelog and see from which revision onwards you wish to strip commits. This will also strip all descendants. .. image:: ../images/pre-strip.png 4. Enter your |RCT| virtual environment, using the following example: .. code-block:: bash $ . venv/bin/activate (venv)$ 5. Use the API to strip a commit, or number of commits from a |repo|. In this example I am stripping the top two commits from ``ad1e0523a4ab`` onwards. .. note:: Repositories in |repo| groups require the |repo| group to be passed as part of the ``repoid``. .. code-block:: bash # Run the Strip API call $ rhodecode-api --instance-name=instance-id strip \ repoid:repo-group/repo-name revision:ad1e0523a4ab branch:stable # Check the JSON-RPC verification .. code-block:: jsonld { "error": null, "id": 5960, "result": { "msg": "Stripped commit ad1e0523a4ab from repo `repo-group/repo-name`", "repository": "repo-group/repo-name" } } 6. Once the commits are stripped, you can verify that they are stripped on the web interface. .. image:: ../images/post-strip.png