 *  jQuery Commits Graph - v0.1.4
 *  A jQuery plugin to display git commits graph using HTML5/Canvas.
 *  https://github.com/tclh123/commits-graph
 *  Copyright (c) 2014
 *  MIT License
 *  Adapted to fit RhodeCode Enterprise changelog graph needs
// -- Route --------------------------------------------------------

function Route( commit, data, options ) {
  var self = this;

  self._data = data;
  self.commit = commit;
  self.options = options;
  self.from = data[0];
  self.to = data[1];
  self.branch = data[2];

Route.prototype.drawRoute = function ( commit, ctx ) {
  var self = this;

  if (self.options.orientation === "horizontal") {
	var from_x_hori = self.options.width * self.options.scaleFactor - (self.commit.idx + 0.5) * self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor;
	var from_y_hori = (self.from + 1) * self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor;

	var to_x_hori = self.options.width * self.options.scaleFactor - (self.commit.idx + 0.5 + 1) * self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor;
	var to_y_hori = (self.to + 1) * self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor;

	ctx.strokeStyle = self.commit.graph.get_color(self.branch);
	ctx.moveTo(from_x_hori, from_y_hori);
	if (from_y_hori === to_y_hori) {
	  ctx.lineTo(to_x_hori, to_y_hori);
	} else if (from_y_hori > to_y_hori) {
	  ctx.bezierCurveTo(from_x_hori - self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 3 * 2,
						from_y_hori + self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 4,
						to_x_hori + self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 3 * 2,
						to_y_hori - self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 4,
						to_x_hori, to_y_hori);
	} else if (from_y_hori < to_y_hori) {
	  ctx.bezierCurveTo(from_x_hori - self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 3 * 2,
						from_y_hori - self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 4,
						to_x_hori + self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 3 * 2,
						to_y_hori + self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 4,
						to_x_hori, to_y_hori);
  } else {
	var from_x = self.options.width * self.options.scaleFactor - (self.from + 1) * self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor;
    var row = $("#sha_" + commit.sha);
    if (row.length) {
        var from_y = (row.offset().top + row.height() / 2 - self.options.relaOffset) * self.options.scaleFactor;
	var to_x = self.options.width * self.options.scaleFactor - (self.to + 1) * self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor;
    var next_row = $("#sha_" + commit.sha).next('tr');

    if (next_row.length) {
        var to_y = ((next_row.offset().top + next_row.height() / 2 - self.options.relaOffset) + 0.2) * self.options.scaleFactor;

	ctx.strokeStyle = self.commit.graph.get_color(self.branch);
	ctx.moveTo(from_x, from_y);
	if (from_x === to_x) {
	  ctx.lineTo(to_x, to_y);
	} else {
	  ctx.bezierCurveTo(from_x - self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 4,
                        from_y + self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 3 * 2,
                        to_x + self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 4,
                        to_y - self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor / 3 * 2,
                        to_x, to_y);


// -- Commit Node --------------------------------------------------------

function Commit(graph, idx, data, options ) {
  var self = this;

  self._data = data;
  self.graph = graph;
  self.idx = idx;
  self.options = options;
  self.sha = data[0];
  self.dot = data[1];
  self.dot_offset = self.dot[0];
  self.dot_branch = self.dot[1];
  self.routes = $.map(data[2], function(e) { return new Route(self, e, options); });

Commit.prototype.drawDot = function ( ctx ) {
  var self = this;
  var radius = self.options.dotRadius;	// dot radius

  if (self.options.orientation === "horizontal") {
	var x_hori = self.options.width * self.options.scaleFactor - (self.idx + 0.5) * self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor;
	var y_hori = (self.dot_offset + 1) * self.options.y_step * self.options.scaleFactor;
    ctx.fillStyle = self.graph.get_color(self.dot_branch);
    ctx.arc(x_hori, y_hori, radius * self.options.scaleFactor, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);

  } else {
	var x = self.options.width * self.options.scaleFactor - (self.dot_offset + 1) * self.options.x_step * self.options.scaleFactor;
    var row = $("#sha_" + self.sha);

    var y = (row.offset().top + row.height() / 2 - self.options.relaOffset) * self.options.scaleFactor;
    ctx.fillStyle = self.graph.get_color(self.dot_branch);
    ctx.arc(x, y, radius * self.options.scaleFactor, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
  // ctx.stroke();

// -- Graph Canvas --------------------------------------------------------

function backingScale() {
    if ('devicePixelRatio' in window) {
        if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
            return window.devicePixelRatio;
    return 1;

function GraphCanvas( data, options ) {
  var self = this;

  self.data = data;
  self.options = options;
  self.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  self.canvas.style.height = options.height + "px";
  self.canvas.style.width = options.width + "px";
  self.canvas.height = options.height;
  self.canvas.width = options.width;

  var scaleFactor = backingScale();
  if (self.options.orientation === "horizontal") {
	if (scaleFactor < 1) {
	  self.canvas.width = self.canvas.width * scaleFactor;
	  self.canvas.height = self.canvas.height * scaleFactor;
  } else {
	if (scaleFactor > 1) {
	  self.canvas.width = self.canvas.width * scaleFactor;
	  self.canvas.height = self.canvas.height * scaleFactor;
  self.options.scaleFactor = scaleFactor;

  // or use context.scale(2,2) // not tested

  self.colors = [
  // self.branch_color = {};

GraphCanvas.prototype.toHTML = function () {
  var self = this;


  return $(self.canvas);

GraphCanvas.prototype.get_color = function (branch) {
  var self = this;

  var n = self.colors.length;
  return self.colors[branch % n];


  [offset, branch], //dot
    [from, to, branch],  // route1
    [from, to, branch],  // route2
    [from, to, branch],
  ]  // routes

// draw
GraphCanvas.prototype.draw = function () {
  var self = this,
      ctx = self.canvas.getContext("2d");

  ctx.lineWidth = self.options.lineWidth;

  self.options.relaOffset = $(".changelogRow").first().offset().top;

  var n_commits = self.data.length;
  for (var i=0; i<n_commits; i++) {
    var commit = new Commit(self, i, self.data[i], self.options);

    for (var j=0; j<commit.routes.length; j++) {
      var route = commit.routes[j];
      route.drawRoute(commit, ctx);

// -- Function for finding the total number of branches -----------------------
branchCount = function(data) {
  var maxBranch = -1;
  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
	for (var j = 0; j < data[i][2].length; j++) {
	  if (maxBranch < data[i][2][j][0] || maxBranch < data[i][2][j][1]) {
		maxBranch = Math.max.apply(Math, [data[i][2][j][0], data[i][2][j][1]]);
  return maxBranch + 1;

// -- Graph Plugin ------------------------------------------------------------

function Graph( element, options ) {
	var self = this,
			defaults = {
        height: 800,
        width: 200,
        // y_step: 30,
        y_step: 20,
        x_step: 20,
        orientation: "vertical",
        dotRadius: 3,
        lineWidth: 2,

	self.element    = element;
	self.$container = $( element );
	self.data = self.$container.data( "graph" );
	var x_step = $.extend( {}, defaults, options ).x_step;
	var y_step = $.extend( {}, defaults, options ).y_step;

	if (options.orientation === "horizontal") {
	  defaults.width = ( self.data.length + 2 ) * x_step;
	  defaults.height = ( branchCount(self.data) + 0.5 ) * y_step;
	} else {
	  defaults.width = ( branchCount(self.data) + 0.5 ) * x_step;
	  defaults.height = ( self.data.length + 2 ) * y_step;

	self.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options ) ;

	self._defaults = defaults;


// Apply results to HTML template
Graph.prototype.applyTemplate = function () {
	var self  = this,
			graphCanvas = new GraphCanvas( self.data, self.options ),
			$canvas = graphCanvas.toHTML();
	$canvas.appendTo( self.$container );

// -- Attach plugin to jQuery's prototype --------------------------------------

;( function ( $, window, undefined ) {

	$.fn.commits = function ( options ) {
		return this.each(function () {
				$( this ).data( "plugin_commits_graph", new Graph( this, options ) );

}( window.jQuery, window ) );