# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2013-2020 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import time import logging import formencode import formencode.htmlfill import peppercorn from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPFound, HTTPBadRequest from pyramid.renderers import render from pyramid.response import Response from rhodecode.apps._base import BaseAppView from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, NotAnonymous, CSRFRequired from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import time_to_datetime from rhodecode.lib.ext_json import json from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import VCSError, NodeNotChangedError from rhodecode.model.gist import GistModel from rhodecode.model.meta import Session from rhodecode.model.db import Gist, User, or_ from rhodecode.model import validation_schema from rhodecode.model.validation_schema.schemas import gist_schema log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GistView(BaseAppView): def load_default_context(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self._get_local_tmpl_context() c.user = c.auth_user.get_instance() c.lifetime_values = [ (-1, _('forever')), (5, _('5 minutes')), (60, _('1 hour')), (60 * 24, _('1 day')), (60 * 24 * 30, _('1 month')), ] c.lifetime_options = [(c.lifetime_values, _("Lifetime"))] c.acl_options = [ (Gist.ACL_LEVEL_PRIVATE, _("Requires registered account")), (Gist.ACL_LEVEL_PUBLIC, _("Can be accessed by anonymous users")) ] return c @LoginRequired() def gist_show_all(self): c = self.load_default_context() not_default_user = self._rhodecode_user.username != User.DEFAULT_USER c.show_private = self.request.GET.get('private') and not_default_user c.show_public = self.request.GET.get('public') and not_default_user c.show_all = self.request.GET.get('all') and self._rhodecode_user.admin gists = _gists = Gist().query()\ .filter(or_(Gist.gist_expires == -1, Gist.gist_expires >= time.time()))\ .order_by(Gist.created_on.desc()) c.active = 'public' # MY private if c.show_private and not c.show_public: gists = _gists.filter(Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PRIVATE)\ .filter(Gist.gist_owner == self._rhodecode_user.user_id) c.active = 'my_private' # MY public elif c.show_public and not c.show_private: gists = _gists.filter(Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PUBLIC)\ .filter(Gist.gist_owner == self._rhodecode_user.user_id) c.active = 'my_public' # MY public+private elif c.show_private and c.show_public: gists = _gists.filter(or_(Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PUBLIC, Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PRIVATE))\ .filter(Gist.gist_owner == self._rhodecode_user.user_id) c.active = 'my_all' # Show all by super-admin elif c.show_all: c.active = 'all' gists = _gists # default show ALL public gists if not c.show_public and not c.show_private and not c.show_all: gists = _gists.filter(Gist.gist_type == Gist.GIST_PUBLIC) c.active = 'public' _render = self.request.get_partial_renderer( 'rhodecode:templates/data_table/_dt_elements.mako') data = [] for gist in gists: data.append({ 'created_on': _render('gist_created', gist.created_on), 'created_on_raw': gist.created_on, 'type': _render('gist_type', gist.gist_type), 'access_id': _render('gist_access_id', gist.gist_access_id, gist.owner.full_contact), 'author': _render('gist_author', gist.owner.full_contact, gist.created_on, gist.gist_expires), 'author_raw': h.escape(gist.owner.full_contact), 'expires': _render('gist_expires', gist.gist_expires), 'description': _render('gist_description', gist.gist_description) }) c.data = json.dumps(data) return self._get_template_context(c) @LoginRequired() @NotAnonymous() def gist_new(self): c = self.load_default_context() return self._get_template_context(c) @LoginRequired() @NotAnonymous() @CSRFRequired() def gist_create(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self.load_default_context() data = dict(self.request.POST) data['filename'] = data.get('filename') or Gist.DEFAULT_FILENAME data['nodes'] = [{ 'filename': data['filename'], 'content': data.get('content'), 'mimetype': data.get('mimetype') # None is autodetect }] gist_type = { 'public': Gist.GIST_PUBLIC, 'private': Gist.GIST_PRIVATE }.get(data.get('gist_type')) or Gist.GIST_PRIVATE data['gist_type'] = gist_type data['gist_acl_level'] = ( data.get('gist_acl_level') or Gist.ACL_LEVEL_PRIVATE) schema = gist_schema.GistSchema().bind( lifetime_options=[x[0] for x in c.lifetime_values]) try: schema_data = schema.deserialize(data) # convert to safer format with just KEYs so we sure no duplicates schema_data['nodes'] = gist_schema.sequence_to_nodes( schema_data['nodes']) gist = GistModel().create( gist_id=schema_data['gistid'], # custom access id not real ID description=schema_data['description'], owner=self._rhodecode_user.user_id, gist_mapping=schema_data['nodes'], gist_type=schema_data['gist_type'], lifetime=schema_data['lifetime'], gist_acl_level=schema_data['gist_acl_level'] ) Session().commit() new_gist_id = gist.gist_access_id except validation_schema.Invalid as errors: defaults = data errors = errors.asdict() if 'nodes.0.content' in errors: errors['content'] = errors['nodes.0.content'] del errors['nodes.0.content'] if 'nodes.0.filename' in errors: errors['filename'] = errors['nodes.0.filename'] del errors['nodes.0.filename'] data = render('rhodecode:templates/admin/gists/gist_new.mako', self._get_template_context(c), self.request) html = formencode.htmlfill.render( data, defaults=defaults, errors=errors, prefix_error=False, encoding="UTF-8", force_defaults=False ) return Response(html) except Exception: log.exception("Exception while trying to create a gist") h.flash(_('Error occurred during gist creation'), category='error') raise HTTPFound(h.route_url('gists_new')) raise HTTPFound(h.route_url('gist_show', gist_id=new_gist_id)) @LoginRequired() @NotAnonymous() @CSRFRequired() def gist_delete(self): _ = self.request.translate gist_id = self.request.matchdict['gist_id'] c = self.load_default_context() c.gist = Gist.get_or_404(gist_id) owner = c.gist.gist_owner == self._rhodecode_user.user_id if not (h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or owner): log.warning('Deletion of Gist was forbidden ' 'by unauthorized user: `%s`', self._rhodecode_user) raise HTTPNotFound() GistModel().delete(c.gist) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Deleted gist %s') % c.gist.gist_access_id, category='success') raise HTTPFound(h.route_url('gists_show')) def _get_gist(self, gist_id): gist = Gist.get_or_404(gist_id) # Check if this gist is expired if gist.gist_expires != -1: if time.time() > gist.gist_expires: log.error( 'Gist expired at %s', time_to_datetime(gist.gist_expires)) raise HTTPNotFound() # check if this gist requires a login is_default_user = self._rhodecode_user.username == User.DEFAULT_USER if gist.acl_level == Gist.ACL_LEVEL_PRIVATE and is_default_user: log.error("Anonymous user %s tried to access protected gist `%s`", self._rhodecode_user, gist_id) raise HTTPNotFound() return gist @LoginRequired() def gist_show(self): gist_id = self.request.matchdict['gist_id'] # TODO(marcink): expose those via matching dict revision = self.request.matchdict.get('revision', 'tip') f_path = self.request.matchdict.get('f_path', None) return_format = self.request.matchdict.get('format') c = self.load_default_context() c.gist = self._get_gist(gist_id) c.render = not self.request.GET.get('no-render', False) try: c.file_last_commit, c.files = GistModel().get_gist_files( gist_id, revision=revision) except VCSError: log.exception("Exception in gist show") raise HTTPNotFound() if return_format == 'raw': content = '\n\n'.join([f.content for f in c.files if (f_path is None or f.path == f_path)]) response = Response(content) response.content_type = 'text/plain' return response elif return_format: raise HTTPBadRequest() return self._get_template_context(c) @LoginRequired() @NotAnonymous() def gist_edit(self): _ = self.request.translate gist_id = self.request.matchdict['gist_id'] c = self.load_default_context() c.gist = self._get_gist(gist_id) owner = c.gist.gist_owner == self._rhodecode_user.user_id if not (h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or owner): raise HTTPNotFound() try: c.file_last_commit, c.files = GistModel().get_gist_files(gist_id) except VCSError: log.exception("Exception in gist edit") raise HTTPNotFound() if c.gist.gist_expires == -1: expiry = _('never') else: # this cannot use timeago, since it's used in select2 as a value expiry = h.age(h.time_to_datetime(c.gist.gist_expires)) c.lifetime_values.append( (0, _('%(expiry)s - current value') % {'expiry': _(expiry)}) ) return self._get_template_context(c) @LoginRequired() @NotAnonymous() @CSRFRequired() def gist_update(self): _ = self.request.translate gist_id = self.request.matchdict['gist_id'] c = self.load_default_context() c.gist = self._get_gist(gist_id) owner = c.gist.gist_owner == self._rhodecode_user.user_id if not (h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or owner): raise HTTPNotFound() data = peppercorn.parse(self.request.POST.items()) schema = gist_schema.GistSchema() schema = schema.bind( # '0' is special value to leave lifetime untouched lifetime_options=[x[0] for x in c.lifetime_values] + [0], ) try: schema_data = schema.deserialize(data) # convert to safer format with just KEYs so we sure no duplicates schema_data['nodes'] = gist_schema.sequence_to_nodes( schema_data['nodes']) GistModel().update( gist=c.gist, description=schema_data['description'], owner=c.gist.owner, gist_mapping=schema_data['nodes'], lifetime=schema_data['lifetime'], gist_acl_level=schema_data['gist_acl_level'] ) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Successfully updated gist content'), category='success') except NodeNotChangedError: # raised if nothing was changed in repo itself. We anyway then # store only DB stuff for gist Session().commit() h.flash(_('Successfully updated gist data'), category='success') except validation_schema.Invalid as errors: errors = h.escape(errors.asdict()) h.flash(_('Error occurred during update of gist {}: {}').format( gist_id, errors), category='error') except Exception: log.exception("Exception in gist edit") h.flash(_('Error occurred during update of gist %s') % gist_id, category='error') raise HTTPFound(h.route_url('gist_show', gist_id=gist_id)) @LoginRequired() @NotAnonymous() def gist_edit_check_revision(self): _ = self.request.translate gist_id = self.request.matchdict['gist_id'] c = self.load_default_context() c.gist = self._get_gist(gist_id) last_rev = c.gist.scm_instance().get_commit() success = True revision = self.request.GET.get('revision') if revision != last_rev.raw_id: log.error('Last revision %s is different then submitted %s', revision, last_rev) # our gist has newer version than we success = False return {'success': success}