## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## helpers <%def name="tag_button(text, tag_type=None)"> <% color_scheme = { 'default': 'border:1px solid #979797;color:#666666;background-color:#f9f9f9', 'approved': 'border:1px solid #0ac878;color:#0ac878;background-color:#f9f9f9', 'rejected': 'border:1px solid #e85e4d;color:#e85e4d;background-color:#f9f9f9', 'under_review': 'border:1px solid #ffc854;color:#ffc854;background-color:#f9f9f9', } %>
<%def name="status_text(text, tag_type=None)"> <% color_scheme = { 'default': 'color:#666666', 'approved': 'color:#0ac878', 'rejected': 'color:#e85e4d', 'under_review': 'color:#ffc854', } %> ${text} ## headers we additionally can set for email <%def name="headers()" filter="n,trim"> <%def name="plaintext_footer()"> ${_('This is a notification from RhodeCode. %(instance_url)s') % {'instance_url': instance_url}} <%def name="body_plaintext()" filter="n,trim"> ## this example is not called itself but overridden in each template ## the plaintext_footer should be at the bottom of both html and text emails ${self.plaintext_footer()} ${self.subject()}
${_('RhodeCode')} % if rhodecode_instance_name: - ${rhodecode_instance_name} % endif
