.. _repo-admin-tasks: Common Admin Tasks for Repositories ----------------------------------- Manually Force Delete Repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In case of attached forks or pull-requests repositories should be archived. Here is how to force delete a repository and remove all dependent objects .. code-block:: bash :dedent: 1 # starts the ishell interactive prompt $ rccontrol ishell enterprise-1 .. code-block:: python :dedent: 1 In [4]: from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel In [3]: repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name('test_repos/repo_with_prs') In [5]: RepoModel().delete(repo, forks='detach', pull_requests='delete') In [6]: Session().commit() Below is a fully automated example to force delete repositories reading from a file where each line is a repository name. This can be executed via simple CLI command without entering the interactive shell. Save the below content as a file named `repo_delete_task.py` .. code-block:: python :dedent: 1 from rhodecode.model.db import * from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel with open('delete_repos.txt', 'rb') as f: # read all lines from file repos = f.readlines() for repo_name in repos: repo_name = repo_name.strip() # cleanup the name just in case repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name) if not repo: raise Exception('Repo with name {} not found'.format(repo_name)) RepoModel().delete(repo, forks='detach', pull_requests='delete') Session().commit() print('Removed repository {}'.format(repo_name)) The code above will read the names of repositories from a file called `delete_repos.txt` Each lines should represent a single name e.g `repo_name_1` or `repo_group/repo_name_2` Run this line from CLI to execute the code from the `repo_delete_task.py` file and exit the ishell after the execution:: echo "%run repo_delete_task.py" | rccontrol ishell enterprise-1 Bulk edit permissions for all repositories or groups ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In case when a permissions should be applied in bulk here are two ways to apply the permissions onto *all* repositories and/or repository groups. 1) Start by running the interactive ishell interface .. code-block:: bash :dedent: 1 # starts the ishell interactive prompt $ rccontrol ishell enterprise-1 2a) Add user called 'admin' into all repositories with write permission. Permissions can be also `repository.read`, `repository.admin`, `repository.none` .. code-block:: python :dedent: In [1]: from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel In [2]: user = User.get_by_username('admin') In [3]: permission_name = 'repository.write' In [4]: for repo in Repository.get_all(): ...: RepoModel().grant_user_permission(repo, user, permission_name) ...: Session().commit() 2b) Add user called 'admin' into all repository groups with write permission. Permissions can be also can be `group.read`, `group.admin`, `group.none` .. code-block:: python :dedent: In [1]: from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel In [2]: user = User.get_by_username('admin') In [3]: permission_name = 'group.write' In [4]: for repo_group in RepoGroup.get_all(): ...: RepoGroupModel().grant_user_permission(repo_group, user, permission_name) ...: Session().commit() Delete a problematic pull request ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python :dedent: In [1]: from rhodecode.model.pull_request import PullRequestModel In [2]: pullrequest_id = 123 In [3]: pr = PullRequest.get(pullrequest_id) In [4]: super_admin = User.get_first_super_admin() In [5]: PullRequestModel().delete(pr, super_admin) In [6]: Session().commit()