${_('This pull request can be merged automatically.')}
% else:
${_('Merge is not currently possible because of below failed checks.')}
% endif
% if c.pr_merge_errors.items():
% for pr_check_key, pr_check_details in c.pr_merge_errors.items():
<% pr_check_type = pr_check_details['error_type'] %>
- ${pr_check_details['message']}
% if pr_check_key == 'todo':
% for co in pr_check_details['details']:
#${co.comment_id}${'' if loop.last else ','}
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% if c.allowed_to_merge:
## Merge info, show only if all errors are taken care of
% if not c.pr_merge_errors and c.pr_merge_info:
% for pr_merge_key, pr_merge_details in c.pr_merge_info.items():