# Example to validate commit message or author using some sort of rules @has_kwargs({ 'server_url': 'url of instance that triggered this hook', 'config': 'path to .ini config used', 'scm': 'type of version control "git", "hg", "svn"', 'username': 'username of actor who triggered this event', 'ip': 'ip address of actor who triggered this hook', 'action': '', 'repository': 'repository name', 'repo_store_path': 'full path to where repositories are stored', 'commit_ids': 'pre transaction metadata for commit ids', 'hook_type': '', 'user_agent': 'Client user agent, e.g git or mercurial CLI version', }) def _pre_push_hook(*args, **kwargs): """ Post push hook To stop version control from storing the transaction and send a message to user use non-zero HookResponse with a message, e.g return HookResponse(1, 'Not allowed') This message will be shown back to client during PUSH operation Commit ids might look like that:: [{u'hg_env|git_env': ..., u'multiple_heads': [], u'name': u'default', u'new_rev': u'd0befe0692e722e01d5677f27a104631cf798b69', u'old_rev': u'd0befe0692e722e01d5677f27a104631cf798b69', u'ref': u'', u'total_commits': 2, u'type': u'branch'}] """ import re from .helpers import extra_fields, extract_pre_commits from .utils import str2bool # returns list of dicts with key-val fetched from extra fields repo_extra_fields = extra_fields.run(**kwargs) # optionally use 'extra fields' to control the logic per repo validate_author = extra_fields.get_field( repo_extra_fields, key='validate_author', default=False) should_validate = str2bool(validate_author) # optionally store validation regex into extra fields validation_regex = extra_fields.get_field( repo_extra_fields, key='validation_regex', default='') def validate_commit_message(commit_message, message_regex=None): """ This function validates commit_message against some sort of rules. It should return a valid boolean, and a reason for failure """ if "secret_string" in commit_message: msg = "!!Push forbidden: secret string found in commit messages" return False, msg if validation_regex: regexp = re.compile(validation_regex) if not regexp.match(message): msg = "!!Push forbidden: commit message does not match regexp" return False, msg return True, '' if should_validate: # returns list of dicts with key-val fetched from extra fields commit_list = extract_pre_commits.run(**kwargs) for commit_data in commit_list: message = commit_data['message'] message_valid, reason = validate_commit_message(message, validation_regex) if not message_valid: return HookResponse(1, reason) return HookResponse(0, '')