# Copyright (c) 2010 Agendaless Consulting and Contributors. # (http://www.agendaless.com), All Rights Reserved # License: BSD-derived (http://www.repoze.org/LICENSE.txt) # With Patches from RhodeCode GmBH import os from beaker import cache from beaker.session import SessionObject, Session from beaker.util import coerce_cache_params from beaker.util import coerce_session_params from pyramid.interfaces import ISession from pyramid.settings import asbool from zope.interface import implementer from binascii import hexlify class CustomSession(Session): pass def BeakerSessionFactoryConfig(**options): """ Return a Pyramid session factory using Beaker session settings supplied directly as ``**options``""" class PyramidBeakerSessionObject(SessionObject): _options = options _cookie_on_exception = _options.pop('cookie_on_exception', True) _constant_csrf_token = _options.pop('constant_csrf_token', False) _sa_opts = _options.pop('sa_opts', {}) def __init__(self, request): self._options['session_class'] = CustomSession self._options['sa_opts'] = self._sa_opts SessionObject.__init__(self, request.environ, **self._options) def session_callback(_request, _response): exception = getattr(_request, 'exception', None) file_response = getattr(_request, '_file_response', None) api_call = getattr(_request, 'rpc_method', None) if file_response is not None: return if api_call is not None: return if exception is not None and not self._cookie_on_exception: return if self.accessed(): self.persist() headers = self.__dict__['_headers'] if headers.get('set_cookie') and headers.get('cookie_out'): _response.headerlist.append(('Set-Cookie', headers['cookie_out'])) request.add_response_callback(session_callback) # ISession API @property def id(self): # this is as inspected in SessionObject.__init__ if self.__dict__['_params'].get('type') != 'cookie': return self._session().id return None @property def new(self): return self.last_accessed is None changed = SessionObject.save # modifying dictionary methods @call_save def clear(self): return self._session().clear() @call_save def update(self, d, **kw): return self._session().update(d, **kw) @call_save def setdefault(self, k, d=None): return self._session().setdefault(k, d) @call_save def pop(self, k, d=None): return self._session().pop(k, d) @call_save def popitem(self): return self._session().popitem() __setitem__ = call_save(SessionObject.__setitem__) __delitem__ = call_save(SessionObject.__delitem__) # Flash API methods def flash(self, msg, queue='', allow_duplicate=True): storage = self.setdefault(f'_f_{queue}', []) if allow_duplicate or (msg not in storage): storage.append(msg) def pop_flash(self, queue=''): storage = self.pop(f'_f_{queue}', []) return storage def peek_flash(self, queue=''): storage = self.get('_f_' + queue, []) return storage # CSRF API methods def new_csrf_token(self): token = (self._constant_csrf_token or hexlify(os.urandom(20)).decode('ascii')) self['_csrft_'] = token return token def get_csrf_token(self): token = self.get('_csrft_', None) if token is None: token = self.new_csrf_token() return token return implementer(ISession)(PyramidBeakerSessionObject) def call_save(wrapped): """ By default, in non-auto-mode beaker badly wants people to call save even though it should know something has changed when a mutating method is called. This hack should be removed if Beaker ever starts to do this by default. """ def save(session, *arg, **kw): value = wrapped(session, *arg, **kw) session.save() return value save.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__ return save def session_factory_from_settings(settings): """ Return a Pyramid session factory using Beaker session settings supplied from a Paste configuration file""" prefixes = ('session.', 'beaker.session.') options = {} # custom gather of our specific sqlalchemy session db configuration we need to translate this into a single entry # dict because this is how beaker expects that. sa_opts = {} # Pull out any config args meant for beaker session. if there are any for k, v in settings.items(): for prefix in prefixes: if k.startswith(prefix): option_name = k[len(prefix):] if option_name == 'cookie_on_exception': v = asbool(v) if option_name.startswith('sa.'): sa_opts[option_name] = v options[option_name] = v options = coerce_session_params(options) options['sa_opts'] = sa_opts return BeakerSessionFactoryConfig(**options) def includeme(config): session_factory = session_factory_from_settings(config.registry.settings) config.set_session_factory(session_factory)