# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2010-2016 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ """ RhodeCode authentication plugin for LDAP """ import colander import logging import traceback from pylons.i18n.translation import lazy_ugettext as _ from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property from rhodecode.authentication.base import RhodeCodeExternalAuthPlugin from rhodecode.authentication.schema import AuthnPluginSettingsSchemaBase from rhodecode.authentication.routes import AuthnPluginResourceBase from rhodecode.lib.colander_utils import strip_whitespace from rhodecode.lib.exceptions import ( LdapConnectionError, LdapUsernameError, LdapPasswordError, LdapImportError ) from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import safe_unicode, safe_str from rhodecode.model.db import User from rhodecode.model.validators import Missing log = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import ldap except ImportError: # means that python-ldap is not installed, we use Missing object to mark # ldap lib is Missing ldap = Missing def plugin_factory(plugin_id, *args, **kwds): """ Factory function that is called during plugin discovery. It returns the plugin instance. """ plugin = RhodeCodeAuthPlugin(plugin_id) return plugin class LdapAuthnResource(AuthnPluginResourceBase): pass class LdapSettingsSchema(AuthnPluginSettingsSchemaBase): tls_kind_choices = ['PLAIN', 'LDAPS', 'START_TLS'] tls_reqcert_choices = ['NEVER', 'ALLOW', 'TRY', 'DEMAND', 'HARD'] search_scope_choices = ['BASE', 'ONELEVEL', 'SUBTREE'] host = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('Host of the LDAP Server'), preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('LDAP Host'), widget='string') port = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Int(), default=389, description=_('Port that the LDAP server is listening on'), preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('Port'), validator=colander.Range(min=0, max=65536), widget='int') dn_user = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('User to connect to LDAP'), missing='', preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('Account'), widget='string') dn_pass = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('Password to connect to LDAP'), missing='', preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('Password'), widget='password') tls_kind = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default=tls_kind_choices[0], description=_('TLS Type'), title=_('Connection Security'), validator=colander.OneOf(tls_kind_choices), widget='select') tls_reqcert = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default=tls_reqcert_choices[0], description=_('Require Cert over TLS?'), title=_('Certificate Checks'), validator=colander.OneOf(tls_reqcert_choices), widget='select') base_dn = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('Base DN to search (e.g., dc=mydomain,dc=com)'), missing='', preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('Base DN'), widget='string') filter = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('Filter to narrow results (e.g., ou=Users, etc)'), missing='', preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('LDAP Search Filter'), widget='string') search_scope = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default=search_scope_choices[0], description=_('How deep to search LDAP'), title=_('LDAP Search Scope'), validator=colander.OneOf(search_scope_choices), widget='select') attr_login = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('LDAP Attribute to map to user name'), preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('Login Attribute'), missing_msg=_('The LDAP Login attribute of the CN must be specified'), widget='string') attr_firstname = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('LDAP Attribute to map to first name'), missing='', preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('First Name Attribute'), widget='string') attr_lastname = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('LDAP Attribute to map to last name'), missing='', preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('Last Name Attribute'), widget='string') attr_email = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), default='', description=_('LDAP Attribute to map to email address'), missing='', preparer=strip_whitespace, title=_('Email Attribute'), widget='string') class AuthLdap(object): def _build_servers(self): return ', '.join( ["{}://{}:{}".format( self.ldap_server_type, host.strip(), self.LDAP_SERVER_PORT) for host in self.SERVER_ADDRESSES]) def __init__(self, server, base_dn, port=389, bind_dn='', bind_pass='', tls_kind='PLAIN', tls_reqcert='DEMAND', ldap_version=3, search_scope='SUBTREE', attr_login='uid', ldap_filter='(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))'): if ldap == Missing: raise LdapImportError("Missing or incompatible ldap library") self.debug = False self.ldap_version = ldap_version self.ldap_server_type = 'ldap' self.TLS_KIND = tls_kind if self.TLS_KIND == 'LDAPS': port = port or 689 self.ldap_server_type += 's' OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND = 2 self.TLS_REQCERT = getattr(ldap, 'OPT_X_TLS_%s' % tls_reqcert, OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND) # split server into list self.SERVER_ADDRESSES = server.split(',') self.LDAP_SERVER_PORT = port # USE FOR READ ONLY BIND TO LDAP SERVER self.attr_login = attr_login self.LDAP_BIND_DN = safe_str(bind_dn) self.LDAP_BIND_PASS = safe_str(bind_pass) self.LDAP_SERVER = self._build_servers() self.SEARCH_SCOPE = getattr(ldap, 'SCOPE_%s' % search_scope) self.BASE_DN = safe_str(base_dn) self.LDAP_FILTER = safe_str(ldap_filter) def _get_ldap_server(self): if self.debug: ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, 255) if hasattr(ldap, 'OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR'): ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR, '/etc/openldap/cacerts') ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, ldap.OPT_OFF) ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_RESTART, ldap.OPT_ON) ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_TIMEOUT, 20) ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, 10) ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_TIMELIMIT, 15) if self.TLS_KIND != 'PLAIN': ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, self.TLS_REQCERT) server = ldap.initialize(self.LDAP_SERVER) if self.ldap_version == 2: server.protocol = ldap.VERSION2 else: server.protocol = ldap.VERSION3 if self.TLS_KIND == 'START_TLS': server.start_tls_s() if self.LDAP_BIND_DN and self.LDAP_BIND_PASS: log.debug('Trying simple_bind with password and given DN: %s', self.LDAP_BIND_DN) server.simple_bind_s(self.LDAP_BIND_DN, self.LDAP_BIND_PASS) return server def get_uid(self, username): from rhodecode.lib.helpers import chop_at uid = username for server_addr in self.SERVER_ADDRESSES: uid = chop_at(username, "@%s" % server_addr) return uid def fetch_attrs_from_simple_bind(self, server, dn, username, password): try: log.debug('Trying simple bind with %s', dn) server.simple_bind_s(dn, safe_str(password)) user = server.search_ext_s( dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectClass=*)', )[0] _, attrs = user return attrs except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: log.debug( "LDAP rejected password for user '%s': %s, org_exc:", username, dn, exc_info=True) def authenticate_ldap(self, username, password): """ Authenticate a user via LDAP and return his/her LDAP properties. Raises AuthenticationError if the credentials are rejected, or EnvironmentError if the LDAP server can't be reached. :param username: username :param password: password """ uid = self.get_uid(username) if not password: msg = "Authenticating user %s with blank password not allowed" log.warning(msg, username) raise LdapPasswordError(msg) if "," in username: raise LdapUsernameError("invalid character in username: ,") try: server = self._get_ldap_server() filter_ = '(&%s(%s=%s))' % ( self.LDAP_FILTER, self.attr_login, username) log.debug("Authenticating %r filter %s at %s", self.BASE_DN, filter_, self.LDAP_SERVER) lobjects = server.search_ext_s( self.BASE_DN, self.SEARCH_SCOPE, filter_) if not lobjects: raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT() for (dn, _attrs) in lobjects: if dn is None: continue user_attrs = self.fetch_attrs_from_simple_bind( server, dn, username, password) if user_attrs: break else: log.debug("No matching LDAP objects for authentication " "of '%s' (%s)", uid, username) raise LdapPasswordError('Failed to authenticate user ' 'with given password') except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: log.debug("LDAP says no such user '%s' (%s), org_exc:", uid, username, exc_info=True) raise LdapUsernameError() except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: org_exc = traceback.format_exc() raise LdapConnectionError( "LDAP can't access authentication " "server, org_exc:%s" % org_exc) return dn, user_attrs class RhodeCodeAuthPlugin(RhodeCodeExternalAuthPlugin): # used to define dynamic binding in the DYNAMIC_BIND_VAR = '$login' def includeme(self, config): config.add_authn_plugin(self) config.add_authn_resource(self.get_id(), LdapAuthnResource(self)) config.add_view( 'rhodecode.authentication.views.AuthnPluginViewBase', attr='settings_get', renderer='rhodecode:templates/admin/auth/plugin_settings.html', request_method='GET', route_name='auth_home', context=LdapAuthnResource) config.add_view( 'rhodecode.authentication.views.AuthnPluginViewBase', attr='settings_post', renderer='rhodecode:templates/admin/auth/plugin_settings.html', request_method='POST', route_name='auth_home', context=LdapAuthnResource) def get_settings_schema(self): return LdapSettingsSchema() def get_display_name(self): return _('LDAP') @hybrid_property def name(self): return "ldap" def use_fake_password(self): return True def user_activation_state(self): def_user_perms = User.get_default_user().AuthUser.permissions['global'] return 'hg.extern_activate.auto' in def_user_perms def try_dynamic_binding(self, username, password, current_args): """ Detects marker inside our original bind, and uses dynamic auth if present """ org_bind = current_args['bind_dn'] passwd = current_args['bind_pass'] def has_bind_marker(username): if self.DYNAMIC_BIND_VAR in username: return True # we only passed in user with "special" variable if org_bind and has_bind_marker(org_bind) and not passwd: log.debug('Using dynamic user/password binding for ldap ' 'authentication. Replacing `%s` with username', self.DYNAMIC_BIND_VAR) current_args['bind_dn'] = org_bind.replace( self.DYNAMIC_BIND_VAR, username) current_args['bind_pass'] = password return current_args def auth(self, userobj, username, password, settings, **kwargs): """ Given a user object (which may be null), username, a plaintext password, and a settings object (containing all the keys needed as listed in settings()), authenticate this user's login attempt. Return None on failure. On success, return a dictionary of the form: see: RhodeCodeAuthPluginBase.auth_func_attrs This is later validated for correctness """ if not username or not password: log.debug('Empty username or password skipping...') return None ldap_args = { 'server': settings.get('host', ''), 'base_dn': settings.get('base_dn', ''), 'port': settings.get('port'), 'bind_dn': settings.get('dn_user'), 'bind_pass': settings.get('dn_pass'), 'tls_kind': settings.get('tls_kind'), 'tls_reqcert': settings.get('tls_reqcert'), 'search_scope': settings.get('search_scope'), 'attr_login': settings.get('attr_login'), 'ldap_version': 3, 'ldap_filter': settings.get('filter'), } ldap_attrs = self.try_dynamic_binding(username, password, ldap_args) log.debug('Checking for ldap authentication.') try: aldap = AuthLdap(**ldap_args) (user_dn, ldap_attrs) = aldap.authenticate_ldap(username, password) log.debug('Got ldap DN response %s', user_dn) def get_ldap_attr(k): return ldap_attrs.get(settings.get(k), [''])[0] # old attrs fetched from RhodeCode database admin = getattr(userobj, 'admin', False) active = getattr(userobj, 'active', True) email = getattr(userobj, 'email', '') username = getattr(userobj, 'username', username) firstname = getattr(userobj, 'firstname', '') lastname = getattr(userobj, 'lastname', '') extern_type = getattr(userobj, 'extern_type', '') groups = [] user_attrs = { 'username': username, 'firstname': safe_unicode( get_ldap_attr('attr_firstname') or firstname), 'lastname': safe_unicode( get_ldap_attr('attr_lastname') or lastname), 'groups': groups, 'email': get_ldap_attr('attr_email' or email), 'admin': admin, 'active': active, "active_from_extern": None, 'extern_name': user_dn, 'extern_type': extern_type, } log.debug('ldap user: %s', user_attrs) log.info('user %s authenticated correctly', user_attrs['username']) return user_attrs except (LdapUsernameError, LdapPasswordError, LdapImportError): log.exception("LDAP related exception") return None except (Exception,): log.exception("Other exception") return None