# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2011-2019 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import itertools import logging import os import shutil import tempfile import collections import urllib import pathlib2 from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPBadRequest, HTTPFound from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.renderers import render from pyramid.response import Response import rhodecode from rhodecode.apps._base import RepoAppView from rhodecode.lib import diffs, helpers as h, rc_cache from rhodecode.lib import audit_logger from rhodecode.lib.view_utils import parse_path_ref from rhodecode.lib.exceptions import NonRelativePathError from rhodecode.lib.codeblocks import ( filenode_as_lines_tokens, filenode_as_annotated_lines_tokens) from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import ( convert_line_endings, detect_mode, safe_str, str2bool, safe_int, sha1, safe_unicode) from rhodecode.lib.auth import ( LoginRequired, HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator, CSRFRequired) from rhodecode.lib.vcs import path as vcspath from rhodecode.lib.vcs.backends.base import EmptyCommit from rhodecode.lib.vcs.conf import settings from rhodecode.lib.vcs.nodes import FileNode from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import ( RepositoryError, CommitDoesNotExistError, EmptyRepositoryError, ImproperArchiveTypeError, VCSError, NodeAlreadyExistsError, NodeDoesNotExistError, CommitError, NodeError) from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel from rhodecode.model.db import Repository log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RepoFilesView(RepoAppView): @staticmethod def adjust_file_path_for_svn(f_path, repo): """ Computes the relative path of `f_path`. This is mainly based on prefix matching of the recognized tags and branches in the underlying repository. """ tags_and_branches = itertools.chain( repo.branches.iterkeys(), repo.tags.iterkeys()) tags_and_branches = sorted(tags_and_branches, key=len, reverse=True) for name in tags_and_branches: if f_path.startswith('{}/'.format(name)): f_path = vcspath.relpath(f_path, name) break return f_path def load_default_context(self): c = self._get_local_tmpl_context(include_app_defaults=True) c.rhodecode_repo = self.rhodecode_vcs_repo c.enable_downloads = self.db_repo.enable_downloads return c def _ensure_not_locked(self, commit_id='tip'): _ = self.request.translate repo = self.db_repo if repo.enable_locking and repo.locked[0]: h.flash(_('This repository has been locked by %s on %s') % (h.person_by_id(repo.locked[0]), h.format_date(h.time_to_datetime(repo.locked[1]))), 'warning') files_url = h.route_path( 'repo_files:default_path', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=commit_id) raise HTTPFound(files_url) def forbid_non_head(self, is_head, f_path, commit_id='tip', json_mode=False): _ = self.request.translate if not is_head: message = _('Cannot modify file. ' 'Given commit `{}` is not head of a branch.').format(commit_id) h.flash(message, category='warning') if json_mode: return message files_url = h.route_path( 'repo_files', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=commit_id, f_path=f_path) raise HTTPFound(files_url) def check_branch_permission(self, branch_name, commit_id='tip', json_mode=False): _ = self.request.translate rule, branch_perm = self._rhodecode_user.get_rule_and_branch_permission( self.db_repo_name, branch_name) if branch_perm and branch_perm not in ['branch.push', 'branch.push_force']: message = _('Branch `{}` changes forbidden by rule {}.').format( branch_name, rule) h.flash(message, 'warning') if json_mode: return message files_url = h.route_path( 'repo_files:default_path', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=commit_id) raise HTTPFound(files_url) def _get_commit_and_path(self): default_commit_id = self.db_repo.landing_rev[1] default_f_path = '/' commit_id = self.request.matchdict.get( 'commit_id', default_commit_id) f_path = self._get_f_path(self.request.matchdict, default_f_path) return commit_id, f_path def _get_default_encoding(self, c): enc_list = getattr(c, 'default_encodings', []) return enc_list[0] if enc_list else 'UTF-8' def _get_commit_or_redirect(self, commit_id, redirect_after=True): """ This is a safe way to get commit. If an error occurs it redirects to tip with proper message :param commit_id: id of commit to fetch :param redirect_after: toggle redirection """ _ = self.request.translate try: return self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.get_commit(commit_id) except EmptyRepositoryError: if not redirect_after: return None _url = h.route_path( 'repo_files_add_file', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=0, f_path='') if h.HasRepoPermissionAny( 'repository.write', 'repository.admin')(self.db_repo_name): add_new = h.link_to( _('Click here to add a new file.'), _url, class_="alert-link") else: add_new = "" h.flash(h.literal( _('There are no files yet. %s') % add_new), category='warning') raise HTTPFound( h.route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=self.db_repo_name)) except (CommitDoesNotExistError, LookupError): msg = _('No such commit exists for this repository') h.flash(msg, category='error') raise HTTPNotFound() except RepositoryError as e: h.flash(safe_str(h.escape(e)), category='error') raise HTTPNotFound() def _get_filenode_or_redirect(self, commit_obj, path): """ Returns file_node, if error occurs or given path is directory, it'll redirect to top level path """ _ = self.request.translate try: file_node = commit_obj.get_node(path) if file_node.is_dir(): raise RepositoryError('The given path is a directory') except CommitDoesNotExistError: log.exception('No such commit exists for this repository') h.flash(_('No such commit exists for this repository'), category='error') raise HTTPNotFound() except RepositoryError as e: log.warning('Repository error while fetching filenode `%s`. Err:%s', path, e) h.flash(safe_str(h.escape(e)), category='error') raise HTTPNotFound() return file_node def _is_valid_head(self, commit_id, repo): branch_name = sha_commit_id = '' is_head = False log.debug('Checking if commit_id `%s` is a head for %s.', commit_id, repo) for _branch_name, branch_commit_id in repo.branches.items(): # simple case we pass in branch name, it's a HEAD if commit_id == _branch_name: is_head = True branch_name = _branch_name sha_commit_id = branch_commit_id break # case when we pass in full sha commit_id, which is a head elif commit_id == branch_commit_id: is_head = True branch_name = _branch_name sha_commit_id = branch_commit_id break if h.is_svn(repo) and not repo.is_empty(): # Note: Subversion only has one head. if commit_id == repo.get_commit(commit_idx=-1).raw_id: is_head = True return branch_name, sha_commit_id, is_head # checked branches, means we only need to try to get the branch/commit_sha if not repo.is_empty(): commit = repo.get_commit(commit_id=commit_id) if commit: branch_name = commit.branch sha_commit_id = commit.raw_id return branch_name, sha_commit_id, is_head def _get_tree_at_commit(self, c, commit_id, f_path, full_load=False): repo_id = self.db_repo.repo_id force_recache = self.get_recache_flag() cache_seconds = safe_int( rhodecode.CONFIG.get('rc_cache.cache_repo.expiration_time')) cache_on = not force_recache and cache_seconds > 0 log.debug( 'Computing FILE TREE for repo_id %s commit_id `%s` and path `%s`' 'with caching: %s[TTL: %ss]' % ( repo_id, commit_id, f_path, cache_on, cache_seconds or 0)) cache_namespace_uid = 'cache_repo.{}'.format(repo_id) region = rc_cache.get_or_create_region('cache_repo', cache_namespace_uid) @region.conditional_cache_on_arguments(namespace=cache_namespace_uid, condition=cache_on) def compute_file_tree(ver, repo_id, commit_id, f_path, full_load): log.debug('Generating cached file tree at ver:%s for repo_id: %s, %s, %s', ver, repo_id, commit_id, f_path) c.full_load = full_load return render( 'rhodecode:templates/files/files_browser_tree.mako', self._get_template_context(c), self.request) return compute_file_tree('v1', self.db_repo.repo_id, commit_id, f_path, full_load) def _get_archive_spec(self, fname): log.debug('Detecting archive spec for: `%s`', fname) fileformat = None ext = None content_type = None for a_type, content_type, extension in settings.ARCHIVE_SPECS: if fname.endswith(extension): fileformat = a_type log.debug('archive is of type: %s', fileformat) ext = extension break if not fileformat: raise ValueError() # left over part of whole fname is the commit commit_id = fname[:-len(ext)] return commit_id, ext, fileformat, content_type def create_pure_path(self, *parts): # Split paths and sanitize them, removing any ../ etc sanitized_path = [ x for x in pathlib2.PurePath(*parts).parts if x not in ['.', '..']] pure_path = pathlib2.PurePath(*sanitized_path) return pure_path def _is_lf_enabled(self, target_repo): lf_enabled = False lf_key_for_vcs_map = { 'hg': 'extensions_largefiles', 'git': 'vcs_git_lfs_enabled' } lf_key_for_vcs = lf_key_for_vcs_map.get(target_repo.repo_type) if lf_key_for_vcs: lf_enabled = self._get_repo_setting(target_repo, lf_key_for_vcs) return lf_enabled @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_archivefile', request_method='GET', renderer=None) def repo_archivefile(self): # archive cache config from rhodecode import CONFIG _ = self.request.translate self.load_default_context() default_at_path = '/' fname = self.request.matchdict['fname'] subrepos = self.request.GET.get('subrepos') == 'true' at_path = self.request.GET.get('at_path') or default_at_path if not self.db_repo.enable_downloads: return Response(_('Downloads disabled')) try: commit_id, ext, fileformat, content_type = \ self._get_archive_spec(fname) except ValueError: return Response(_('Unknown archive type for: `{}`').format( h.escape(fname))) try: commit = self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.get_commit(commit_id) except CommitDoesNotExistError: return Response(_('Unknown commit_id {}').format( h.escape(commit_id))) except EmptyRepositoryError: return Response(_('Empty repository')) try: at_path = commit.get_node(at_path).path or default_at_path except Exception: return Response(_('No node at path {} for this repository').format(at_path)) path_sha = sha1(at_path)[:8] # original backward compat name of archive clean_name = safe_str(self.db_repo_name.replace('/', '_')) short_sha = safe_str(commit.short_id) if at_path == default_at_path: archive_name = '{}-{}{}{}'.format( clean_name, '-sub' if subrepos else '', short_sha, ext) # custom path and new name else: archive_name = '{}-{}{}-{}{}'.format( clean_name, '-sub' if subrepos else '', short_sha, path_sha, ext) use_cached_archive = False archive_cache_enabled = CONFIG.get( 'archive_cache_dir') and not self.request.GET.get('no_cache') cached_archive_path = None if archive_cache_enabled: # check if we it's ok to write if not os.path.isdir(CONFIG['archive_cache_dir']): os.makedirs(CONFIG['archive_cache_dir']) cached_archive_path = os.path.join( CONFIG['archive_cache_dir'], archive_name) if os.path.isfile(cached_archive_path): log.debug('Found cached archive in %s', cached_archive_path) fd, archive = None, cached_archive_path use_cached_archive = True else: log.debug('Archive %s is not yet cached', archive_name) if not use_cached_archive: # generate new archive fd, archive = tempfile.mkstemp() log.debug('Creating new temp archive in %s', archive) try: commit.archive_repo(archive, kind=fileformat, subrepos=subrepos, archive_at_path=at_path) except ImproperArchiveTypeError: return _('Unknown archive type') if archive_cache_enabled: # if we generated the archive and we have cache enabled # let's use this for future log.debug('Storing new archive in %s', cached_archive_path) shutil.move(archive, cached_archive_path) archive = cached_archive_path # store download action audit_logger.store_web( 'repo.archive.download', action_data={ 'user_agent': self.request.user_agent, 'archive_name': archive_name, 'archive_spec': fname, 'archive_cached': use_cached_archive}, user=self._rhodecode_user, repo=self.db_repo, commit=True ) def get_chunked_archive(archive_path): with open(archive_path, 'rb') as stream: while True: data = stream.read(16 * 1024) if not data: if fd: # fd means we used temporary file os.close(fd) if not archive_cache_enabled: log.debug('Destroying temp archive %s', archive_path) os.remove(archive_path) break yield data response = Response(app_iter=get_chunked_archive(archive)) response.content_disposition = str( 'attachment; filename=%s' % archive_name) response.content_type = str(content_type) return response def _get_file_node(self, commit_id, f_path): if commit_id not in ['', None, 'None', '0' * 12, '0' * 40]: commit = self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.get_commit(commit_id=commit_id) try: node = commit.get_node(f_path) if node.is_dir(): raise NodeError('%s path is a %s not a file' % (node, type(node))) except NodeDoesNotExistError: commit = EmptyCommit( commit_id=commit_id, idx=commit.idx, repo=commit.repository, alias=commit.repository.alias, message=commit.message, author=commit.author, date=commit.date) node = FileNode(f_path, '', commit=commit) else: commit = EmptyCommit( repo=self.rhodecode_vcs_repo, alias=self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.alias) node = FileNode(f_path, '', commit=commit) return node @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_files_diff', request_method='GET', renderer=None) def repo_files_diff(self): c = self.load_default_context() f_path = self._get_f_path(self.request.matchdict) diff1 = self.request.GET.get('diff1', '') diff2 = self.request.GET.get('diff2', '') path1, diff1 = parse_path_ref(diff1, default_path=f_path) ignore_whitespace = str2bool(self.request.GET.get('ignorews')) line_context = self.request.GET.get('context', 3) if not any((diff1, diff2)): h.flash( 'Need query parameter "diff1" or "diff2" to generate a diff.', category='error') raise HTTPBadRequest() c.action = self.request.GET.get('diff') if c.action not in ['download', 'raw']: compare_url = h.route_path( 'repo_compare', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, source_ref_type='rev', source_ref=diff1, target_repo=self.db_repo_name, target_ref_type='rev', target_ref=diff2, _query=dict(f_path=f_path)) # redirect to new view if we render diff raise HTTPFound(compare_url) try: node1 = self._get_file_node(diff1, path1) node2 = self._get_file_node(diff2, f_path) except (RepositoryError, NodeError): log.exception("Exception while trying to get node from repository") raise HTTPFound( h.route_path('repo_files', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id='tip', f_path=f_path)) if all(isinstance(node.commit, EmptyCommit) for node in (node1, node2)): raise HTTPNotFound() c.commit_1 = node1.commit c.commit_2 = node2.commit if c.action == 'download': _diff = diffs.get_gitdiff(node1, node2, ignore_whitespace=ignore_whitespace, context=line_context) diff = diffs.DiffProcessor(_diff, format='gitdiff') response = Response(self.path_filter.get_raw_patch(diff)) response.content_type = 'text/plain' response.content_disposition = ( 'attachment; filename=%s_%s_vs_%s.diff' % (f_path, diff1, diff2) ) charset = self._get_default_encoding(c) if charset: response.charset = charset return response elif c.action == 'raw': _diff = diffs.get_gitdiff(node1, node2, ignore_whitespace=ignore_whitespace, context=line_context) diff = diffs.DiffProcessor(_diff, format='gitdiff') response = Response(self.path_filter.get_raw_patch(diff)) response.content_type = 'text/plain' charset = self._get_default_encoding(c) if charset: response.charset = charset return response # in case we ever end up here raise HTTPNotFound() @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_files_diff_2way_redirect', request_method='GET', renderer=None) def repo_files_diff_2way_redirect(self): """ Kept only to make OLD links work """ f_path = self._get_f_path_unchecked(self.request.matchdict) diff1 = self.request.GET.get('diff1', '') diff2 = self.request.GET.get('diff2', '') if not any((diff1, diff2)): h.flash( 'Need query parameter "diff1" or "diff2" to generate a diff.', category='error') raise HTTPBadRequest() compare_url = h.route_path( 'repo_compare', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, source_ref_type='rev', source_ref=diff1, target_ref_type='rev', target_ref=diff2, _query=dict(f_path=f_path, diffmode='sideside', target_repo=self.db_repo_name,)) raise HTTPFound(compare_url) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_files', request_method='GET', renderer=None) @view_config( route_name='repo_files:default_path', request_method='GET', renderer=None) @view_config( route_name='repo_files:default_commit', request_method='GET', renderer=None) @view_config( route_name='repo_files:rendered', request_method='GET', renderer=None) @view_config( route_name='repo_files:annotated', request_method='GET', renderer=None) def repo_files(self): c = self.load_default_context() view_name = getattr(self.request.matched_route, 'name', None) c.annotate = view_name == 'repo_files:annotated' # default is false, but .rst/.md files later are auto rendered, we can # overwrite auto rendering by setting this GET flag c.renderer = view_name == 'repo_files:rendered' or \ not self.request.GET.get('no-render', False) # redirect to given commit_id from form if given get_commit_id = self.request.GET.get('at_rev', None) if get_commit_id: self._get_commit_or_redirect(get_commit_id) commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() c.commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) c.branch = self.request.GET.get('branch', None) c.f_path = f_path # prev link try: prev_commit = c.commit.prev(c.branch) c.prev_commit = prev_commit c.url_prev = h.route_path( 'repo_files', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=prev_commit.raw_id, f_path=f_path) if c.branch: c.url_prev += '?branch=%s' % c.branch except (CommitDoesNotExistError, VCSError): c.url_prev = '#' c.prev_commit = EmptyCommit() # next link try: next_commit = c.commit.next(c.branch) c.next_commit = next_commit c.url_next = h.route_path( 'repo_files', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=next_commit.raw_id, f_path=f_path) if c.branch: c.url_next += '?branch=%s' % c.branch except (CommitDoesNotExistError, VCSError): c.url_next = '#' c.next_commit = EmptyCommit() # files or dirs try: c.file = c.commit.get_node(f_path) c.file_author = True c.file_tree = '' # load file content if c.file.is_file(): c.lf_node = {} has_lf_enabled = self._is_lf_enabled(self.db_repo) if has_lf_enabled: c.lf_node = c.file.get_largefile_node() c.file_source_page = 'true' c.file_last_commit = c.file.last_commit c.file_size_too_big = c.file.size > c.visual.cut_off_limit_file if not (c.file_size_too_big or c.file.is_binary): if c.annotate: # annotation has precedence over renderer c.annotated_lines = filenode_as_annotated_lines_tokens( c.file ) else: c.renderer = ( c.renderer and h.renderer_from_filename(c.file.path) ) if not c.renderer: c.lines = filenode_as_lines_tokens(c.file) _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = self._is_valid_head( commit_id, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) c.on_branch_head = is_head branch = c.commit.branch if ( c.commit.branch and '/' not in c.commit.branch) else None c.branch_or_raw_id = branch or c.commit.raw_id c.branch_name = c.commit.branch or h.short_id(c.commit.raw_id) author = c.file_last_commit.author c.authors = [[ h.email(author), h.person(author, 'username_or_name_or_email'), 1 ]] else: # load tree content at path c.file_source_page = 'false' c.authors = [] # this loads a simple tree without metadata to speed things up # later via ajax we call repo_nodetree_full and fetch whole c.file_tree = self._get_tree_at_commit(c, c.commit.raw_id, f_path) except RepositoryError as e: h.flash(safe_str(h.escape(e)), category='error') raise HTTPNotFound() if self.request.environ.get('HTTP_X_PJAX'): html = render('rhodecode:templates/files/files_pjax.mako', self._get_template_context(c), self.request) else: html = render('rhodecode:templates/files/files.mako', self._get_template_context(c), self.request) return Response(html) @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_files:annotated_previous', request_method='GET', renderer=None) def repo_files_annotated_previous(self): self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) prev_commit_id = commit.raw_id line_anchor = self.request.GET.get('line_anchor') is_file = False try: _file = commit.get_node(f_path) is_file = _file.is_file() except (NodeDoesNotExistError, CommitDoesNotExistError, VCSError): pass if is_file: history = commit.get_path_history(f_path) prev_commit_id = history[1].raw_id \ if len(history) > 1 else prev_commit_id prev_url = h.route_path( 'repo_files:annotated', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=prev_commit_id, f_path=f_path, _anchor='L{}'.format(line_anchor)) raise HTTPFound(prev_url) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_nodetree_full', request_method='GET', renderer=None, xhr=True) @view_config( route_name='repo_nodetree_full:default_path', request_method='GET', renderer=None, xhr=True) def repo_nodetree_full(self): """ Returns rendered html of file tree that contains commit date, author, commit_id for the specified combination of repo, commit_id and file path """ c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) try: dir_node = commit.get_node(f_path) except RepositoryError as e: return Response('error: {}'.format(h.escape(safe_str(e)))) if dir_node.is_file(): return Response('') c.file = dir_node c.commit = commit html = self._get_tree_at_commit( c, commit.raw_id, dir_node.path, full_load=True) return Response(html) def _get_attachement_headers(self, f_path): f_name = safe_str(f_path.split(Repository.NAME_SEP)[-1]) safe_path = f_name.replace('"', '\\"') encoded_path = urllib.quote(f_name) return "attachment; " \ "filename=\"{}\"; " \ "filename*=UTF-8\'\'{}".format(safe_path, encoded_path) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_file_raw', request_method='GET', renderer=None) def repo_file_raw(self): """ Action for show as raw, some mimetypes are "rendered", those include images, icons. """ c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) file_node = self._get_filenode_or_redirect(commit, f_path) raw_mimetype_mapping = { # map original mimetype to a mimetype used for "show as raw" # you can also provide a content-disposition to override the # default "attachment" disposition. # orig_type: (new_type, new_dispo) # show images inline: # Do not re-add SVG: it is unsafe and permits XSS attacks. One can # for example render an SVG with javascript inside or even render # HTML. 'image/x-icon': ('image/x-icon', 'inline'), 'image/png': ('image/png', 'inline'), 'image/gif': ('image/gif', 'inline'), 'image/jpeg': ('image/jpeg', 'inline'), 'application/pdf': ('application/pdf', 'inline'), } mimetype = file_node.mimetype try: mimetype, disposition = raw_mimetype_mapping[mimetype] except KeyError: # we don't know anything special about this, handle it safely if file_node.is_binary: # do same as download raw for binary files mimetype, disposition = 'application/octet-stream', 'attachment' else: # do not just use the original mimetype, but force text/plain, # otherwise it would serve text/html and that might be unsafe. # Note: underlying vcs library fakes text/plain mimetype if the # mimetype can not be determined and it thinks it is not # binary.This might lead to erroneous text display in some # cases, but helps in other cases, like with text files # without extension. mimetype, disposition = 'text/plain', 'inline' if disposition == 'attachment': disposition = self._get_attachement_headers(f_path) stream_content = file_node.stream_bytes() response = Response(app_iter=stream_content) response.content_disposition = disposition response.content_type = mimetype charset = self._get_default_encoding(c) if charset: response.charset = charset return response @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_file_download', request_method='GET', renderer=None) @view_config( route_name='repo_file_download:legacy', request_method='GET', renderer=None) def repo_file_download(self): c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) file_node = self._get_filenode_or_redirect(commit, f_path) if self.request.GET.get('lf'): # only if lf get flag is passed, we download this file # as LFS/Largefile lf_node = file_node.get_largefile_node() if lf_node: # overwrite our pointer with the REAL large-file file_node = lf_node disposition = self._get_attachement_headers(f_path) stream_content = file_node.stream_bytes() response = Response(app_iter=stream_content) response.content_disposition = disposition response.content_type = file_node.mimetype charset = self._get_default_encoding(c) if charset: response.charset = charset return response def _get_nodelist_at_commit(self, repo_name, repo_id, commit_id, f_path): cache_seconds = safe_int( rhodecode.CONFIG.get('rc_cache.cache_repo.expiration_time')) cache_on = cache_seconds > 0 log.debug( 'Computing FILE SEARCH for repo_id %s commit_id `%s` and path `%s`' 'with caching: %s[TTL: %ss]' % ( repo_id, commit_id, f_path, cache_on, cache_seconds or 0)) cache_namespace_uid = 'cache_repo.{}'.format(repo_id) region = rc_cache.get_or_create_region('cache_repo', cache_namespace_uid) @region.conditional_cache_on_arguments(namespace=cache_namespace_uid, condition=cache_on) def compute_file_search(repo_id, commit_id, f_path): log.debug('Generating cached nodelist for repo_id:%s, %s, %s', repo_id, commit_id, f_path) try: _d, _f = ScmModel().get_nodes( repo_name, commit_id, f_path, flat=False) except (RepositoryError, CommitDoesNotExistError, Exception) as e: log.exception(safe_str(e)) h.flash(safe_str(h.escape(e)), category='error') raise HTTPFound(h.route_path( 'repo_files', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id='tip', f_path='/')) return _d + _f result = compute_file_search(self.db_repo.repo_id, commit_id, f_path) return filter(lambda n: self.path_filter.path_access_allowed(n['name']), result) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_files_nodelist', request_method='GET', renderer='json_ext', xhr=True) def repo_nodelist(self): self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) metadata = self._get_nodelist_at_commit( self.db_repo_name, self.db_repo.repo_id, commit.raw_id, f_path) return {'nodes': metadata} def _create_references(self, branches_or_tags, symbolic_reference, f_path, ref_type): items = [] for name, commit_id in branches_or_tags.items(): sym_ref = symbolic_reference(commit_id, name, f_path, ref_type) items.append((sym_ref, name, ref_type)) return items def _symbolic_reference(self, commit_id, name, f_path, ref_type): return commit_id def _symbolic_reference_svn(self, commit_id, name, f_path, ref_type): new_f_path = vcspath.join(name, f_path) return u'%s@%s' % (new_f_path, commit_id) def _get_node_history(self, commit_obj, f_path, commits=None): """ get commit history for given node :param commit_obj: commit to calculate history :param f_path: path for node to calculate history for :param commits: if passed don't calculate history and take commits defined in this list """ _ = self.request.translate # calculate history based on tip tip = self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.get_commit() if commits is None: pre_load = ["author", "branch"] try: commits = tip.get_path_history(f_path, pre_load=pre_load) except (NodeDoesNotExistError, CommitError): # this node is not present at tip! commits = commit_obj.get_path_history(f_path, pre_load=pre_load) history = [] commits_group = ([], _("Changesets")) for commit in commits: branch = ' (%s)' % commit.branch if commit.branch else '' n_desc = 'r%s:%s%s' % (commit.idx, commit.short_id, branch) commits_group[0].append((commit.raw_id, n_desc, 'sha')) history.append(commits_group) symbolic_reference = self._symbolic_reference if self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.alias == 'svn': adjusted_f_path = RepoFilesView.adjust_file_path_for_svn( f_path, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) if adjusted_f_path != f_path: log.debug( 'Recognized svn tag or branch in file "%s", using svn ' 'specific symbolic references', f_path) f_path = adjusted_f_path symbolic_reference = self._symbolic_reference_svn branches = self._create_references( self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.branches, symbolic_reference, f_path, 'branch') branches_group = (branches, _("Branches")) tags = self._create_references( self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.tags, symbolic_reference, f_path, 'tag') tags_group = (tags, _("Tags")) history.append(branches_group) history.append(tags_group) return history, commits @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_file_history', request_method='GET', renderer='json_ext') def repo_file_history(self): self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) file_node = self._get_filenode_or_redirect(commit, f_path) if file_node.is_file(): file_history, _hist = self._get_node_history(commit, f_path) res = [] for obj in file_history: res.append({ 'text': obj[1], 'children': [{'id': o[0], 'text': o[1], 'type': o[2]} for o in obj[0]] }) data = { 'more': False, 'results': res } return data log.warning('Cannot fetch history for directory') raise HTTPBadRequest() @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator( 'repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_file_authors', request_method='GET', renderer='rhodecode:templates/files/file_authors_box.mako') def repo_file_authors(self): c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) file_node = self._get_filenode_or_redirect(commit, f_path) if not file_node.is_file(): raise HTTPBadRequest() c.file_last_commit = file_node.last_commit if self.request.GET.get('annotate') == '1': # use _hist from annotation if annotation mode is on commit_ids = set(x[1] for x in file_node.annotate) _hist = ( self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.get_commit(commit_id) for commit_id in commit_ids) else: _f_history, _hist = self._get_node_history(commit, f_path) c.file_author = False unique = collections.OrderedDict() for commit in _hist: author = commit.author if author not in unique: unique[commit.author] = [ h.email(author), h.person(author, 'username_or_name_or_email'), 1 # counter ] else: # increase counter unique[commit.author][2] += 1 c.authors = [val for val in unique.values()] return self._get_template_context(c) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_files_remove_file', request_method='GET', renderer='rhodecode:templates/files/files_delete.mako') def repo_files_remove_file(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() self._ensure_not_locked() _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = \ self._is_valid_head(commit_id, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) self.forbid_non_head(is_head, f_path) self.check_branch_permission(_branch_name) c.commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) c.file = self._get_filenode_or_redirect(c.commit, f_path) c.default_message = _( 'Deleted file {} via RhodeCode Enterprise').format(f_path) c.f_path = f_path return self._get_template_context(c) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin') @CSRFRequired() @view_config( route_name='repo_files_delete_file', request_method='POST', renderer=None) def repo_files_delete_file(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() self._ensure_not_locked() _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = \ self._is_valid_head(commit_id, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) self.forbid_non_head(is_head, f_path) self.check_branch_permission(_branch_name) c.commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) c.file = self._get_filenode_or_redirect(c.commit, f_path) c.default_message = _( 'Deleted file {} via RhodeCode Enterprise').format(f_path) c.f_path = f_path node_path = f_path author = self._rhodecode_db_user.full_contact message = self.request.POST.get('message') or c.default_message try: nodes = { node_path: { 'content': '' } } ScmModel().delete_nodes( user=self._rhodecode_db_user.user_id, repo=self.db_repo, message=message, nodes=nodes, parent_commit=c.commit, author=author, ) h.flash( _('Successfully deleted file `{}`').format( h.escape(f_path)), category='success') except Exception: log.exception('Error during commit operation') h.flash(_('Error occurred during commit'), category='error') raise HTTPFound( h.route_path('repo_commit', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id='tip')) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_files_edit_file', request_method='GET', renderer='rhodecode:templates/files/files_edit.mako') def repo_files_edit_file(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() self._ensure_not_locked() _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = \ self._is_valid_head(commit_id, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) self.forbid_non_head(is_head, f_path, commit_id=commit_id) self.check_branch_permission(_branch_name, commit_id=commit_id) c.commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) c.file = self._get_filenode_or_redirect(c.commit, f_path) if c.file.is_binary: files_url = h.route_path( 'repo_files', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=c.commit.raw_id, f_path=f_path) raise HTTPFound(files_url) c.default_message = _('Edited file {} via RhodeCode Enterprise').format(f_path) c.f_path = f_path return self._get_template_context(c) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin') @CSRFRequired() @view_config( route_name='repo_files_update_file', request_method='POST', renderer=None) def repo_files_update_file(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() self._ensure_not_locked() c.commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id) c.file = self._get_filenode_or_redirect(c.commit, f_path) if c.file.is_binary: raise HTTPFound(h.route_path('repo_files', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=c.commit.raw_id, f_path=f_path)) _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = \ self._is_valid_head(commit_id, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) self.forbid_non_head(is_head, f_path, commit_id=commit_id) self.check_branch_permission(_branch_name, commit_id=commit_id) c.default_message = _('Edited file {} via RhodeCode Enterprise').format(f_path) c.f_path = f_path old_content = c.file.content sl = old_content.splitlines(1) first_line = sl[0] if sl else '' r_post = self.request.POST # line endings: 0 - Unix, 1 - Mac, 2 - DOS line_ending_mode = detect_mode(first_line, 0) content = convert_line_endings(r_post.get('content', ''), line_ending_mode) message = r_post.get('message') or c.default_message org_node_path = c.file.unicode_path filename = r_post['filename'] root_path = c.file.dir_path pure_path = self.create_pure_path(root_path, filename) node_path = safe_unicode(bytes(pure_path)) default_redirect_url = h.route_path('repo_commit', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=commit_id) if content == old_content and node_path == org_node_path: h.flash(_('No changes detected on {}').format(org_node_path), category='warning') raise HTTPFound(default_redirect_url) try: mapping = { org_node_path: { 'org_filename': org_node_path, 'filename': node_path, 'content': content, 'lexer': '', 'op': 'mod', 'mode': c.file.mode } } commit = ScmModel().update_nodes( user=self._rhodecode_db_user.user_id, repo=self.db_repo, message=message, nodes=mapping, parent_commit=c.commit, ) h.flash(_('Successfully committed changes to file `{}`').format( h.escape(f_path)), category='success') default_redirect_url = h.route_path( 'repo_commit', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=commit.raw_id) except Exception: log.exception('Error occurred during commit') h.flash(_('Error occurred during commit'), category='error') raise HTTPFound(default_redirect_url) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin') @view_config( route_name='repo_files_add_file', request_method='GET', renderer='rhodecode:templates/files/files_add.mako') @view_config( route_name='repo_files_upload_file', request_method='GET', renderer='rhodecode:templates/files/files_upload.mako') def repo_files_add_file(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() self._ensure_not_locked() c.commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id, redirect_after=False) if c.commit is None: c.commit = EmptyCommit(alias=self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.alias) if self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.is_empty(): # for empty repository we cannot check for current branch, we rely on # c.commit.branch instead _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = c.commit.branch, '', True else: _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = \ self._is_valid_head(commit_id, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) self.forbid_non_head(is_head, f_path, commit_id=commit_id) self.check_branch_permission(_branch_name, commit_id=commit_id) c.default_message = (_('Added file via RhodeCode Enterprise')) c.f_path = f_path.lstrip('/') # ensure not relative path return self._get_template_context(c) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin') @CSRFRequired() @view_config( route_name='repo_files_create_file', request_method='POST', renderer=None) def repo_files_create_file(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() self._ensure_not_locked() c.commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id, redirect_after=False) if c.commit is None: c.commit = EmptyCommit(alias=self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.alias) # calculate redirect URL if self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.is_empty(): default_redirect_url = h.route_path( 'repo_summary', repo_name=self.db_repo_name) else: default_redirect_url = h.route_path( 'repo_commit', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id='tip') if self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.is_empty(): # for empty repository we cannot check for current branch, we rely on # c.commit.branch instead _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = c.commit.branch, '', True else: _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = \ self._is_valid_head(commit_id, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) self.forbid_non_head(is_head, f_path, commit_id=commit_id) self.check_branch_permission(_branch_name, commit_id=commit_id) c.default_message = (_('Added file via RhodeCode Enterprise')) c.f_path = f_path r_post = self.request.POST message = r_post.get('message') or c.default_message filename = r_post.get('filename') unix_mode = 0 content = convert_line_endings(r_post.get('content', ''), unix_mode) if not filename: # If there's no commit, redirect to repo summary if type(c.commit) is EmptyCommit: redirect_url = h.route_path( 'repo_summary', repo_name=self.db_repo_name) else: redirect_url = default_redirect_url h.flash(_('No filename specified'), category='warning') raise HTTPFound(redirect_url) root_path = f_path pure_path = self.create_pure_path(root_path, filename) node_path = safe_unicode(bytes(pure_path).lstrip('/')) author = self._rhodecode_db_user.full_contact nodes = { node_path: { 'content': content } } try: commit = ScmModel().create_nodes( user=self._rhodecode_db_user.user_id, repo=self.db_repo, message=message, nodes=nodes, parent_commit=c.commit, author=author, ) h.flash(_('Successfully committed new file `{}`').format( h.escape(node_path)), category='success') default_redirect_url = h.route_path( 'repo_commit', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=commit.raw_id) except NonRelativePathError: log.exception('Non Relative path found') h.flash(_('The location specified must be a relative path and must not ' 'contain .. in the path'), category='warning') raise HTTPFound(default_redirect_url) except (NodeError, NodeAlreadyExistsError) as e: h.flash(_(h.escape(e)), category='error') except Exception: log.exception('Error occurred during commit') h.flash(_('Error occurred during commit'), category='error') raise HTTPFound(default_redirect_url) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.write', 'repository.admin') @CSRFRequired() @view_config( route_name='repo_files_upload_file', request_method='POST', renderer='json_ext') def repo_files_upload_file(self): _ = self.request.translate c = self.load_default_context() commit_id, f_path = self._get_commit_and_path() self._ensure_not_locked() c.commit = self._get_commit_or_redirect(commit_id, redirect_after=False) if c.commit is None: c.commit = EmptyCommit(alias=self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.alias) # calculate redirect URL if self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.is_empty(): default_redirect_url = h.route_path( 'repo_summary', repo_name=self.db_repo_name) else: default_redirect_url = h.route_path( 'repo_commit', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id='tip') if self.rhodecode_vcs_repo.is_empty(): # for empty repository we cannot check for current branch, we rely on # c.commit.branch instead _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = c.commit.branch, '', True else: _branch_name, _sha_commit_id, is_head = \ self._is_valid_head(commit_id, self.rhodecode_vcs_repo) error = self.forbid_non_head(is_head, f_path, json_mode=True) if error: return { 'error': error, 'redirect_url': default_redirect_url } error = self.check_branch_permission(_branch_name, json_mode=True) if error: return { 'error': error, 'redirect_url': default_redirect_url } c.default_message = (_('Uploaded file via RhodeCode Enterprise')) c.f_path = f_path r_post = self.request.POST message = c.default_message user_message = r_post.getall('message') if isinstance(user_message, list) and user_message: # we take the first from duplicated results if it's not empty message = user_message[0] if user_message[0] else message nodes = {} for file_obj in r_post.getall('files_upload') or []: content = file_obj.file filename = file_obj.filename root_path = f_path pure_path = self.create_pure_path(root_path, filename) node_path = safe_unicode(bytes(pure_path).lstrip('/')) nodes[node_path] = { 'content': content } if not nodes: error = 'missing files' return { 'error': error, 'redirect_url': default_redirect_url } author = self._rhodecode_db_user.full_contact try: commit = ScmModel().create_nodes( user=self._rhodecode_db_user.user_id, repo=self.db_repo, message=message, nodes=nodes, parent_commit=c.commit, author=author, ) if len(nodes) == 1: flash_message = _('Successfully committed {} new files').format(len(nodes)) else: flash_message = _('Successfully committed 1 new file') h.flash(flash_message, category='success') default_redirect_url = h.route_path( 'repo_commit', repo_name=self.db_repo_name, commit_id=commit.raw_id) except NonRelativePathError: log.exception('Non Relative path found') error = _('The location specified must be a relative path and must not ' 'contain .. in the path') h.flash(error, category='warning') return { 'error': error, 'redirect_url': default_redirect_url } except (NodeError, NodeAlreadyExistsError) as e: error = h.escape(e) h.flash(error, category='error') return { 'error': error, 'redirect_url': default_redirect_url } except Exception: log.exception('Error occurred during commit') error = _('Error occurred during commit') h.flash(error, category='error') return { 'error': error, 'redirect_url': default_redirect_url } return { 'error': None, 'redirect_url': default_redirect_url }