.. _deprecated-methods-ref: deprecated methods ================= changeset_comment ----------------- .. py:function:: changeset_comment(apiuser, repoid, revision, message, userid=>, status=) .. deprecated:: 3.4.0 Please use method `comment_commit` instead. Set a changeset comment, and optionally change the status of the changeset. This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin permissions on the |repo|. :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|. :type apiuser: AuthUser :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID. :type repoid: str or int :param revision: Specify the revision for which to set a comment. :type revision: str :param message: The comment text. :type message: str :param userid: Set the user name of the comment creator. :type userid: Optional(str or int) :param status: Set the comment status. The following are valid options: * not_reviewed * approved * rejected * under_review :type status: str Example error output: .. code-block:: json { "id" : , "result" : { "msg": "Commented on commit `` for repository ``", "status_change": null or , "success": true }, "error" : null } get_locks --------- .. py:function:: get_locks(apiuser, userid=>) .. deprecated:: 4.0.0 Please use method `get_user_locks` instead. None show_ip ------- .. py:function:: show_ip(apiuser, userid=>) .. deprecated:: 4.0.0 Please use method `get_ip` instead. None