// # Copyright (C) 2010-2016 RhodeCode GmbH // # // # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 // # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. // # // # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // # GNU General Public License for more details. // # // # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // # along with this program. If not, see . // # // # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the // # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, // # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ /** * Code Mirror */ // global code-mirror logger;, to enable run // Logger.get('CodeMirror').setLevel(Logger.DEBUG) cmLog = Logger.get('CodeMirror'); cmLog.setLevel(Logger.OFF); //global cache for inline forms var userHintsCache = {}; var initCodeMirror = function(textAreadId, resetUrl, focus, options) { var ta = $('#' + textAreadId).get(0); if (focus === undefined) { focus = true; } // default options var codeMirrorOptions = { mode: "null", lineNumbers: true, indentUnit: 4, autofocus: focus }; if (options !== undefined) { // extend with custom options codeMirrorOptions = $.extend(true, codeMirrorOptions, options); } var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(ta, codeMirrorOptions); $('#reset').on('click', function(e) { window.location = resetUrl; }); return myCodeMirror; }; var initCommentBoxCodeMirror = function(textAreaId, triggerActions){ var initialHeight = 100; // global timer, used to cancel async loading var loadUserHintTimer; if (typeof userHintsCache === "undefined") { userHintsCache = {}; cmLog.debug('Init empty cache for mentions'); } if (!$(textAreaId).get(0)) { cmLog.debug('Element for textarea not found', textAreaId); return; } var escapeRegExChars = function(value) { return value.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); }; /** * Load hints from external source returns an array of objects in a format * that hinting lib requires * @returns {Array} */ var loadUserHints = function(query, triggerHints) { cmLog.debug('Loading mentions users via AJAX'); var _users = []; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', data: {query: query}, url: pyroutes.url('user_autocomplete_data'), headers: {'X-PARTIAL-XHR': true}, async: true }) .done(function(data) { var tmpl = '{1}'; $.each(data.suggestions, function(i) { var userObj = data.suggestions[i]; if (userObj.username !== "default") { _users.push({ text: userObj.username + " ", org_text: userObj.username, displayText: userObj.value_display, // search that field // internal caches _icon_link: userObj.icon_link, _text: userObj.value_display, render: function(elt, data, completion) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.className = "CodeMirror-hint-entry"; el.innerHTML = tmpl.format( completion._icon_link, completion._text); elt.appendChild(el); } }); } }); cmLog.debug('Mention users loaded'); // set to global cache userHintsCache[query] = _users; triggerHints(userHintsCache[query]); }) .fail(function(data, textStatus, xhr) { alert("error processing request: " + textStatus); }); }; /** * filters the results based on the current context * @param users * @param context * @returns {Array} */ var filterUsers = function(users, context) { var MAX_LIMIT = 10; var filtered_users = []; var curWord = context.string; cmLog.debug('Filtering users based on query:', curWord); $.each(users, function(i) { var match = users[i]; var searchText = match.displayText; if (!curWord || searchText.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(curWord) !== -1) { // reset state match._text = match.displayText; if (curWord) { // do highlighting var pattern = '(' + escapeRegExChars(curWord) + ')'; match._text = searchText.replace( new RegExp(pattern, 'gi'), '$1<\/strong>'); } filtered_users.push(match); } // to not return to many results, use limit of filtered results if (filtered_users.length > MAX_LIMIT) { return false; } }); return filtered_users; }; /** * Filter action based on typed in text * @param actions * @param context * @returns {Array} */ var filterActions = function(actions, context){ var MAX_LIMIT = 10; var filtered_actions= []; var curWord = context.string; cmLog.debug('Filtering actions based on query:', curWord); $.each(actions, function(i) { var match = actions[i]; var searchText = match.displayText; if (!curWord || searchText.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(curWord) !== -1) { // reset state match._text = match.displayText; if (curWord) { // do highlighting var pattern = '(' + escapeRegExChars(curWord) + ')'; match._text = searchText.replace( new RegExp(pattern, 'gi'), '$1<\/strong>'); } filtered_actions.push(match); } // to not return to many results, use limit of filtered results if (filtered_actions.length > MAX_LIMIT) { return false; } }); return filtered_actions; }; var completeAfter = function(cm, pred) { var options = { completeSingle: false, async: true, closeOnUnfocus: true }; var cur = cm.getCursor(); setTimeout(function() { if (!cm.state.completionActive) { cmLog.debug('Trigger mentions hinting'); CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.hint.mentions, options); } }, 100); // tell CodeMirror we didn't handle the key // trick to trigger on a char but still complete it return CodeMirror.Pass; }; var submitForm = function(cm, pred) { $(cm.display.input.textarea.form).submit(); return CodeMirror.Pass; }; var completeActions = function(cm, pred) { var cur = cm.getCursor(); var options = { closeOnUnfocus: true }; setTimeout(function() { if (!cm.state.completionActive) { cmLog.debug('Trigger actions hinting'); CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.hint.actions, options); } }, 100); }; var extraKeys = { "'@'": completeAfter, Tab: function(cm) { // space indent instead of TABS var spaces = new Array(cm.getOption("indentUnit") + 1).join(" "); cm.replaceSelection(spaces); } }; // submit form on Meta-Enter if (OSType === "mac") { extraKeys["Cmd-Enter"] = submitForm; } else { extraKeys["Ctrl-Enter"] = submitForm; } if (triggerActions) { extraKeys["Ctrl-Space"] = completeActions; } var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($(textAreaId).get(0), { lineNumbers: false, indentUnit: 4, viewportMargin: 30, // this is a trick to trigger some logic behind codemirror placeholder // it influences styling and behaviour. placeholder: " ", extraKeys: extraKeys, lineWrapping: true }); cm.setSize(null, initialHeight); cm.setOption("mode", DEFAULT_RENDERER); CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(cm, DEFAULT_RENDERER); // load rst or markdown mode cmLog.debug('Loading codemirror mode', DEFAULT_RENDERER); // start listening on changes to make auto-expanded editor cm.on("change", function(self) { var height = initialHeight; var lines = self.lineCount(); if ( lines > 6 && lines < 20) { height = "auto"; } else if (lines >= 20){ zheight = 20*15; } self.setSize(null, height); }); var mentionHint = function(editor, callback, options) { var cur = editor.getCursor(); var curLine = editor.getLine(cur.line).slice(0, cur.ch); // match on @ +1char var tokenMatch = new RegExp( '(^@| @)([a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]*)$').exec(curLine); var tokenStr = ''; if (tokenMatch !== null && tokenMatch.length > 0){ tokenStr = tokenMatch[0].strip(); } else { // skip if we didn't match our token return; } var context = { start: (cur.ch - tokenStr.length) + 1, end: cur.ch, string: tokenStr.slice(1), type: null }; // case when we put the @sign in fron of a string, // eg <@ we put it here>sometext then we need to prepend to text if (context.end > cur.ch) { context.start = context.start + 1; // we add to the @ sign context.end = cur.ch; // don't eat front part just append context.string = context.string.slice(1, cur.ch - context.start); } cmLog.debug('Mention context', context); var triggerHints = function(userHints){ return callback({ list: filterUsers(userHints, context), from: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, context.start), to: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, context.end) }); }; var queryBasedHintsCache = undefined; // if we have something in the cache, try to fetch the query based cache if (userHintsCache !== {}){ queryBasedHintsCache = userHintsCache[context.string]; } if (queryBasedHintsCache !== undefined) { cmLog.debug('Users loaded from cache'); triggerHints(queryBasedHintsCache); } else { // this takes care for async loading, and then displaying results // and also propagates the userHintsCache window.clearTimeout(loadUserHintTimer); loadUserHintTimer = setTimeout(function() { loadUserHints(context.string, triggerHints); }, 300); } }; var actionHint = function(editor, options) { var cur = editor.getCursor(); var curLine = editor.getLine(cur.line).slice(0, cur.ch); var tokenMatch = new RegExp('[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z]*$').exec(curLine); var tokenStr = ''; if (tokenMatch !== null && tokenMatch.length > 0){ tokenStr = tokenMatch[0].strip(); } var context = { start: cur.ch - tokenStr.length, end: cur.ch, string: tokenStr, type: null }; var actions = [ { text: "approve", displayText: _gettext('Set status to Approved'), hint: function(CodeMirror, data, completion) { CodeMirror.replaceRange("", completion.from || data.from, completion.to || data.to, "complete"); $('#change_status').select2("val", 'approved').trigger('change'); }, render: function(elt, data, completion) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.className = "flag_status flag_status_comment_box approved pull-left"; elt.appendChild(el); el = document.createElement('span'); el.innerHTML = completion.displayText; elt.appendChild(el); } }, { text: "reject", displayText: _gettext('Set status to Rejected'), hint: function(CodeMirror, data, completion) { CodeMirror.replaceRange("", completion.from || data.from, completion.to || data.to, "complete"); $('#change_status').select2("val", 'rejected').trigger('change'); }, render: function(elt, data, completion) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.className = "flag_status flag_status_comment_box rejected pull-left"; elt.appendChild(el); el = document.createElement('span'); el.innerHTML = completion.displayText; elt.appendChild(el); } } ]; return { list: filterActions(actions, context), from: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, context.start), to: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, context.end) }; }; CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "mentions", mentionHint); CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "actions", actionHint); return cm; }; var setCodeMirrorMode = function(codeMirrorInstance, mode) { CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(codeMirrorInstance, mode); codeMirrorInstance.setOption("mode", mode); }; var setCodeMirrorLineWrap = function(codeMirrorInstance, line_wrap) { codeMirrorInstance.setOption("lineWrapping", line_wrap); }; var setCodeMirrorModeFromSelect = function( targetSelect, targetFileInput, codeMirrorInstance, callback){ $(targetSelect).on('change', function(e) { cmLog.debug('codemirror select2 mode change event !'); var selected = e.currentTarget; var node = selected.options[selected.selectedIndex]; var mimetype = node.value; cmLog.debug('picked mimetype', mimetype); var new_mode = $(node).attr('mode'); setCodeMirrorMode(codeMirrorInstance, new_mode); cmLog.debug('set new mode', new_mode); //propose filename from picked mode cmLog.debug('setting mimetype', mimetype); var proposed_ext = getExtFromMimeType(mimetype); cmLog.debug('file input', $(targetFileInput).val()); var file_data = getFilenameAndExt($(targetFileInput).val()); var filename = file_data.filename || 'filename1'; $(targetFileInput).val(filename + proposed_ext); cmLog.debug('proposed file', filename + proposed_ext); if (typeof(callback) === 'function') { try { cmLog.debug('running callback', callback); callback(filename, mimetype, new_mode); } catch (err) { console.log('failed to run callback', callback, err); } } cmLog.debug('finish iteration...'); }); }; var setCodeMirrorModeFromInput = function( targetSelect, targetFileInput, codeMirrorInstance, callback) { // on type the new filename set mode $(targetFileInput).on('keyup', function(e) { var file_data = getFilenameAndExt(this.value); if (file_data.ext === null) { return; } var mimetypes = getMimeTypeFromExt(file_data.ext, true); cmLog.debug('mimetype from file', file_data, mimetypes); var detected_mode; var detected_option; for (var i in mimetypes) { var mt = mimetypes[i]; if (!detected_mode) { detected_mode = detectCodeMirrorMode(this.value, mt); } if (!detected_option) { cmLog.debug('#mimetype option[value="{0}"]'.format(mt)); if ($(targetSelect).find('option[value="{0}"]'.format(mt)).length) { detected_option = mt; } } } cmLog.debug('detected mode', detected_mode); cmLog.debug('detected option', detected_option); if (detected_mode && detected_option){ $(targetSelect).select2("val", detected_option); setCodeMirrorMode(codeMirrorInstance, detected_mode); if(typeof(callback) === 'function'){ try{ cmLog.debug('running callback', callback); var filename = file_data.filename + "." + file_data.ext; callback(filename, detected_option, detected_mode); }catch (err){ console.log('failed to run callback', callback, err); } } } }); }; var fillCodeMirrorOptions = function(targetSelect) { //inject new modes, based on codeMirrors modeInfo object var modes_select = $(targetSelect); for (var i = 0; i < CodeMirror.modeInfo.length; i++) { var m = CodeMirror.modeInfo[i]; var opt = new Option(m.name, m.mime); $(opt).attr('mode', m.mode); modes_select.append(opt); } }; var CodeMirrorPreviewEnable = function(edit_mode) { // in case it a preview enabled mode enable the button if (['markdown', 'rst', 'gfm'].indexOf(edit_mode) !== -1) { $('#render_preview').removeClass('hidden'); } else { if (!$('#render_preview').hasClass('hidden')) { $('#render_preview').addClass('hidden'); } } };