# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2010-2020 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import pytest from rhodecode.lib import ext_json pytest_plugins = [ "rhodecode.tests.fixture_mods.fixture_pyramid", "rhodecode.tests.fixture_mods.fixture_utils", ] def pytest_configure(config): from rhodecode.config import patches def pytest_addoption(parser): def _parse_json(value): return ext_json.str_json(value) if value else None def _split_comma(value): return value.split(',') parser.addoption( '--keep-tmp-path', action='store_true', help="Keep the test temporary directories") parser.addoption( '--backends', action='store', type=_split_comma, default=['git', 'hg', 'svn'], help="Select which backends to test for backend specific tests.") parser.addoption( '--dbs', action='store', type=_split_comma, default=['sqlite'], help="Select which database to test for database specific tests. " "Possible options are sqlite,postgres,mysql") parser.addoption( '--appenlight', '--ae', action='store_true', help="Track statistics in appenlight.") parser.addoption( '--appenlight-api-key', '--ae-key', help="API key for Appenlight.") parser.addoption( '--appenlight-url', '--ae-url', default="https://ae.rhodecode.com", help="Appenlight service URL, defaults to https://ae.rhodecode.com") parser.addoption( '--sqlite-connection-string', action='store', default='', help="Connection string for the dbs tests with SQLite") parser.addoption( '--postgres-connection-string', action='store', default='', help="Connection string for the dbs tests with Postgres") parser.addoption( '--mysql-connection-string', action='store', default='', help="Connection string for the dbs tests with MySQL") parser.addoption( '--repeat', type=int, default=100, help="Number of repetitions in performance tests.") parser.addoption( '--test-loglevel', dest='test_loglevel', help="Set default Logging level for tests, critical(default), error, warn , info, debug") group = parser.getgroup('pylons') group.addoption( '--with-pylons', dest='pyramid_config', help="Set up a Pylons environment with the specified config file.") group.addoption( '--ini-config-override', action='store', type=_parse_json, default=None, dest='pyramid_config_override', help=( "Overrides the .ini file settings. Should be specified in JSON" " format, e.g. '{\"section\": {\"parameter\": \"value\", ...}}'" ) ) parser.addini( 'pyramid_config', "Set up a Pyramid environment with the specified config file.") vcsgroup = parser.getgroup('vcs') vcsgroup.addoption( '--without-vcsserver', dest='with_vcsserver', action='store_false', help="Do not start the VCSServer in a background process.") vcsgroup.addoption( '--with-vcsserver-http', dest='vcsserver_config_http', help="Start the HTTP VCSServer with the specified config file.") vcsgroup.addoption( '--vcsserver-protocol', dest='vcsserver_protocol', help="Start the VCSServer with HTTP protocol support.") vcsgroup.addoption( '--vcsserver-config-override', action='store', type=_parse_json, default=None, dest='vcsserver_config_override', help=( "Overrides the .ini file settings for the VCSServer. " "Should be specified in JSON " "format, e.g. '{\"section\": {\"parameter\": \"value\", ...}}'" ) ) vcsgroup.addoption( '--vcsserver-port', action='store', type=int, default=None, help=( "Allows to set the port of the vcsserver. Useful when testing " "against an already running server and random ports cause " "trouble.")) parser.addini( 'vcsserver_config_http', "Start the HTTP VCSServer with the specified config file.") parser.addini( 'vcsserver_protocol', "Start the VCSServer with HTTP protocol support.") @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): """ Adding the remote traceback if the exception has this information. VCSServer attaches this information as the attribute `_vcs_server_traceback` to the exception instance. """ outcome = yield report = outcome.get_result() if call.excinfo: exc = call.excinfo.value vcsserver_traceback = getattr(exc, '_vcs_server_traceback', None) if vcsserver_traceback: section = f'VCSServer remote traceback {report.when}' report.sections.append((section, vcsserver_traceback)) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): # nottest marked, compare nose, used for transition from nose to pytest remaining = [ i for i in items if getattr(i.obj, '__test__', True)] items[:] = remaining # NOTE(marcink): custom test ordering, db tests and vcstests are slowes and should # be executed at the end for faster test feedback def sorter(item): pos = 0 key = item._nodeid if key.startswith('rhodecode/tests/database'): pos = 1 elif key.startswith('rhodecode/tests/vcs_operations'): pos = 2 return pos items.sort(key=sorter) def get_backends_from_metafunc(metafunc): requested_backends = set(metafunc.config.getoption('--backends')) backend_mark = metafunc.definition.get_closest_marker('backends') if backend_mark: # Supported backends by this test function, created from # pytest.mark.backends backends = backend_mark.args elif hasattr(metafunc.cls, 'backend_alias'): # Support class attribute "backend_alias", this is mainly # for legacy reasons for tests not yet using pytest.mark.backends backends = [metafunc.cls.backend_alias] else: backends = metafunc.config.getoption('--backends') return requested_backends.intersection(backends) def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): # Support test generation based on --backend parameter if 'backend_alias' in metafunc.fixturenames: backends = get_backends_from_metafunc(metafunc) scope = None if not backends: pytest.skip("Not enabled for any of selected backends") metafunc.parametrize('backend_alias', backends, scope=scope) backend_mark = metafunc.definition.get_closest_marker('backends') if backend_mark: backends = get_backends_from_metafunc(metafunc) if not backends: pytest.skip("Not enabled for any of selected backends")