var FlavoredCheckbox = (function($) { "use strict"; // makes Markdown FlavoredCheckbox interactive // `container` is either a DOM element, jQuery collection or selector containing // the Markdown content // `retriever` is a function being passed the respective checkbox and a // callback - the latter is expected to be called with the container's raw // Markdown source // `storer` is a function being passed the updated Markdown content, the // respective checkbox and a callback // both functions' are invoked with the respective `FlavoredCheckbox` instance as // execution context (i.e. `this`) // use like that:: // var retriever = function(checkbox, callback) { // var url = '/checkbox_update_url'; // $.get(url, callback); // } // // var storer = function(markdown_txt, checkbox, callback) { // var url = '/checkbox_update_url'; // $.ajax({ // type: "put", // url: url, // data: markdown_txt, // success: callback // }); // } // new FlavoredCheckbox("article", retriever, storer); function FlavoredCheckbox(container, retriever, storer) { this.container = container.jquery ? container : $(container); this.retriever = retriever; this.storer = storer; this._used_class = '.flavored_checkbox_list' var checkbox_objects = $(this._used_class, container); checkbox_objects.find(this.checkboxSelector).prop("disabled", false); var self = this; checkbox_objects.on("change", this.checkboxSelector, function() { var args =; args.push(self); self.onChange.apply(this, args); }); } FlavoredCheckbox.prototype.checkboxSelector = "> li > input:checkbox"; FlavoredCheckbox.prototype.onChange = function(ev, self) { var checkbox = $(this).prop("disabled", true); var index = $("ul" + self.checkboxSelector, self.container).index(this); var reactivate = function() { checkbox.prop("disabled", false); }; self.retriever(checkbox, function(markdown) { markdown = self.toggleCheckbox(index, markdown); self.storer(markdown, checkbox, reactivate); }); }; FlavoredCheckbox.prototype.toggleCheckbox = function(index, markdown) { var pattern = /^([*-]) \[([ x])\]/mg; // XXX: duplicates server-side logic!? var count = 0; return markdown.replace(pattern, function(match, prefix, marker) { if(count === index) { marker = marker === " " ? "x" : " "; } count++; return prefix + " [" + marker + "]"; }); }; return FlavoredCheckbox; }(jQuery));