# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012-2016 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import pylons import deform import logging import colander import peppercorn import webhelpers.paginate from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound, HTTPForbidden, HTTPBadRequest from pyramid.renderers import render from pyramid.response import Response from rhodecode.lib import auth from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, HasPermissionAllDecorator from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import safe_int from rhodecode.lib.helpers import Page from rhodecode.model.db import Repository, RepoGroup, Session, Integration from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel from rhodecode.model.integration import IntegrationModel from rhodecode.admin.navigation import navigation_list from rhodecode.translation import _ from rhodecode.integrations import integration_type_registry from rhodecode.model.validation_schema.schemas.integration_schema import ( make_integration_schema, IntegrationScopeType) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IntegrationSettingsViewBase(object): """ Base Integration settings view used by both repo / global settings """ def __init__(self, context, request): self.context = context self.request = request self._load_general_context() if not self.perm_check(request.user): raise HTTPForbidden() def _load_general_context(self): """ This avoids boilerplate for repo/global+list/edit+views/templates by doing all possible contexts at the same time however it should be split up into separate functions once more "contexts" exist """ self.IntegrationType = None self.repo = None self.repo_group = None self.integration = None self.integrations = {} request = self.request if 'repo_name' in request.matchdict: # in repo settings context repo_name = request.matchdict['repo_name'] self.repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name) if 'repo_group_name' in request.matchdict: # in group settings context repo_group_name = request.matchdict['repo_group_name'] self.repo_group = RepoGroup.get_by_group_name(repo_group_name) if 'integration' in request.matchdict: # integration type context integration_type = request.matchdict['integration'] self.IntegrationType = integration_type_registry[integration_type] if 'integration_id' in request.matchdict: # single integration context integration_id = request.matchdict['integration_id'] self.integration = Integration.get(integration_id) # extra perms check just in case if not self._has_perms_for_integration(self.integration): raise HTTPForbidden() self.settings = self.integration and self.integration.settings or {} self.admin_view = not (self.repo or self.repo_group) def _has_perms_for_integration(self, integration): perms = self.request.user.permissions if 'hg.admin' in perms['global']: return True if integration.repo: return perms['repositories'].get( integration.repo.repo_name) == 'repository.admin' if integration.repo_group: return perms['repositories_groups'].get( integration.repo_group.group_name) == 'group.admin' return False def _template_c_context(self): # TODO: dan: this is a stopgap in order to inherit from current pylons # based admin/repo settings templates - this should be removed entirely # after port to pyramid c = pylons.tmpl_context c.active = 'integrations' c.rhodecode_user = self.request.user c.repo = self.repo c.repo_group = self.repo_group c.repo_name = self.repo and self.repo.repo_name or None c.repo_group_name = self.repo_group and self.repo_group.group_name or None if self.repo: c.repo_info = self.repo c.rhodecode_db_repo = self.repo c.repository_pull_requests = ScmModel().get_pull_requests(self.repo) else: c.navlist = navigation_list(self.request) return c def _form_schema(self): schema = make_integration_schema(IntegrationType=self.IntegrationType, settings=self.settings) # returns a clone, important if mutating the schema later return schema.bind( permissions=self.request.user.permissions, no_scope=not self.admin_view) def _form_defaults(self): defaults = {} if self.integration: defaults['settings'] = self.integration.settings or {} defaults['options'] = { 'name': self.integration.name, 'enabled': self.integration.enabled, 'scope': { 'repo': self.integration.repo, 'repo_group': self.integration.repo_group, 'child_repos_only': self.integration.child_repos_only, }, } else: if self.repo: scope = _('{repo_name} repository').format( repo_name=self.repo.repo_name) elif self.repo_group: scope = _('{repo_group_name} repo group').format( repo_group_name=self.repo_group.group_name) else: scope = _('Global') defaults['options'] = { 'enabled': True, 'name': _('{name} integration').format( name=self.IntegrationType.display_name), } defaults['options']['scope'] = { 'repo': self.repo, 'repo_group': self.repo_group, } return defaults def _delete_integration(self, integration): Session().delete(self.integration) Session().commit() self.request.session.flash( _('Integration {integration_name} deleted successfully.').format( integration_name=self.integration.name), queue='success') if self.repo: redirect_to = self.request.route_url( 'repo_integrations_home', repo_name=self.repo.repo_name) elif self.repo_group: redirect_to = self.request.route_url( 'repo_group_integrations_home', repo_group_name=self.repo_group.group_name) else: redirect_to = self.request.route_url('global_integrations_home') raise HTTPFound(redirect_to) def settings_get(self, defaults=None, form=None): """ View that displays the integration settings as a form. """ defaults = defaults or self._form_defaults() schema = self._form_schema() if self.integration: buttons = ('submit', 'delete') else: buttons = ('submit',) form = form or deform.Form(schema, appstruct=defaults, buttons=buttons) template_context = { 'form': form, 'current_IntegrationType': self.IntegrationType, 'integration': self.integration, 'c': self._template_c_context(), } return template_context @auth.CSRFRequired() def settings_post(self): """ View that validates and stores the integration settings. """ controls = self.request.POST.items() pstruct = peppercorn.parse(controls) if self.integration and pstruct.get('delete'): return self._delete_integration(self.integration) schema = self._form_schema() skip_settings_validation = False if self.integration and 'enabled' not in pstruct.get('options', {}): skip_settings_validation = True schema['settings'].validator = None for field in schema['settings'].children: field.validator = None field.missing = '' if self.integration: buttons = ('submit', 'delete') else: buttons = ('submit',) form = deform.Form(schema, buttons=buttons) if not self.admin_view: # scope is read only field in these cases, and has to be added options = pstruct.setdefault('options', {}) if 'scope' not in options: options['scope'] = IntegrationScopeType().serialize(None, { 'repo': self.repo, 'repo_group': self.repo_group, }) try: valid_data = form.validate_pstruct(pstruct) except deform.ValidationFailure as e: self.request.session.flash( _('Errors exist when saving integration settings. ' 'Please check the form inputs.'), queue='error') return self.settings_get(form=e) if not self.integration: self.integration = Integration() self.integration.integration_type = self.IntegrationType.key Session().add(self.integration) scope = valid_data['options']['scope'] IntegrationModel().update_integration(self.integration, name=valid_data['options']['name'], enabled=valid_data['options']['enabled'], settings=valid_data['settings'], repo=scope['repo'], repo_group=scope['repo_group'], child_repos_only=scope['child_repos_only'], ) self.integration.settings = valid_data['settings'] Session().commit() # Display success message and redirect. self.request.session.flash( _('Integration {integration_name} updated successfully.').format( integration_name=self.IntegrationType.display_name), queue='success') # if integration scope changes, we must redirect to the right place # keeping in mind if the original view was for /repo/ or /_admin/ admin_view = not (self.repo or self.repo_group) if self.integration.repo and not admin_view: redirect_to = self.request.route_path( 'repo_integrations_edit', repo_name=self.integration.repo.repo_name, integration=self.integration.integration_type, integration_id=self.integration.integration_id) elif self.integration.repo_group and not admin_view: redirect_to = self.request.route_path( 'repo_group_integrations_edit', repo_group_name=self.integration.repo_group.group_name, integration=self.integration.integration_type, integration_id=self.integration.integration_id) else: redirect_to = self.request.route_path( 'global_integrations_edit', integration=self.integration.integration_type, integration_id=self.integration.integration_id) return HTTPFound(redirect_to) def index(self): """ List integrations """ if self.repo: scope = self.repo elif self.repo_group: scope = self.repo_group else: scope = 'all' integrations = [] for integration in IntegrationModel().get_integrations( scope=scope, IntegrationType=self.IntegrationType): # extra permissions check *just in case* if not self._has_perms_for_integration(integration): continue integrations.append(integration) sort_arg = self.request.GET.get('sort', 'name:asc') if ':' in sort_arg: sort_field, sort_dir = sort_arg.split(':') else: sort_field = sort_arg, 'asc' assert sort_field in ('name', 'integration_type', 'enabled', 'scope') integrations.sort( key=lambda x: getattr(x[1], sort_field), reverse=(sort_dir=='desc')) page_url = webhelpers.paginate.PageURL( self.request.path, self.request.GET) page = safe_int(self.request.GET.get('page', 1), 1) integrations = Page(integrations, page=page, items_per_page=10, url=page_url) template_context = { 'sort_field': sort_field, 'rev_sort_dir': sort_dir != 'desc' and 'desc' or 'asc', 'current_IntegrationType': self.IntegrationType, 'integrations_list': integrations, 'available_integrations': integration_type_registry, 'c': self._template_c_context(), 'request': self.request, } return template_context def new_integration(self): template_context = { 'available_integrations': integration_type_registry, 'c': self._template_c_context(), } return template_context class GlobalIntegrationsView(IntegrationSettingsViewBase): def perm_check(self, user): return auth.HasPermissionAll('hg.admin').check_permissions(user=user) class RepoIntegrationsView(IntegrationSettingsViewBase): def perm_check(self, user): return auth.HasRepoPermissionAll('repository.admin' )(repo_name=self.repo.repo_name, user=user) class RepoGroupIntegrationsView(IntegrationSettingsViewBase): def perm_check(self, user): return auth.HasRepoGroupPermissionAll('group.admin' )(group_name=self.repo_group.group_name, user=user)